Everything from big to small is decided by Elon Musk alone, there is no PR department, all information is posted by the CEO on Twitter – LLODO

According to Techcrunch, to a certain extent, any company, including electric car company Tesla, also needs a Tim Cook – CEO to single-handedly help Apple be in the top of the world’s most valuable companies.

The 'authoritarian' working environment at Tesla: Everything from big to small is decided by Elon Musk alone, without a PR room, all information posted by the CEO on Twitter - Photo 1.

Tesla needs a Tim Cook

This news site believes that, currently, Tesla, with its hierarchical operating system, does not have a clear heir. No one is ready to take over this giant electric car empire if Elon Musk one day suddenly announces his departure from the CEO chair to focus on developing another project. Tesla is Musk, and it seems that everything that happens to Tesla needs Musk’s hand. In other words, Tesla can’t stop Elon Musk right now.

Tesla does not currently have a PR department. All information is posted by Elon Musk on his personal Twitter account. He admits that most of what he has built so far is “not because I want to, but because I have to.”

Authoritarian working environment at Tesla: Everything from big to small is decided by Elon Musk alone, without a PR department, all information posted by the CEO on Twitter - Photo 1.

Elon Musk admits that most of what he has built so far is “not because I want to, but because I have to”.

The fact that Tesla is involved in building and developing by the world’s richest billionaire is said to be very good, but if the future of this car company is solely based on products that are gradually losing their unique position, only one the only leader who will most likely make this “king” give up the “throne”.

Elon Musk’s arbitrary decision to turn Tesla into a semi-autonomous car factory is an example. This CEO quickly realized this was a big mistake because they caused Model 3 production to slow down and could not meet the number of customers’ pre-orders. What Tesla regretted the most at that time, perhaps, was that Elon Musk did not have many effective hands to be able to come up with the most perfect development plan.

Is Elon Musk creating a “toxic” work environment?

It is true that Tesla currently maintains high growth momentum, quarterly profits and orders are at record numbers, but the company still faces many problems related to safety. whole vehicle. Elon Musk alone will be difficult to cover the entire operation of this not-so-perfect machine.

Meanwhile, the only thing Tesla is left with are tweets.

Tesla does not have a communications department, so all information is communicated through the official accounts of Tesla or Elon Musk. It would not be worth mentioning if this CEO’s Twitter only revolved around the topic of work. Instead, there are too many “jokes” going on on the platform, from manipulating meme stock purchases to tweets filled with political contradictions, thereby invisibly diluting news stories. news about Tesla.

Authoritarian working environment at Tesla: Everything from big to small is decided by Elon Musk alone, without a PR department, all information posted by the CEO on Twitter - Photo 2.

Business Insider previously quoted a former Tesla manager as saying that Elon Musk is creating a “toxic” work environment with “impossibly high” goals, but has no specific plan to achieve them. get them.

In response, Elon Musk only affirmed: “If investors know my workload at Tesla, they will be quite worried. It’s not that I want to, it’s that the company needs to get things done.”

According to CNBC, in 2018, many former or current employees at Tesla commented that Musk’s radicalization had negatively affected the company. They think that he attaches great importance to details.

In fact, when asked why he didn’t share a lot of work with employees, Musk only replied that he couldn’t find the right person to assign the work. Employee efforts never seem to be enough to satisfy the workaholic of the billionaire who used to spend up to 100 hours a week devoted to Tesla and SpaceX.

This may be one of the reasons why Tesla has a high rate of director turnover. According to AllianceBernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi, the turnover rate of executives working for Musk reached 44% in the first nine months of 2019.

The authoritarian working environment at Tesla: Everything from big to small is decided by Elon Musk alone, without a PR department, all information posted by the CEO on Twitter - Photo 3.

“At this rate, the entire team of directors of more than 150 people could be gone in less than four years. The high turnover rate not only causes a lot of instability, but also shows concerns about the direction and working environment of the company, “said expert Sacconaghi.

Tesla needs to be like Apple

For the sake of the company, Tesla needs to look to a more distant future – a time when Elon Musk is no longer at the helm. What happens to Apple will be a valuable lesson.

For many years, Apple’s business was deeply tied to Steve Jobs – the man who helped the company escape the brink of bankruptcy and ushered in a new revolution for the smartphone. It can be said that without Jobs, there is no Apple. But a company cannot be ruled by one person forever.

Tim Cook joined Apple in 1998 as senior vice president of global operations at Apple. In 2011, he was appointed CEO, then helped Apple more than double revenue and profit.

Authoritarian working environment at Tesla: Everything from big to small is decided by Elon Musk alone, without a PR department, all information posted by the CEO on Twitter - Photo 4.

Cook did not have the courage or vision of Steve Jobs. Instead, he hires people who are smart and talented enough to do the work for him while ensuring that Apple continues to be profitable and deliver quality products to the market.

Many people think that Tesla needs a Tim Cook like that. The electric car maker needs a leader that can continue to launch EVs packed with exciting features, while still ensuring that vehicles are delivered on time without problems. Like it or not, Tesla’s competitors are closing the gap and are more than happy to invite Model 3 owners to switch to their products. Therefore, one day, if not properly “nourished”, Tesla’s “banyan tree” will most likely not be able to keep the “crown” for itself.

https://cafebiz.vn/moi-truong-lam-viec-doc-doan-o-tesla-moi-chuyen-tu-to-toi-nho-deu-do-1-minh-elon-musk-quyet- khong-co-phong-pr-moi-thong-tin-do-ceo-dang-len-twitter-2022030720092614.chn

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