CRM – “strategic brains” of businesses in the digital era – LLODO

One of the outstanding lessons when the wave of digital transformation affects businesses is the change from “good customer relationship is the advantage”, to “good customer relationship is everything”. And CRM solutions play an important role in this process in the digital environment.


CRM – The “brain” of business strategy and understanding customers in the digital environment

The article “Keys to keeping in touch with customers in the digital world” on the DestinationCRM site uses the phrase “The Art of Listening” when referring to the importance of understanding the wants and needs of customers. . The article quotes Nina Brakel, Head of Customer Experience at Frontify – a company providing a corporate brand management platform:

“You need a 360-degree view of your business; you can’t just rely on a vision of the future when building customer relationships, you have to have a thorough understanding of what your customers need and want. ‘thinking’ that they already know well customers see you’ve really listened to them.”

So, have Vietnamese businesses really paid attention to this issue, especially in the period when the wave of digital transformation is strongly urging? According to unofficial statistics, 80% of customer data at Vietnamese businesses is lost, 78% of businesses miss the opportunity to convert into transactions because they do not correctly analyze customer needs. That is also the reason why CRM (Customer Relationship Management Software) has become a frequently mentioned phrase in the past 2 years, when the race between businesses is no longer simply creating brand identity, but turns into a battle of sales performance & lead capture.

According to statistics, the value of the global CRM technology sector is estimated to be worth nearly $129 billion by 2028, equivalent to a compound annual growth rate of 12.1% over the next 7 years. This number reflects the big picture of the perception of the business, as well as the importance of effectively exploiting the “gold mine” of customer information. It can be said that CRM plays the role of “headquarters”, both recording, classifying and managing information about customer tastes, and helping to establish advertising (communication) & sales (forward relationship) strategies. official), in order to achieve the expected profit target.

Turn customer data into a real “gold mine” thanks to CRM

The importance of CRM is indisputable. However, it is necessary to mention the quality of customer data and management methods, which are not the strengths of Vietnamese enterprises. Statistics show that 91% of data in CRM is forecasted to be incomplete, old or duplicate every year.

The cause of the above problem is a fairly common phenomenon with Vietnamese businesses: Thanks to the use of an integrated tool, customer data is collected, but the system lacks the most important “piece” which is the Specialized software for sorting and analyzing data. Therefore, business owners, even though they have data resources, are wasting them with an annual loss rate of nearly 100%!

The biggest names in the market for providing data management software such as Salesforce CRM, although leading in the number of features, are not an option that most Vietnamese businesses dare to invest in. Because the overwhelming number of features inadvertently puts businesses in difficult operating situations. In addition, the technical requirements of systems like Salesforce CRM require personnel in charge of operations to have a certain level of expertise, which SME businesses rarely have.


The platform that accompanies businesses to turn customer data into a true “gold mine”

As a result, domestic platforms with unmatched functionality and in-depth technical support like Bizfly CRM can become the optimal choice for businesses. Bizfly CRM provides the ability to “collect information on every touchpoint” such as: Automatically update and collect potential customers from website, fanpage and synchronous lead collection channels to CRM; At the same time, check for duplicate information and can transfer potential customers to sales in real time, helping the process of approaching customers take place quickly and professionally.

Besides the basic information of customers according to traditional customer classifications such as age, gender, geography… Bizfly CRM can analyze and show behavior that reflects the detailed needs of customers. such as marketing preferences, timing, and shopping preferences. From there, the scenario of taking care and keeping in touch with each customer is built by Bizfly CRM, and automatically deployed simultaneously via SMS, email, newsletter… This is the decisive step. in closing the deal or upselling, when the customer’s needs have been analyzed and clearly indicated by the system through data.

Which make-in-Vietnam CRM can Vietnamese businesses rely on?

The ability to build strategies and close relationships with salestech – martech software is a strong testament to the leadership role of CRM in business processes. Therefore, more and more businesses have invested in the CRM system right from the time of its establishment. Not only large corporations, Vietnamese SMEs are quite agile in the investment trend for CRM. Statistics show that 65% of businesses currently apply a CRM system within the first 5 years of establishment and development.

However, SME business executives can count on a “make-in-Vietnam” CRM, when solutions from foreign suppliers raise many questions about the convenience, as well as the cost. Enterprises must invest?

Built and developed by the technical team of VCCorp Joint Stock Company, Bizfly CRM offers a powerful set of features, and convenience in deployment and use thanks to the understanding of Vietnamese technology users over 15 years. year of service.


Bizfly CRM – Get information on every touch point between businesses and customers.

Choosing Bizfly CRM as data management software, businesses also have more options for sales solutions and care for interactions with consumers through the “ecosystem” of saletech – martech tools also provided by Bizfly. like Bizfly email, Bizfly SMS, Bizfly billing, Bizfly chat, Bizfly web, Bizfly app. Due to the same development team, Bizfly CRM easily integrates with the above tools, and is supported completely free of charge if you decide to make additional investments.

Data of Bizfly CRM software is stored on infrastructure using cloud computing technology, so that business owners can easily access and monitor business situation anywhere, via app or web.

As the digital transformation service brand of VCCorp Joint Stock Company, Bizfly has 15 years of experience in providing solutions for the market leading technology product ecosystem in the fields of communication, games, networking. social, advertising…

Bizfly CRM is one of the solutions in the comprehensive service ecosystem provided by Bizfly Saletech & Martech.

Bizfly CRM is an ultimate solution for businesses looking for a CRM option without the complexity of Salesforce at a reasonable cost. As a “make in Vietnam” software, Bizfly CRM provides the features that many Vietnamese businesses look for, and a user-friendly Vietnamese-language system in the country.

Learn more about Bizfly CRM platform here

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