Elon Musk says Tesla can produce human-like robots from next year – LLODO

Speaking at the opening ceremony of Tesla’s new factory in Texas (USA), CEO Elon Musk said it was possible to produce human-shaped robots by 2023. The electric car company first introduced the robot – Tesla Bot – in “AI Day” in August 2021 and advertised it to perform a variety of tasks.

Musk appeared on stage in a cowboy hat, sunglasses, similar to the character in the movie.

However, Tesla has yet to reveal any prototype of the robot, and it is unclear how sophisticated the Tesla Bot has reached. Musk insists Optimus can do anything that humans don’t want to do. He even thinks that robots will “change the world for the better” than what Tesla electric cars are doing. “It can be a little hard to imagine,” he said.

Elon Musk says Tesla can produce human-like robots from next year - Photo 1.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered a threat to humanity. In 2018, Musk once said that AI is more dangerous than nuclear weapons. “When people see Optimus grow, people will make sure it’s very safe. There’s no terminator feature or anything like that.”

When announcing the Tesla Bot project, Elon Musk said the robot would be based on the same chips and sensors that Tesla electric cars are using. It is 1m76 tall, with a screen mounted on top to display information. Many people think the robot is just a promotional tool for Tesla, but Musk emphasized that it is really a priority for the company this year.

“I think it has the potential to be more important than the vehicle segment over time.” In fact, Elon Musk’s mention of producing Optimus in 2023 shows the automaker’s serious intentions.

However, AI researcher and entrepreneur Gary Marcus doesn’t think robots will be able to do everything humans do by the end of 2023. According to him, after years of efforts, Tesla has not yet reached the level of reliable self-driving cars. . Therefore, there is no basis for a robot that has never appeared in public to solve all the problems of humanity in the next 1 or 2 years.

“As the boss, Elon Musk can ship everything he wants next year, but there’s no way version one will come close to his ambitions if it comes out so soon.”

Musk is known for his self-righteousness. He claims Tesla has been working on interesting projects for years, but products often don’t come out on time. For example, on Autonomy Day in April 2019, he said there will be 1 million automated robotaxi on the road by 2020. In fact, there is no such car. In October 2016, he held an event to introduce Solar Roof, but there is no finished product.

According to CNBC

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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