Female Youtuber broke into the abandoned aquarium, the scene inside is creepy – LLODO

If in Vietnam we have Youtuber Nguyen Hoang Nam, (Challenge Me – Challenge Me), then in France there is also a Youtube channel specializing in making videos of discovering strange places:

Juj’ Urbex, a 24-year-old French YouTuber, introduces herself as a young adventurer. However, she has had up to 4 years of passion to explore abandoned places.

On Urbex’s Youtube channel, you can find videos of her walking into the radiation exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, followed by a series of old castles, hotels, amusement parks and parks. deserted.


In her new video, Urbex breaks into an aquarium in Spain, where she captures astonishing images of the mummified remains of a zombie-like shark, along with a host of sea creatures. abandoned since 2014, dead and still decomposing.

The image you are seeing above is a small coral shark. It was housed in a glass cabinet, which, with its normal size, could be guessed as a display cabinet for fish carcasses.

Before this aquarium was abandoned and the glass cabinet was broken, it is possible that the shark’s carcass was completely immersed in a formaldehyde bath to preserve it intact.

However, once the cabinet is broken, the solution to preserve the carcass will leak out, causing the shark’s carcass to begin to slowly rot. It looks like a zombie now.


The aquarium shark was still open.


Here is its current state.

It’s spooky. Take a look at what I just found, you’ll be shocked!“, Urbex said.Like this shark for example, it’s impressive. But I feel very sad for this monster.”

In the video, Urbex said she found out why the aquarium was abandoned. Accordingly, in 2014, a tsunami up to 13 meters high hit this site, causing significant damage to this aquarium that forced them to move to a new location.

All of the aquarium’s valuable artifacts have been moved there, but less noticeable animals will be left behind. Given its relatively small size, the coral shark is clearly one of them.


But this is not the first time a shark carcass has been found in an abandoned aquarium. And it’s not always just the tiny sharks that are left behind.

In 2018, another young Australian explorer named Luke Mcpherson broke into an abandoned park near Melbourne and discovered the mummified remains of a shark up to 5 meters long.

Mcpherson estimates the shark must have weighed up to 2 tons, and it has even been kept intact in a formaldehyde tank since the park was abandoned.


After posting a video of this fish on social networks, Mcpherson has attracted more than 11 million views and hundreds of people immediately flocked to Wildlife Wonderland Park, where the shark was found to be admired. it.

The shark’s crowding eventually led to a rescue operation, even though the shark died.


Back with the shark at the aquarium in Spain, Urbex this time has learned from experience. She did not reveal the location of this aquarium, on the one hand to avoid imitating other adventurers visiting the place, but also to avoid legal trouble.

Legally, breaking into an abandoned location, but still owned by another legal entity, may not be allowed.

In addition to the shark, Urbex also found many horror artifacts in an abandoned aquarium in Spain. In a small glass jar, there was the carcass of a decomposed squid.


There are two still intact vases containing dead octopus samples. But if you pick them up and shake them, these octopuses can still move the tentacles vividly as if they were still alive.

An equally creepy find is a replica of a giant squid. The squid appearing in Urbex’s hazy flashlight can make you scream in confusion. But actually it’s just a fake template made of foam.


Urbex said the squid was probably hanging from the ceiling, but fell to the floor after the aquarium deteriorated. However, this place also displayed real giant squid samples, not just fake ones.

Explore the abandoned aquarium with Juj’ Urbex

Currently, Urbex’s expedition into an abandoned aquarium in Spain has received more than 666,000 views on YouTube. She also made a short video on Tiktok introducing the shark, and it has received more than 5 million views.

“The shark is very impressive, so it will certainly attract many people“, Urbex said. She will no doubt be looking for other interesting places to introduce to her loyal audience.

Refer to Livescience


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