There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not? – LLODO

To steal money from a user’s card, a hacker usually needs two pieces of information: the user’s information stored in the card through a magnetic stripe and the PIN number. There are three common types of devices for doing this.

The first can be mentioned is a device that steals card information that is attached to the card slot to steal information. When the user inserts the card into the slot, the device will read the user information and pass it to the hacker.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 1.

The second is a hidden camera to steal PIN codes. It is usually located in many places, such as above the keyboard or above the screen. These cameras are usually very small and difficult to detect. Sometimes they are so small that they can be hidden in a small hole in an ATM.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 2.

Finally, there is a dummy input desk used to record the user’s pin code. It is often placed on top of the real keyboard in a very clever way.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 3.

Identifying devices that steal card information is not easy because they are almost identical to a regular ATM in terms of shape, color and material. However, you may observe unusual signs such as cracks, scratches or discoloration near the card insertion area. Also, look for unusual devices that don’t match the same color or design at ATMs.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 4.

Cracks, scratches and other signs of mechanical damage to the ATM.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 5.

Any unrelated or inexplicable features on an ATM.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 6.

Differences in the shape, material, color or line of an ATM.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 7.

Protruding parts on the card slot or the card slot are not flat.

So how to protect your account from hackers?

Checking every ATM you use is a time-consuming process. But this does not mean that there is no way to protect your card against scammers. To keep the risk to a minimum, follow these simple rules:

Use a card with a chip instead of a black magnetic stripe. Currently, devices that steal card information cannot decode information on chips like this.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 8.

Please subscribe to the service of notification of account changes via text message. This way if an unusual transaction arises, you will know immediately to proceed to deactivate the account in time.

There are many ways hackers steal your money from ATMs and this is how to know if the ATM is being used by crooks or not?  - Photo 9.

Cover the keyboard with your hand as you enter your PIN. This can prevent the hidden camera from recording your pin. Also, use reputable ATMs and ATMs located in well-protected areas, such as in the bank’s own branches, as these are often upgraded with more frequent security systems. Limit the use of old and suspicious ATMs. Limit the region you use the card and use a separate card when you are abroad.

Reference: Brightside time time

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