Thanks to Apple, ARM computer market share grows at 8% – LLODO

Last year, Apple announced its first ARM processor, the Apple M1, first on the MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro and new iMac, then on the iPad Pro. Since its launch, Apple’s M1 chip has proven to be superior with powerful performance but extremely low power consumption. This year, Apple announced upgraded versions of the M1 processor, the M1 Pro and M1 Max, equipped on the new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro lines with even more outstanding performance with 10 CPU cores and up to 10 cores. 32 graphics cores.

The effort to migrate to the ARM chipset platform is expected by Apple to take about 2 years and we are already halfway there. During the past 1 year, Apple has also achieved certain successes with the new Apple Silicon chip platform based on ARM architecture, this is also part of its plan to confront other competitors in the market. Markets like Intel and chip lines are still using the x86 architecture.


M1 Max processor with outstanding upgrades in CPU/GPU performance as well as memory bandwidth

According to a report from The Register, the market share of computers using ARM processors now reached 8% in the third quarter, up from 7% market share in the second quarter and from 2% over the same period last year. The Apple M1 processor has contributed greatly to this growth.

“Apple is gradually removing Intel processors from Macs to switch to using ‘home-grown’ ARM processors. The growth of market share of ARM-based machines is mainly based on sales. sales of MacBook M1” models, Dean McCarron, an analyst at Mercury Research, said. Besides the MacBook M1, the Chromebook line of computers also contributed significantly to the growth of ARM computer market share.

McCarron also confirmed that Apple’s transition to the new chipset architecture platform will happen faster than we expected. Apple itself also announced that it took only 2 years to complete the transition. McCarron predicts ARM PC market share growth will likely stall as the Mac upgrade cycle slows down.


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