Antoinette Carr- School of Education- Loyola University Maryland – LLODO BLOG

Educational Leadership
Affiliate Instructor


B.A.- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
M.S., CAS.- John Hopkins University 
Ed.D.- Instructional and Curriculum Leadership -Northcentral University 


Toni Carr, EdD, is an Affiliate Instructor with the School of Education, Graduate Studies. She has taught educational leadership courses at Loyola since 2018. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Maryland Baltimore and a Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Studies from Johns Hopkins. Additionally, she completed a Doctorate of Instructional and Curriculum Leadership from Northcentral University. Dr. Carr is an elementary principal with Anne Arundel County Public Schools. She also teaches graduate courses at McDaniel College and dissertation courses at the National University. Her research interests include integrating technology across the curriculum and developing the educational leadership capacity of staff. She enjoys attending and presenting at local, state, and international conferences.

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