Elon Musk mocked Bill Gates on Twitter again, refusing to cooperate because Gates planned to short sell Tesla shares – LLODO

Tensions between billionaires Elon Musk and Bill Gates continue to escalate, as Musk continues to add fuel to the fire. Last weekend, the 50-year-old billionaire posted a photo mocking the “beer belly” of the Microsoft co-founder. The vulgar content of the Twitter post received more than 1.1 million likes.

Elon Musk mocked Bill Gates on Twitter again, refusing to cooperate because Gates planned to short sell Tesla shares - Photo 1.

“If you want to get rid of an erection quickly.”

The post comes right after a conversation between Bill Gates and Elon Musk leaked on Twitter. Musk also immediately corrected that he did not personally release this conversation online, but the media got it through “your friend”.

The conversation shows that Gates and Musk plan to meet, until the elderly billionaire asks the old billionaire: “Do you still hold half a billion dollars of Tesla stock with the intention of selling short?Musk bluntly asked Gates if the 66-year-old billionaire believed in Tesla’s future.

Elon Musk mocked Bill Gates on Twitter again, refusing to cooperate because Gates planned to short sell Tesla shares - Photo 2.

The conversation was leaked online.

Mr. Gates replied “Sorry I haven’t made a final decision yet“, he also mentioned his intention to join hands for charity.

However, Elon Musk immediately responded harshly: “I’m so sorry, but I can’t take your philanthropic work seriously, when you’re still in a position to go short in Tesla, a company that is at the forefront of tackling climate change. climate change“.

Elon Musk mocked Bill Gates on Twitter again, refusing to cooperate because Gates planned to short sell Tesla shares - Photo 3.

Elon Musk and Bill Gates have a history of confrontation/

This is not the first time the two billionaires disagree, nor the first time Elon Musk bluntly attacked others on social networks. Bill Gates and Elon Musk exchanged words about vaccines in the context of the most intense SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, although both actively worked in anti-pandemic efforts.

Speaking to CNBC in 2020, Mr. Gatses commented: “He has nothing to do with vaccines. He makes great electric cars. And the rocket of the photo works fine. So he was allowed to say these words. I just hope you don’t get confused in an area you don’t know much about“.

The two billionaires have billions in common, which is a huge amount of money they use for charitable purposes every year. However, disagreements still arise from the individual decisions of each person. Certainly, with his unusual and hot temper, Elon Musk still won’t let go of the argument with the Microsoft co-founder.

https://genk.vn/elon-musk-lai-ca-khia-bill-gates-tren-twitter-tu-choi-hop-tac-do-gates-du-dinh-ban-khong-co-phieu- tesla-20220425110009322.chn

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