Multi-purpose video lens calibration – LLODO

Although it has been released for a long time, Sony’s SEL24105G for Fullframe and SELP18105G for APS-C systems are still receiving a lot of attention. Because these are two upgraded versions that are superior to the kit lens that comes with the device, but converge enough elements to make a good multi-purpose lens for not only players but even the “services” world. “also needed.

Experience Sony's G-series

Especially in this explosive era of video content creation, these two lenses do even better their role by contributing to creating “standard” combos to meet all needs. bridge.

Compact design, optimal finishing

The first highlight of both main lenses lies in their compact appearance and very moderate weight, making it easy to use when shooting handheld or mounted on a gimbal. Specifically, the SEL24105G weighs only 663g, when combined with a machine with a thick hand like the Sony A7 IV, making it light and easy to hold but equally compact. Besides, because of its compact design, when attached to the camera, this lens proves to be quite balanced, even at the longest zoom does not tend to be tilted forward.

Experience Sony's G-series

The design of the SEL24105G is quite balanced when combined with the Sony A7 IV.

Experience Sony's G-series

The simple control system includes the AF/MF focus switch, on and off the anti-shake function on the lens, and a multi-function button that can be set to enhance the user experience when recording and shooting.

Experience Sony's G-series

With SELP18105G, although compact in appearance, it is still slightly better than the A6400, so the hand-held balance is not as good as with the above combo. In return, the weight is only 427g, so the ability to use is still very comfortable and without any problems.

Experience Sony's G-series

Light weight enhances the usability of the lens.

Because they are two G series lenses, the perfection of this “super kit” duo is very good, certainly durable and using the same high-end simple design language. Not only that, the SEL24105G also inherits the water resistance from the GM series with a rubber ring at the rear of the lens, which enhances its ability to operate in many weather conditions.

Experience Sony's G-series

The rubber ring on the rear edge of the SEL24105G provides protection against light dust and water entering the sensor.

As for the SELP18105G, although it is not equipped with a dustproof feature, it has a zoom design in the lens body, a special factor that makes video enthusiasts fascinated. Usually, when mounted on a gimbal or even handheld, the zoom lens will easily unbalance the entire system, leading to limitations when recording video. Therefore, with the zoom capability inside the lens body, SELP18105G users can easily select the appropriate frame with more comfort and convenience.

Experience Sony's G-series

The simple and elegant design of the SELP18105G with the ability to zoom in the body, does not “protrude”.

Full picture quality across the range

As two versatile zoom lenses considered “from home to school”, image quality at all focal lengths is always a top priority for users. And indeed both meet that expectation very well. Although not comparable with GM zoom lenses because of the difference in price as well as the target customers, but for general video users and especially service people, both these lenses are good. show more than enough for all needs.

Experience Sony's G-series

100% crop image of SEL24105G with very distant subject. It can be seen that the sharpness of the subject is amazingly guaranteed.

Experience Sony's G-series

With a wide 24mm focal length, both Sony lenses deliver impressive sharpness from center to edge.

At the wide 24mm focal length range with the widest aperture, both lenses deliver good sharpness in both the center and the edges of the image. If you want to maximize sharpness, users only need to narrow the aperture to f/5.6 to achieve a “stretch” image with all the details. At a zoom focal length of up to 105mm, image quality is guaranteed even when shooting very far away objects, details and sharpness are outstandingly reproduced.

Experience Sony's G-series

The SEL24105G offers excellent aberration control, beautiful colors and contrast, and no purple fringing even when shooting in strong backlight.

Experience Sony's G-series

The reproduction ability of SELP18105G is very significant, but there is still a purple border at the edge of the object. This will be easily remedied in post-production.

Experience Sony's G-series

The 105mm focal length, converted to 157.5mm on the FF system, helps isolate the subject and brings extremely impressive camera angles.

Experience Sony's G-series
Experience Sony's G-series

If you think that these two “kit” lenses will be difficult to meet the portrait requirements, you are wrong.

Powerful and durable performance

When it comes to the autofocus on these two lenses, there is no better word to describe it than “very fast”. It can be said that, because it is used on two models of Sony A7 IV and Sony A6400, both equipped with the most advanced and powerful focusing technologies today, the focusing ability of this lens duo is doubled. .

Experience Sony's G-series

SEL24105G combined with Sony A7 IV for the ability to track objects when shooting “cool”.

However, it is undeniable that the DDSSM ultrasonic focusing motor has helped both these lenses not only focus quickly, but also extremely quiet and almost completely silent. This makes the shooting experience now so comfortable that you don’t have to worry about letting the focus motor sound into the video. On the other hand, the use of an internal focusing mechanism means that both lenses eliminate focus breathing, keeping the frame steady despite the change in focus distance.

Besides, because they are zoom lenses, both can meet a variety of camera angles, suitable for almost all requirements from video recording to photography today. However, due to possessing a retractable zoom design using a mechanical adjustment ring, the SEL24105G is not really optimized for the ability to zoom when recording video. In return, the focus ring of this lens is very light and smooth, so the ability to focus active MF is extremely comfortable.

Experience Sony's G-series

The mechanical zoom ring has a certain grip, so the SEL24105G will be suitable for shots with little change in focus, or with a really skilled operator.

In contrast, the SELP18105G as mentioned above uses an in-body zoom design and has an all-electric zoom and focus ring, so control will be easier and more convenient. But the strength of this lens lies in the fact that it is equipped with a Power Zoom switch, for the ability to change the angle of view easily and limit shake when recording video.

Experience Sony's G-series

Users can easily zoom by pushing the key to T (Tele) or W (Wide) to change the focus.

In addition, both the SEL24105G and SELP18105G are equipped with optical image stabilization right on the lens, so it will partly support smooth video recording, limiting possible shakes. In addition, the f4 aperture structure throughout the entire range also makes lighting settings easier than ever. You can comfortably zoom while recording without causing light changes like with conventional zoom lenses with 2 apertures.

Overall, with a price of nearly 32 million VND for the SEL24105G and nearly 13 million VND for the SELP18105G, what these two versatile lens colors bring is worthy of the “expensive” sentence. Possessing a good image quality, the ability to focus quickly and accurately, with a zoom mechanism and many powerful video recording features, it will be difficult to fault these two lenses if used sensibly. . Especially for those who are looking to get started with jobs such as video recording or professional image creation, these are two options that you will definitely not be able to ignore.

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