Russia announced to stop selling rocket engines to the US, Elon Musk immediately responded harshly – LLODO

According to Reuterson Thursday, Russia announced it had stopped selling rocket engines to the US in response to sanctions.

“In a situation like this, we can’t give the US our best rocket engines in the world. Let them fly on something else, like their broom, I’m not sure either. what is it”, The director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, said on state television.

Rogozin claims that since the 1990s, Russia has delivered 122 RD-180 engines to the US, and 98 have been used. As part of the decision, Russia will stop servicing the rocket engines, meaning that 24 unused engines will not be able to function without Russia’s support. Also on the same day, Roscosmos announced that it will no longer cooperate with Germany on research at the International Space Station ISS.

But shortly after, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk posted a video of his Falcon 9 rocket launching 47 Starlink satellites into orbit. And he tweeted: “American brooms”.

Russia announced to stop selling rocket engines to the US, Elon Musk immediately responded sharply - Photo 1.

Earlier, Musk activated SpaceX’s satellite internet system in Ukraine in response to a request from the country’s leadership. This businessman has even publicly given advice to Ukraine on the best way to stay connected to the Internet in the current context.

Specifically, the CEO of SpaceX announced that the company has updated the Starlink software to “Maximum power consumption is reduced, so Starlink can be powered from a car charger.” And he added: “Mobile roaming is enabled, so the phased antenna can maintain the signal while the vehicle is moving.”

Earlier in the day, on Wednesday, Elon Musk also mocked Rogozin, after the Roscosmos director questioned why the businessman was providing Starlink to Ukraine.

“Ukrainian civil internet has had a strange problem – perhaps due to bad weather? So SpaceX is helping fix it.” Musk responded on the Russian politician’s Twitter.

Russia announced to stop selling rocket engines to the US, Elon Musk immediately responded harshly - Photo 2.

Elon Musk has sent a truck full of Starlink equipment to Ukraine, as confirmed by Minister Mykhailo Fedorov.

Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s minister of digital transformation, also took to Twitter to ask Elon Musk how to use the Starlink device effectively, in case the electrical power source is in short supply and a generator must be used.

Musk replied that solar panels and battery packs would be better than generators in powering his terminals. At the same time, he also added that solar energy will not leave “heat or smoke symbols and do not run out of fuel.”

But Mr. Fedorov still wonders if solar panels will be effective in cases of bad weather, cloudy skies or surrounded by smoke. SpaceX CEO immediately reassured, he replied that despite being “hidden” but solar energy “works better than one might think”.

“We will keep you informed as we roll out more Starlinks across the country. Thanks again for helping us with (Starlink) – this will save a lot of lives,” Mr. Fedorov retweeted.

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