There is wifi, a USB charging port that is full of gas, a lot of bonuses and commendable utilities – LLODO

In the midst of the rising price of gasoline with the price of gold, electric cars suddenly became the top concern of many people. In case you don’t have enough money to buy an electric motorbike or an electric car, now, just spend 7K and you can roam around the streets of Saigon on a spacious car with up to 25 seats – ie electric bus.

Previously, Vinbus electric buses appeared in Hanoi last year and only started operating in Saigon on March 9. Webuy also immediately “booked” a ticket to make a trip to see if there was any difference compared to the regular bus. And below is our experience from A – Z.

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 1.
Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 1.

Information on the route of electric buses in Saigon (Screenshot)

We arrived at the Saigon bus station at 2pm. This bus station is quite empty, so the number of people getting on the bus is not much – contrary to our initial thought, it is a new car, so the number of curious guests who want to experience will be more.

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 2.

With large window glass, covering both sides of the car with “eco” green paint, it is easy to recognize Vinbus at the bus station.

After getting on the bus, you can buy tickets with cash, swipe your card with the POS machine, or you can buy tickets online in advance.

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 4.

Space in the car

The car includes 24 seats and 2 seats for the disabled. The number of seats is quite small compared to regular buses, the distance between the seats is quite far. Combined with super large windows and air conditioning, it brings a very spacious and cool feeling. The interior design is quite similar to the passenger and luggage transfer car at the airport.

The car does not have an unpleasant gasoline smell, the space is cool and spacious. The car is wide so there is a lot of space for luggage.

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 6.

Seating area for the disabled is located right next to the exit in the middle of the car

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 9.

This is located close to the door to get on and off the car, when opened, it will become a bridge to bring the wheelchair up more easily. In addition, the body of the car also has a self-lowering mode when passengers get on and off. When we went, we did not see this mode, but in fact, basically, the chassis is already very low, getting up and down is very easy.

There are many columns and hooks on the car to hold hands. The ceiling of the car hangs 2 large screens to display information and even has a text board to announce the upcoming station, beautiful and very convenient, especially the assistant driver will not waste time announcing in the style of … “run with rice”

When approaching the next station, the large screen will also run small letters to notify passengers

On each column, there will be a stop button to signal to get off the bus. In the priority seat position, there will be a pen that stops at a low position, the occupants only need to reach their hand to be able to press it – a notable plus compared to a regular bus. In addition, the priority seat also has an armrest that can be folded up/down

There is a camera at the front of the car, according to the company, this camera can record the driver’s expression to promptly detect signs of fatigue and expression of the driver while driving to ensure safety. for passengers. In addition, there is an additional camera in the middle of the car.

We appreciate that Vinbus has installed 2 cameras to ensure safety throughout the trip for passengers. Under the front camera, there is also a clock showing the time with information about the number of seats.

The driver’s seat is separated from the aisle, next to a screen displaying vehicle information. This screen also projects the image from the camera so that the driver can easily monitor the number of passengers

Practical experience when the car is running: Runs quite smoothly, has no smell, strong wifi and a USB charger that runs smoothly

The car runs quite smoothly, of course it cannot be completely “mute” as in our imagination, but the actual noise level is not significant. Except for the roads under repair, it will be a bit bumpy.

The car just ran, we took advantage of the hot test immediately wifi and USB charger. Fully furnished like a passenger car, in addition, the window sill is also large enough for you to put your phone, water bottle or some small items on it.

The distance between the rows of seats is very spacious, the most comfortable legroom is for the 1m5 assembly. There is wifi available in the car and a number of USB drives close to the seat for you to charge your phone. There is only a socket, so remember to bring your own charging cord.

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 13.

You can use unlimited Wifi, but will need to log in again after about 1 hour like at the airport. Wifi is quite strong, we play games, surf TikTok smoothly. Those who like to change the working atmosphere, just boldly bring a laptop, a phone to make an electric bus, work and enjoy the “chill” scenery at the same time.

Large windows for light and beautiful view, especially sitting close to the window does not feel hot. Of course, if the company adds a little curtain for the upcoming high season of Saigon, it will be even better.

Give up 7K to experience the first electric bus in Saigon: There is wifi, a fully-used USB charging port, a bonus with many commendable utilities - Photo 15.

Going through the tunnel crossing the Saigon River, the car will turn on the green light to increase the brightness inside the car. Look at “chill”.

According to the bus assistant, going all the way will take about 1 hour and 40 minutes, but actual experience shows that it will take longer, more than 2 hours / turn. Travel time between berths is about 10 minutes, each stop to pick up passengers is about 2 minutes.

However, guests at the wharf will have to wait 20 minutes for the next trip. Hopefully, the company will soon increase the number of vehicles so that the waiting time is reduced to about 10 minutes/trip like a regular bus.

Bonus: Does sitting on the electric bus get motion sickness?

As premium members of the car sickness association, we are often haunted by the smell of gasoline and the sudden vibrations and brakes on the bus – the main cause of motion sickness. With an electric bus, you don’t have to worry about the smell of gasoline, the space is spacious, so the experience is quite comfortable. The car runs quite smoothly, only shaking when going through the roads under repair, but don’t be foolish to sit in the opposite direction when the car shakes because this type of car will get drunk.

And another cool thing about this trip is that when we get on / off the bus, we will all be greeted and thanked by the staff. Very cute, plus points for the electric bus!


In general, Webuy evaluates that electric buses will become the preferred choice of Saigon people when possessing more plus points in space, technology and convenience than regular buses, even though the fare is similar. The current ticket price is only 7K / time or 3K / time for students (free for the elderly, disabled people, children under 1m3 and some subjects according to regulations). In addition, you can buy a monthly or weekly ticket for a more comfortable ride.

Currently, electric buses operate from 5am to 9:15pm every day with a frequency of 20 minutes/trip, departing from Saigon bus station (District 1) or Ton Duc Thang University (Q7). cuc-much-tien-ich-dang-praise-20220310031352011.chn

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