Anonymous started attacking Russia, DDoS government site – LLODO

In the context of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the Hacker Anonymous group claims to have taken down several Russian government websites and – the website of the Russian state-controlled television network.

This hacker group made an announcement on + yesterday, with the content that Anonymous is engaged in a ‘cyber war’ against the Russian government.

anonymous ddos ​​Nga

Anonymous claimed responsibility on Thursday night for the cyberattacks that brought down several Russian government websites – in retaliation for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russian state news site confirmed the denial of service (DDoS) attacks, but the attack was stopped shortly after.

Some websites have been crashed and disrupted by Anonymous, such as those of the Russian government, the Kremlin, the Duma and the Ministry of Defense. In addition to, this hacker group also carried out distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against the websites of Russian internet service providers such as Com2Com, Relcom, Sovam Teleport and PTT- Teleport Moscow.

Various Anonymous accounts have used the hashtags #OpRussia and #OpKremlin on Twitter, similar to the #OpISIS campaign a few years ago to attack the terrorist organization ISIS.

Don’t be surprised why there are so many Anonymous accounts on Twitter, because they are a decentralized Hacker group and no one knows anyone, but can be easily recognized when they have the same attack goal and share the same hashtag. when launching an offensive campaign.

Ukraine accuses Russia of being behind the cyber attack

Earlier, Ukraine claimed that Russia was behind major cyberattacks on government websites and several banks and other information technology companies.

“Russian malware used to attack Ukraine’s network, designed to look like ransomware but without a ransom recovery mechanism, with the aim of destroying data in Ukrainian servers.” This information was announced by Microsoft in a blog post, describing the attack against Ukraine.

According to some information from the Dark Web, the Russian side took advantage of the tension to post ads to sell Ukrainian citizen data. The actions created a crisis from real life to cyberspace, and created a wave of overwhelming Ukrainian authorities.

Cyber ​​attack is one of the means used in modern warfare, the danger of cyberwar can destroy the industrial infrastructure of a country.

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