No Way Home until the release date – LLODO

When Marvel Studios confirmed the third solo Spider-Man movie would explore the multiverse theme, fans immediately thought of the return of the two previous Spider-Mans, played by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. role play. When this studio continues to reveal a series of old villains who have all reappeared at the same time, their theory becomes more reasonable and convincing than ever.

After all, it is true that Tobey and Andrew are both present in Spider-Man: No Way Home, as 2 Spideys from other universes. However, in order to completely preserve this information until the date of release, Marvel and Sony had to apply all kinds of tricks, from carefully editing every official trailer of the movie, to the “catch” the actors involved to “deceive” to deceive the media and the audience.

The trick is called a fake trailer, wiping out all traces of Tobey and Andrew in the biggest battle of Spider-Man: No Way Home

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Marvel fans in general and the MCU in particular often jokingly say to each other that never fully trust the trailers that this studio releases. There have been many times when they incorporated details that were not present in the official release to deceive the audience and create excitement in their large fan community. However, with the trailer of Spider-Man: No Way Home, the “creepy” level of Marvel Studios seems to have been raised to a new level.

In it, it is impossible not to mention the final battle between the 3 Spider-Man guys and the big villain series. The trailer editing team cleverly erased all traces of Tobey and Andrew, making the audience mistakenly believe that Tom Holland’s Spidey had to confront Electro, Lizard and Sandman alone. The 2 old Spider-Man guys seem to have evaporated from every frame they were in in this movie.

Of course, fans will never accept the fact that a Spider-Man movie in the multiverse does not have the return of previous Peter Parker versions. And so they began to analyze and scrutinize this trailer, hoping to find even the most fragile evidence.

Gradually, a keen-eyed fan discovered an anomaly, when Lizard was hit in the face by an “invisible character” while rushing towards Spider-Man (you can learn more about it here). ). Sony and Marvel then cleverly tweaked this detail to make the trailer as convincing as possible, but their actions only reinforced the theory of Tobey and Andrew’s return.

Andrew Garfield deserves an Oscar for his ability to lie without changing his face, denying his existence to the end in Spider-Man: No Way Home

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The marketing campaigns for Spider-Man: No Way Home took place quite loudly, but absolutely no one said a word about the return of Andrew and Tobey. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and Sony Pictures Entertainment president Amy Pascal always dodge questions related to the two old Spiders. Tom Holland, who is known as the “spoiler saint” of the MCU, also pretended to be naive, saying that he didn’t know if Tobey and Andrew would appear or not. The young actor even shared that he really wanted to make a work with all 3 versions of Spider-Man, but this is very unlikely.

However, the most skillful liar is probably Andrew Garfield. The actor couldn’t directly participate in the promotional campaigns for Spider-Man: No Way Home, but he kept receiving questions regarding his return. Under pressure from the media and the audience, Andrew still calmly denied everything, saying that all his videos and images in the Spider-Man suit were just photoshopped products.

In a recent interview, the actor revealed that to make sure he doesn’t accidentally reveal confidential information, he temporarily considers his life as a game of Werewolf – a game in which players must cleverly lying to hide his identity. Andrew hasn’t even shared about his and Tobey’s return with even those closest to him, including his old muse “Gwen Stacy” Emma Stone. As one of the people who is “interrogated” the most, but Andrew still shows his bravery and ingenuity to keep a secret until the last minute.

Confirming the return of a series of old villains: Marvel and Sony’s moves are too high

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Instead of revealing information regarding Tobey and Andrew, Marvel and Sony confirmed the return of Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Lizard, Electro and Green Goblin, all of which were played by the same actors. This can be considered a very smart move to help Spider-Man: No Way Home quickly become one of the most anticipated works of 2021, discussed for many months on the largest social networking sites. .

This strategy confuses fans even more, because it’s clear that Marvel has no intention of hiding their ideas for the multiverse theme in their blockbuster. Gradually, fans will form the following mentality: If they have confirmed that the old villains have all returned, there is no reason why they should hide the return of the two previous Spider-Man guys. However, both Marvel and Sony did not mention that issue, causing many people to give up their hopes.

According to Tom Holland, this was originally the plan of Spider-Man: No Way Home, because during the promotion, this movie seemed to focus only on the MCU’s Peter Parker and Doctor Strange. That makes some fans think that the old villains only play a “background” role, hiding a more terrible final boss that will be revealed when the movie is released, and the old versions of Spider-Man do not appear. Now it’s also understandable.

Does Marvel and Sony’s plan really work?

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If “effectiveness” here is measured by revenue, then it is clear that Spider-Man: No Way Home has achieved unexpected success. Up to now, this film has earned more than 1.8 billion USD from the box office around the world (according to Box Office Mojo). In the United States, No Way Home has surpassed Avatar to become the 3rd highest-grossing film in history, behind only Star Wars: The Force Awaken and Avengers: Endgame.

There are so many reasons for audiences to have to go to theaters to enjoy the MCU’s third solo movie for Spider-Man. First, they wanted to know what would happen next when Spider-Man’s identity was revealed at the end of Far From Home – a novel script idea that had never been explored on the big screen before. And more importantly, they wanted to test for themselves the question Marvel had been planting in their minds for months: Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return as Spidey.

According to ScreenRant tan-ngay-cong-chieu-20220306100058944.chn

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