realme is the fastest growing smartphone company in Europe, far ahead of all other brands – LLODO

The European smartphone market is gradually recovering after a long time fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and challenges surrounding component shortages. The market recorded a 1% year-over-year increase in smartphone shipments in 2021, a positive change from the 7% decline recorded in 2020.

While this modest growth is a welcome sign, it’s also a reminder that the market hasn’t come back strong yet, with smartphone shipments far below 2019 levels. , a brand that has certainly had a year worth celebrating.

realme is the fastest growing smartphone company in Europe, far ahead of all other brands - Photo 1.

Counterpoint Research VP Jan Stryjak said “With the difficulties overcome in 2020, it is not surprising that most manufacturers are growing in Europe in 2021. However, realme really stood out as having had the best year since when entering this market and has far ahead of others, becoming the fastest-growing brand in Europe in 2021.”

realme only entered the European market in June 2019 and quickly gained popularity among users.

realme shipments have increased six times in 2020 compared to 2019 and realme has succeeded in building a user base in Europe with affordable devices, especially in Eastern Europe (worth it) most notably Poland and the Czech Republic) and Western European markets such as Italy, Greece and Spain.

In 2021, the company continues to reach new heights, with an annual growth of 280%, becoming the fastest growing smartphone brand in Europe, surpassing OPPO (70%), Xiaomi (43%), Apple ( 10%) and Samsung (2%).

realme is the fastest growing smartphone company in Europe, far ahead of all other brands - Photo 2.

This growth helps realme establish itself as the 5th largest smartphone brand in Europe, climbing to five positions in 2021 by surpassing Wiko, Motorola, Alcatel, HONOR and Huawei.

realme is the fastest growing smartphone company in Europe, far ahead of all other brands - Photo 3.

Not only that, in Q4/2021, realme accounted for nearly 6% of total European smartphone shipments (up from 2.5% in Q3 2021), so the future looks very promising for Realme.

However, realme needs to do more to keep climbing, as the top 5 are very solid brands. realme not only goes head-to-head with Apple and Samsung but also with fellow Chinese brands like Xiaomi and even OPPO.

Reference: Counterpoint

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