Alcona Community Schools to open alternative education option for students

After over a decade of closing an alternative education setting, Alcona Community Schools is opening Claw Academy this fall, the district announced this week.

The academy will have students guided by mentors Joy Bullis and Shelly Hoffmeyer. The students will work on online classes at a personalized pace in the former alternative education location on campus, across the street from the high school, the district said in a news release.

Students enrolled in Claw Academy will have a personalized support schedule, including access to school success and mental health services to work toward graduation.

A significant focus of Claw Academy will be an emphasis that all students are strongly encouraged to have work-based learning or career and technical education up to three hours of their daily schedule.

Claw Academy already has an enrollment of more than 10 and the district only expects the enrollment to grow. All students will still be considered graduates of Alcona Community Schools.

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