Tổng hợp lý thuyết bài tập áp dụng cụm động từ (phrasal verbs) có đáp án chi tiết tiếng anh lớp 12

Bài tập áp dụng

Bài tập






  1. It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held          
    1. over B. down c. up Đ. out
  2. I always run           of money before the end of the month.

`A. out B. back c. up D. down

  1. I’ve just spent two weeks looking           an aunt of mine who’s been ill.
    1. at B. for c. out for D. after
  2. I’ve always got           well with old people.
    1. off B. on c. in D. through
  3. It’s very cold in here. Do you mind if I turn           the heating?
    1. down B. away c. off D. on
  4. They’ve           a new tower where that old building used to be.
    1. put up B. put down c. pushed up D. pushed down
  5. Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he          up.
    1. came B. grew C. brought D. settled
  6. The bus only stops here to           passengers.
    1. put down B. get on C. get off D. pick up
  7. If anything urgent comes          , you can contact me at this number.
    1. across B. by C. up D. round
  8. Your daughter’s just started work, hasn’t she? How’s she getting           ?
    1. by B. on C. out D. in
  9. We had to turn            their invitation to lunch as we had a previous appointment.
    1. over B. out C. up D. down
  10. He died            heart disease.
    1. from B. because C. of D. in
  11. The elevator is not running today. It is            order.
    1. to B. out C. out of D. in
  12. I explained            him what it meant.
    1. to B. about C. over D. from
  13. Who will            the children while you go out to work?
    1. look for B. look up C. look after D. look at
  14. If you want to join this club, you must            this application form.
    1. make up B. write down C. do up D. fill in
  15. The water company will  have to             off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried


  1. take/ in B. cut/ out C. set/ up D. break/ to
  1. They were 30 minutes later because their car           down.
    1. got B. put C. cut D. broke
  2. That problem is            them. We can’t make        our mind yet.
    1. out off/ on B. up to/ up C. away from/ for D. on for/ off






A. turn on B. turn off C. go on D. look after

Exercise 2

  1. Please the light, it’s getting dark here.


  1. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn into
  1. The nurse has to the patients at the midnight.
    1. look after B. look up C. look at D. look for
  2. There is an inflation. The prices            
    1. are going on B. are going down C. are going over D. are going up
  3. Remember to           your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.
    1. take care B. take on C. take over D. take off
  4. You can           the new words in the dictionary.
    1. look for B. look after C. look up D. look at
  5. It’s cold outside           your coat.
    1. Put on B. Put down C. Put off D. Put into
  6. If you want to be healthy, you should           your bad habits in your lifestyles.
    1. give up B. call off C. break down D. get over
  7. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
    1. do B. let C. delay D. leave
  8. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.
    1. looked after B. taken after C. gone off D. got over
  9. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.
    1. went on B. went out C. went off D. went away
  10. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.
    1. take part in B. take over C. take place D. take care of
  11. Why do they            talking about money all the time?
    1. keep on B. give up C. take after D. stop by
  12. My father gave up smoking two years ago.
    1. liked B. continued C. stopped D. enjoyed
  13. The government hopes to            its plans for introducing cable TV.
    1. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on
  14. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to          the gas supply to the flat.
    1. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut up
  15. You go on ahead and then I’ll catch            you.
    1. along with B. forward to C. up with D. on to
  16. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.
    1. take after B. take place C. take away D. take on
  17. I’ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to try out my new tape recorder.
    1. resemble B. test C. arrive D. buy




  1. The national curriculum is made            of the following subjects: English, Maths, Chemistry and so on….
    1. from B. on C. up D. in
  2. Shy people often find it difficult to            group discussions.
    1. take place in B. take part in C. get on with D. get in touch with

Exercise 3

  1. “To give someone a ring” is to            
    1. call him up B. marry him C. admire him D. pick him up
  2. Because of heavy rain, the game was           for a few days.
    1. taken out B. put off C. set up D. gotten away
  3. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?
    1. go along B. count on C. keep away D. turn up
  4. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
    1. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up
  5. I do not use those things any more. You can           them away.
    1. get B. fall C. throw D. make
  6. At the station, we often see the sign “          for pickpockets”.
    1. Watch on B. Watch out C. Watch up D. Watch at
  7. The passengers had to wait because the plane          off one hour late.
    1. took B. turned C. cut D. made
  8. He           on many subjects at the meeting.
    1. held down B. held forth C. held good D. held over
  9. If I had not held him           , he would have beaten you soundly.
    1. back B. over C. by D. out
  10. Please let me            I promise not to do it again.
    1. off B. on C. up D. in
  11. He knows where the boy was hiding but he didn’t let            
    1. up B. off C. on D. in
  12. He promised to deliver the stuff today and has let us           again.
    1. up B. on C. off D. down
  13. It seems that the rain is letting            
    1. up B. on C. off D. in
  14. The traffic was held            by fog.
    1. up B. over C. back D. out
  15. Because of the heavy rain, today the meeting will be held           until next week.
    1. up B. back C. out D. over
  16. I would have been here sooner but the rain kept me           
    1. back B. from C. on D. up with
  17. Keep children            from the fire.
    1. in with B. from C. away D. back






A. touch with B. up with C. in with D. away from

  1. He promised to keep            us while he was abroad.
    1. in touch with B. up with C. in with D. away from
  2. I took            him at once, and we have been friends over since.
    1. after B. to C. over D. up

Exercise 4

  1. Our teacher told us that if we don’t          the environment, our grandchildren may not even be able to carry on living.
    1. look into B. look out for C. look after D. look for
  2. He may have deceived you, but he didn’t take me            
    1. in B. off C. over D. up
  3. I can’t make           what he means.
    1. up B. for C. out D. after
  4. They are all making           the exit.
    1. after B. out C. for D. against
  5. The pain will soon pass            
    1. away B. off C. over D. into
  6. We must make          &nb

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