Director of Iowa Dept. of Education resigns after 3 months – LLODO BLOG

DES MOINES, IOWA — The Iowa Department of Education is welcoming a new director for the second time in 2023 after Governor Reynolds’ previous appointee has resigned after three months on the job.

On Thursday, the Governor’s office announced that Chad Aldis had resigned as director and would be replaced by McKenzie Snow. Aldis was hired in March to replace Ann Lebo. The news release announcing Snow’s hiring says Aldis is stepping down for family reasons. Aldis is an Iowa-native who came back to the state after working in Ohio.

Snow is a Kansas-native who worked for the Trump Administration’s Education Department under Secretary Betsy DeVos. “I’m confident that McKenzie Snow is the right leader for this promising time at the Department of Education. Her leadership experience over state education departments in both Virginia and New Hampshire, at the U.S. Department of Education, and for the White House has earned her the respect of educators and policymakers alike. She has worked to expand career and technical education opportunities that empower students to earn a credential or credit, implement the Science of Reading to drive literacy, and promote transparency and student-centered funding. She will be a tremendous asset as we continue to expand opportunity in Iowa’s education system,” Governor Reynolds said in a statement.

Progressive advocacy group Progress Iowa responded to the hiring of a former Trump White House official with a harsh assessment:

“Every parent wants their child to have the best possible education and the opportunity to thrive in school. Parents and students deserve a heck of a lot better at the Department of Education than someone who learned how to privatize and pillage our public schools working under former MAGA President Donald Trump and private school executive Betsy DeVos. We deserve someone who will support public education for every child and who ensures kids have the freedom to learn an honest, accurate education. Unfortunately, today’s hire proves Kim Reynolds is intent on continuing her attacks on parents, students, and our public schools.”

Matt Sinovic, Progress Iowa

Snow will begin her position on June 26th. Aldis will leave his position four days later.

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