Bill Gates is positive for COVID-19, is in isolation, but is optimistic because he has been vaccinated and ‘still has the Internet’ – LLODO

Bill Gates is being isolated after testing positive for COVID-19, according to the Twitter share of the Microsoft co-founder yesterday 10/5.

“I tested positive for COVID”Gates wrote in a tweet. “I am experiencing mild symptoms and am following the advice of experts by isolating until I get well again.”

Bill Gates is positive for COVID-19, is in isolation, but is optimistic because he has been vaccinated and

Gates added that he was “fortunate to be vaccinated and have access to excellent medical care and tests.”

Gates’ announcement of his positive test result comes less than two weeks after he said in an interview with The Times of London that wealth has helped him and those closest to him avoid contracting COVID-19.

“I have the perfect internet, big houses, a private jet and no risk of infection.” he said in an interview on May 1. “I can still see my children.”

As the co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this tech billionaire has spent billions of dollars bringing vaccines to developing countries, before the COVID-19 pandemic. And although Gates is not a scientist or a doctor, earlier this year he answered many questions about the pandemic on Twitter.

Gates said the biggest scientific breakthrough to end the pandemic would be better vaccines and potentially longer-lasting protection.

“Our vaccines have prevented serious illness and death very well, but they are missing two important things.” he said during a Q&A session in January. “First, they still allow infection and the duration seems to be limited. We need a vaccine that prevents reinfection and provides protection for many years.”

It is not clear how Bill Gates contracted COVID-19.

Gates also previously tweeted that his foundation will meet yesterday, for the first time in two years. But a spokesman for the foundation said the meeting was scheduled before Gates tested positive, adding that he did not attend the meeting.

“We will continue to work with our partners and do all we can to make sure none of us have to deal with a pandemic again.” Gates said in a tweet.

Refer Cnet internet-2022051110370895.chn

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