Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023

Tài liệu tổng hợp từ đề thi môn Tiếng anh 8 mới của các trường THCS trên cả nước đã được biên soạn đáp án chi tiết giúp học sinh ôn luyện để đạt điểm cao trong bài thi giữa học kì 2 Tiếng anh lớp 8. Mời các bạn cùng đón xem:

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 1

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 1)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. Air __________ is causing many environmental problems in our cities today.

    A. pollute

    B. pollution

    C. polluting

    D. polluted

2. If you can speak English, you __________ able to go to Canada.

    A. will be

    B. will

    C. were

    D. are

3.The road in front of my office is always __________ when it rains heavily.

    A. to flood

    B. flooding

    C. flood

    D. flooded

4. Singapore is famous for its __________ and green trees.

    A. cleanliness

    B. cleanly

    C. cleaning

    D. clean

5. After I __________ in the room, she left.

    A. come

    B. had come

    C. came

    D. will come

6. This is one of the worst volcanic __________ in this year.

    A. eruption

    B. erupt

    C. erupting

    D. eruptive

7. The roof of the building __________ in a storm a few days ago.

    A. damaged

    B. was damaged

    C. has damaged

    D. has been damaged

8. In some English speaking countries, turkey is __________food at Christmas.

    A. national

    B. historical

    C. traditional

    D. possible

III. Read the following passage, and do the tasks

A. Complete the passage with the given words

Population      students      official      Many      began

English is the _________ (1) language of the Philippines. English-medium education _________ (2) in the Philippines in 1901 after the arrival of some 540 US teachers. English was also chosen for newspapers and magazines, the media, and literary writing.

The latest results from a recent survey suggest that about 65% of the _________ (3) of the Philippines has the ability to understand spoken and written English with 48 person stating that they can write standard English. The economy is based on English, and successful workers and managers are fluent in English. _________ (4) schools know that their _________ (5) must be fluent in English to be successful.

B. Answer the questions that follow

1. When did English-medium education begin in the Philippines?


2. How many percent of the population are fluent in English?


IV. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Vietnamese students are obligated to wear uniforms when they go to school. (HAVE)


2. You are not allowed to use your mobile phone on the plane. (MUSTN’T)


Bộ Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án (5 đề) (ảnh 1)Bộ Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án (5 đề) (ảnh 1)

Đáp án

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)

III. Read the following passage

A. Complete the passage with the given words

1. official

2. began

3. population

4. Many

5. students

B. Answer the questions that follow

1. In 1901.

2. About 65%.

V. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Vietnamese students have to wear uniforms when they go to school.

2. You mustn’t use your mobile phone on the plane.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 2

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 2)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 1)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 1)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. The last typhoon resulted ___________ terrible loss of lives.

    A. in

    B. on

    C. for

    D. of

2. English is the ___________ language of many countries such as the US, the UK, and Australia.

    A. international

    B. usual

    C. popular

    D. official

3. Poisonous ___________ from factories can kill a lot of wildlife animals.

    A. things

    B. animals

    C. chemicals

    D. nations

4. People in the flooded area have ___________ to a safer place.

    A. evacuating

    B. been evacuated

    C. evacuated

    D. evacuate

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1. I (visit) ___________ this nursery home once a week.

2. At this moment, my mother (cook) ___________ dinner while my dad (read) ___________ a newspaper.

3. This is the most interesting film Clara (see) ___________.

4. They (hire) ___________ a car before they got here.

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

On April 30, 2018 the Pu’u ‘O’o crater on Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, suddenly collapsed. It was the starting point for the volcano’s months long eruption, which went on to produce 320,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools’ worth of lava that transformed the landscape and ultimately destroyed 700 homes.

A volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials from the Earth’s interior are thrown out of a volcano. Some eruptions are terrible explosions that throw out huge amounts of rock and volcanic ash and can kill many people. Some are quiet outflows of hot lava. Several more complex types of volcanic eruptions have been described by volcanologists. These are often named after famous volcanoes where that type of eruption has been seen. Some volcanoes may show only one type of eruption during a period of activity, while others may show a range of types in a series.

5. When did the Pu’u ‘O’o crater on Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano collapse?


6. How many houses did the volcanic eruption in Hawaii demolish?


7. When does a volcanic eruption occur?


8. Do all volcanoes display only one type of eruption during a period of activity?


V. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank

Canada is an officially bilingual country, with two official _________ (1): French and English. French speaking Canadians take a much smaller percentage of the population, and more _________ (2) 90 per cent of them live in Quebec – the only province where French is the language of daily life. 3.8 million Quebecers can only speak French, _________ (3) another 3.2 million can speak French and English. Together those groups comprise basically the entire provincial population. Canadians who speak neither English _________ (4) French as their first language are sometimes called Allophones, and the majority of these people are either immigrants or their children.

VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Air pollution can cause breathing problems.

Breathing _____________________________________________________

2. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam.

If ____________________________________________________________

VII. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases

1. If/ I/ be/ you/ I/ buy/ that house.


2. The last/ time/ he/ speak/ his father/ be/ two months ago.



I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 1)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 1)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences


Đáp án

Giải thích



Cụm từ “result in”: gây ra

Dịch: Trận bão vừa rồi gây ra thiệt hại về người rất lớn.



The official language: ngôn ngữ chính thống

Dịch: Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ chính thống của nhiều quốc gia như Mỹ, Anh, và Úc.



Poisonous chemicals: các hoá chất độc hại

Dịch: Các hoá nhất độc hại từ các nhà máy có thể giết chết nhiều loài động vật hoang dã.



Câu bị động thời hiện tại hoàn thành

Dịch: Những người dân vùng lũ đã đươc di tản đến nơi an toàn hơn.

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form


Đáp án

Giải thích



Câu chia thời hiện tại đơn dựa vào mốc thời gian “once a week”

Dịch: Tôi đến thăm viện dưỡng lão này 1 tuần 1 lần.


is cooking – is reading

Câu chia thời hiện tại tiếp diễn dựa vào mốc thời gian “at this moment”

Dịch: Vào lúc này, mẹ tôi đang nấu ăn trong khi bố đọc báo.


has seen

Câu chia thời hiện tại hoàn thành vì có dạng thức so sánh nhất

Dịch: Đây là bộ phim thú vị nhất cô ấy từng xem.


had hired

Câu chia thời quá khứ hoàn thành theo cấu trúc QKHT before QKĐ

Dịch: Họ đã thuê 1 chiếc ô tô trước khi tới đây.

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

1. It collapsed on April 30, 2018.

2. It demolished/ destroyed 700 homes/ houses.

3. It occurs when hot materials from the Earth’s interior are thrown out of a volcano.

4. No, they don’t.

V. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 1)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 1)

VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Breathing problems can be caused by air pollution.

2. If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam/ If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

VII. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases

1. If I were you, I would buy that house.

2. The last time he spoke to his father was two months ago.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 3

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 3)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 3)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 3)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. A severe tropical ___________ is called a typhoon.

    A. drought

    B. rain

    C. flood

    D. storm

2. Your new dress is _____________ than mine.

    A. more beautiful

    B. beautiful

    C. most beautiful

    D. the more beautiful

3. If I were you, I ___________ stop littering in public place.

    A. would

    B. did

    C. will

    D. do

4. Many people ____________ by the rescue worker yesterday.

    A. evacuate

    B. were evacuated

    C. are evacuated

    D. will evacuate

5. They ____________ their old school tomorrow.

    A. visit

    B. are visit

    C. have visited

    D. are going to visit

6. When the policeman came there, the robber ___________

    A. had left

    B. has left

    C. left

    D. was left

7. The ___________ are the people who don’t have accommodation.

    A. elderly

    B. sick

    C. homeless

    D. disabled

8. Seven of ten people prefer face-to-face ___________ when having a date.

    A. communication

    B. contact

    C. code

    D. sign

III. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

Once upon a time there was a young girl called Cinderella. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters. Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her. She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore fancy clothes and had fun. A good witch helped Cinderella. She turned Cinderella’s old dress into a beautiful gown. Cinderella went to a party and a handsome prince politely invited her to dance with him. He fell in love with her and wanted to find out who she was. Cinderella left the party in a hurry and didn’t tell the prince her name. but she left a glass slipper, and the prince used that to find her. They got married and lived happily ever after.

Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

a. Cinderella was living happily with her family when her mother died. ________

b. Her father married a kind woman. ________

c. Her stepmother and two stepsisters were very kind to her. ________

d. The prince got married to the girl who fitted the left glass slipper. ________

Answer the questions.

1. What did Cinderella’s father do when his wife died?


2. How did Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters treat her?


3. Who turned Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful gown?


4. What did the prince use to find Cinderella?


IV. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. If you don’t rest yourself, you will be ill.

Unless _________________________________________________

2. How long is it since he left school?

When _________________________________________________

Bộ Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án (5 đề) (ảnh 2)Bộ Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án (5 đề) (ảnh 2)

Đáp án

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.


Đáp án

Giải thích



Đáp án A có phần gạch chân phát âm là /e/ các đáp án khác phát âm là /ʌ/



Đáp án C có phần gạch chân phát âm là /æ/ các đáp án khác phát âm là /ei/

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences


Đáp án

Giải thích



Tropical storm: bão nhiệt đới

Dịch: Một vài loại bão nhiệt đới được gọi là “typhoon”.



Câu so sánh hơn

Dịch: Chiếc váy mới của bạn nhìn xinh hơn của mình.



Câu điều kiện loại 2

Dịch: Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ không vứt rác nơi công cộng.



Câu bị động thời quá khứ đơn

Dịch: Rất nhiều người được sơ tán bởi đội cứu hộ ngày hôm qua.



Câu chia thời tương lai gần vì có mốc thời gian “tomorrow”

Dịch: Họ sẽ thưm trường cũ vào ngày mai.




Dịch: Khi cảnh sát đến, tên trộm đã bỏ trốn.



The homeless: người vô gia cư

Dịch: Người vô gia cư là người không có nhà.



Face to face communication: tương tác trực tiếp

Dịch: Nhiều người ưa thích tương tác trực tiếp khi hẹn hò.

III. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

    a. T

    b. F

    c. F

    d. F

Answer the questions.

1. Her father married an evil widow with two daughters.

2. Cinderella’s stepmother and two stepsisters mistreated her.

A good witch turned Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful gown.

4. The prince used the glass slipper to find her.

V. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Unless you rest yourself, you will be ill.

2. When did he leave school?


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 4

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 4)

I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. Some people ____________ in their house roof after the flood.

    A. trapped

    B. have trapped

    C. were trapped

    D. trap

2. After a month, Jenny got used to ____________ in her new school.

    A. studying

    B. study

    C. studied

    D. to study

3. Her son was absent from school ____________ his illness last Tuesday.

    A. because

    B. although

    C. because of

    D. despite of

4. She spends 1 hour ____________ English every day.

    A. learn

    B. to learn

    C. learning

    D. learns

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1. If we use water carefully, more people (have)______________ fresh water.

2. That room (paint) ________________ next week.

3. He wouldn’t be ill if he (not smoke) ________________ a lot.

4. By the time the police (come) ____________, the thief (leave) _____________.

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the habitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented from going to help because many of the roads had cracked open. It was impossible to use fire-fighting equipment as most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety percent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings.

1. When did the Tokyo earthquake 1923 happen?


2. How many people were killed in the earthquake?


3. Why was the fire engines prevented from going to help?


4. How many percent of the damage was caused by the collapse of buildings?


V. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank

Ewan McGregor was born in Scotland in 1971. He decided to be an actor when he was only nine and he starred his first film in 1992. So far in his career he has appeared (1) _________ a lot of different types of films, including comedies, musical, dramas and the Star Wars movies. In his career Ewan has worked with (2) _________ like Cameron Diaz and Nicole Kidman, and his films have won (3) _________ of awards. He loves acting and when he finished (4) _________ the musical, Moulin Rouge, he said, “I have never been happier to do anything in my life”.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)

VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. I has never spoken to a foreigner before.

It is the first time _____________________________________________

2. My father cleans the car every week.

The car _____________________________________________________

Đáp án

I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences


Đáp án

Giải thích



Câu bị động thời quá khứ đơn

Dịch: Một vài người bị mắc kẹt trên mái nhà sau trận lũ.



Get used to + Ving: quen với việc làm gì

Dịch: Sau 1 tháng, Jenny dần quen với việc học ở trường mới.



Because of + N: bởi vì

Dịch: Con trai cô ấy vắng mặt ở lớp học bởi vì bị bệnh thứ 3 tuần trước.



Spend + thời gian + Ving: dành thời gian làm gì

Dịch: Cô ấy dành 1 giờ đồng hồ học tiếng Anh mỗi ngày.

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1. will have (câu điều kiện loại 1)

2. will be painted (câu chia thời tương lai đơn vì có mốc thời gian “next week”

3. didn’t smoke (câu điều kiện loại 2)

4. came – had left (by the time QKĐ, QKHT)

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

1. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the habitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals.

2. Almost a hundred thousand people were killed.

3. Because many of the roads had cracked open.

4. About ten percent.

V. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)

VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. It is the first time I have ever spoken to a foreigner.

2. The car is cleaned every week.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 5

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 5)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. If the factory _________ dumping poison into the lake, all the aquatic animals will die.

    A. continues

    B. continued

    C. will continue

    D. continue

2. When the policeman came to the scene, the driver of the car __________.

    A. have left

    B. had left

    C. leaves

    D. was left

3. The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by __________ their noses.

    A. touching

    B. touch

    C. to touch

    D. touched

4. The air in Hanoi __________, so we should use facemask.

    A. pollute

    B. polluting

    C. is polluted

    D. is polluting

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1. _______ your mother (read) __________ book every night?

2. By the time I (arrive) ___________ at the airport, my husband (wait) _____________ for me for an hour.

3. If we use water carefully, more people (have) _____________ fresh water.

4. That room (paint) ________________ at this time next week.

IV. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below

Water pollution happens __________ (1) toxic substances enter water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and so on, getting dissolved in them, lying suspended in the water or depositing on the bed. This degrades the quality of water. Not __________ (2) does this spell disaster for aquatic ecosystems, the pollutants also seep through and reach the groundwater, which might end up in our households as contaminated water we use in our daily activities, including drinking.

Water pollution can be __________ (3) in a number of ways, one of the most polluting being city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Indirect sources __________ (4) water pollution include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rain.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)

V. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. People use a lot of vehicles. The air is polluted.

If ____________________________________________________________

2. He hasn’t got his hair cut for two months.

It has been ______________________________________________________

3. Although Singapore is a developed country, it is not polluted by industry.

Despite ________________________________________________________

4. New Zealand and Australia are both surrounded by the sea.

Both __________________________________________________________

Đáp án

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới có đáp án (Đề 5)

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1. Does-read (câu chia thời hiện tại đơn vì có mốc thời gian “every night”.

2. arrived-had waited (By the time QKĐ, QKHT)

3. will have (câu điều kiện loại 1)

4. will be painted (bị động thời tương lai đơn)

IV. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below

1. Đáp án B

Giải thích: when + mệnh đề: khi mà…

Dịch: Ô nhiễm nước diễn ra khi mà các chất độc hại đi vào trong các phần nước như ao hồ, sông suối, đại dương, vân vân…

2. Đáp án B

Giải thích: cấu trúc “not only… (but)…also…”: không những…mà còn…

Dịch: Không những điều này gây ra thảm hoạ cho hệ sinh thái dưới nước, chất thải còn lắng xuống và gây ô nhiễm nước ngầm.

3. Đáp án B

Giải thích: be caused: được tạo ra, bị gây ra

Dịch: Ô nhiễm nước có thể được tạo ra từ nhiều cách, một trong những tác nhân lớn nhất là nước thải đô thị, và chất thải công nghiệp.

4. Đáp án A

Giải thích: cụm từ source of st: nguồn gốc của cái gì

Dịch: Các nguồn không trực tiếp của ô nhiễm nước bao gồm các chất ô nhiễm mà lẫn vào nguồn nước từ đất hay hệ thống nước ngầm và từ không khí qua mưa.

V. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. If people use a lot of vehicles, he air will be polluted.

2. It has been two months since he got his hair cut.

3. Despite being a developed country, Singapore is not polluted by industry.

4. Both New Zealand and Australia are surrounded by the sea.

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 6

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 6)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. vehicle                B. behaviour                C. exhibition               D. homeless

2. A. untidy                 B. visual                      C. surprise                   D. environment

3. A. volcano               B. violent                    C. technology              D. property

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others in each question.

4. A. geography          B. apology                   C. employee                D. artistic

5. A. Taiwanese          B. biology                   C. botanical                 D. photography

6. A. historical             B. interviewee             C. biography               D. psychology

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

7. Last night’s storm caused a lot of __________ to people in that area.

A. droughts                 B. forests                     C. damages                 D. volcanoes

8. If you can speak English, you __________ able to go to Canada.

A. will be                    B. will                         C. were                        D. are

9. The road in front of my office is always __________ when it rains heavily.

A. to flood                  B. flooding                  C. flood                       D. flooded

10. The fire was raging so fiercely that the rescue workers found it hard to put it __________.

A. down                      B. out                          C. off                          D. with

11. After I __________ in the room, she left.

A. come                       B. had come                C. came                       D. will come

12. This is one of the worst volcanic __________ in this year.

A. eruption                  B. erupt                       C. erupting                  D. eruptive

13. The roof of the building __________ in a storm a few days ago.

A. damaged                B. was damaged         C. has damaged          D. has been damaged

14. In some English speaking countries, turkey is __________food at Christmas.

A. national                  B. historical                 C. traditional               D. possible

15. If the factory _________ dumping poison into the lake, all the aquatic animals will die.

A. continues                B. continued               C. will continue           D. continue

16. When the policeman came to the scene, the driver of the car __________.

A. have left                 B. had left                   C. leaves                      D. was left

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

17. The street doesn’t look_____________ because it has a lot of rubbish. (attract)

18. If we use water____________ , more people will have fresh water. (care)

19. Air __________ is causing many environmental problems in our cities today. (pollute)

20. Singapore is famous for its __________ and green trees. (clean)

V. Complete the passage with the given words

population      on      official      Many      began

English is the (21)_________ language of the Philippines. English-medium education (22)_________ in the Philippines in 1901 after the arrival of some 540 US teachers. English was also chosen for newspapers and magazines, the media, and literary writing.

The latest results from a recent survey suggest that about 65% of the (23)_________ of the Philippines has the ability to understand spoken and written English with 48 person stating that they can write standard English. The economy is based (24)_________ English, and successful workers and managers are fluent in English. (25)_________ schools know that their students must be fluent in English to be successful.

VI. Read the film review, and decide whether the statements are True or False.

The Hopi live in the northwestern part of Arizona in the United States. With modern things all around them, the Hopi keep their traditions.

There are about 10,000 Hopi and they live in twelve villages in the desert. The weather is very hot in summer, but in winter it freezes. The wind blows hard. Farming is difficult. Corn is the Hopi’s main food, but they plant vegetables, too. They raise sheep, goats, and cattle. They also eat hamburgers, ice cream and drink soft drinks. They live in traditional stone houses, but many of them have the telephones, radios, and television. They have horses, but they have trucks too.

Kachinas are an important part of the Hopi religion. Kachinas are spirits of dead people, of rocks, plants, and animals, and of the stars. Men dress as kachinas and do religious dances. People also some make wooden kachinas. No two wooden kachinas are ever alike.

The children attend school, and they also learn the Hopi language, dances, and stories. The Hopi want a comfortable, modern life, but they don’t want to lose their traditions.

26. Though surrounded with modern things, the Hopi keep their traditions. 

27. The Hopi live in the mountainous areas. 

28. The Hopi only eat corns. 

29. They live in house made of stone. 

30. Most wooden kachinas are all similar to each other. 

VII. Write the sentences with the same meaning to the first ones. Use words given.

31. The environment is polluted. Birds leave their habitats and plants die. (makes)


32. Mr Quang works in a noisy environment. His hearing becomes worse. (If)


33. The film started, and then we got to the cinema. (By the time)


34. Science and technology have completely changed human life. (been)


————————-THE END————————-

Lời giải chi tiết

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. B

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. attractive

18. carefully

19. pollution

20. cleanliness

21. official

22. began

23. population

24. on

25. Many

26. T

27. F

28. F

29. T

30. F

31. The polluted environment makes birds leave their habitats and plants die.

32. If Mr Quang didn’t work in a noisy environment, his hearing wouldn’t become worse.

33. By the time we got to the cinema, the film had started.

34. Human life has been changed by science and technology.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 7

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 7)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. affect                  B. cholera                    C. aquatic                    D. dramatic

2. A. debate                B. excursion                C. schedule                 D. prevent

3. A. bury                    B. erupt                       C. country                   D. puzzle 

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others in each question.

4. A. permanent          B. illustrate                  C. groundwater           D. official

5. A. diverse                B.  freedom                 C. garment                  D. native

6. A. accurate              B. Thanksgiving          C. waterfall                 D. absolute

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

7. If the air wasn’t dirty, I ________________ so much.

A. wouldn’t sneeze     B. sneeze                     C. would sneeze          D. to sneeze

8. If people travel to work by bus, there______________fewer car fumes.

A. is                             B. are                           C. will be                     D. won’t be

9. It can’t be denied that English has become an __________ language of the world.

A. national                  B. international           C. cultural                               D. multicultural

10. The train __________ the railway station at 8:00 a.m. every morning.

A. leave                       B. leaving                    C. will leave                D. leaves

11. Since 1965, the maple tree with red leaves _________ the most well-known Canadian symbol.

A. has become             B. become                   C. became                   D. becoming

12. Canada is made up _________ 10 provinces and 6 territories

A. on                           B. of                            C. by                           D. with

13. After the tornado, a great number of people are made __________.

A. shaking                   B. homeless                 C. raging                     D. volcanic

14. Up to now, the number of __________ is still an estimate.

A. victims                    B. rescuers                   C. trapers                     D. homeless

15. Pollutions are harmful __________ human health.

A. with                        B. at                            C. to                            D. on

16. My little sister is afraid of __________, so when there is a bad storm she always hides.

A. lightening               B. collapsing               C. shaking                   D. scattering

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

17. The country’s________ resources include forests, coal and oil. (nature)

18. There are many cultural_________between his country and mine. (differ)

19. Farmers collect ____________ and garden waste to make compost. (house)

V. Complete the passage with the given words

        Environmental pollution is a term that (20)______ to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with exhaust gases and smoke, poisons the water with chemicals and (21)_____ substances, and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (22)_____ various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by leaving                 junk and litter on the land and in the water.

       Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the (23)_______of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (24)__________death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for (25)_________food. Environmental pollution also ugliness to man’s natural beautiful world.

20. A. means               B. refers                      C. provides                  D. reduces

21. A. another             B. other                       C. others                      D. the other

22. A. on                     B. in                            C. by                           D. with

23. A. survival             B. environment           C. development           D. growth

24. A. so                      B. ever                         C. too                          D. even

25. A. grow                 B. grew                       C. growing                  D. grown

VI. Read the film review, and decide whether the statements are True or False.


Did you ever see the movie The Wizard of Oz? A tornado sweeps up Dorothy and Toto, sending them to a new world where there are witches and talking lions! That entire story is fiction, but tornadoes are real and they are serious business. In fact, they can be the most dangerous storms of all.

Tornadoes are sometimes referred to as twisters or cyclones. They are shaped like a cylinder. They are born in thunderclouds. The winds inside a tornado swirl around and around and can be more than 300 miles per hour (mph). The winds are so strong that tornadoes can lift animals, cars and even houses.

The United States has more tornadoes than any other country in the world. State such as Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska are hit hard by tornadoes. This part of the country is known as “Tornado Alley”. Tornado season is during the springtime and summer. If the conditions are right, a tornado can happen any time of year.

26. Tornadoes are sometimes referred to as twisters or cyclones. 

27. They are formed in thunderclouds. 

28. The winds inside a tornado can be more than 500 miles per hour (mph). 

29. The winds are not strong enough for tornadoes to lift animals, cars and even horses. 

30. Tornado season is during the springtime and summer. 

VII. Write the sentences with the same meaning to the first ones. Use words given.

31. Many people speak English in the world.

=> English……………………………………………………………………

32. People get more diseases. The water is contaminated.

=> If……………………………………………………………………………

33. David went home before we arrived.

=> After………………………………………………………………………

34. This is the first time I have had such a delicious meal.

=> I have never…………………………………………………………….


————————THE END————————-

Lời giải chi tiết

1. C

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. D

11. A

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. C

16. A

17. natural

18. differences

19. household

20. B

21. B

22. B

23. A

24. D

25. C

26. True

27. True

28. False

29. False

30. True

 31. is spoken in the world

32. the water wasn’t/ weren’t contaminated, people wouldn’t get more diseases

33. David had gone home, we arrived

34. had such a delicious meal before

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 8

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 8)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. disaster               B. damage                   C. collapse                   D. rage

2. A. radioactive         B. pollution                 C. contaminate            D. convey

3. A. official                B. cattle                       C. icon                         D. Scottish

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others in each question.

4. A. Chinese              B. coffee                     C. trainee                     D. trustee

5. A. thermal               B. pressure                  C. damage                   D. discharge

6. A. disaster               B.  eruption                 C. medical                   D. survivor  

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

7. Noise pollution can lead to________loss.

A. looking                   B. hearing                    C. listening                  D. reading

8. If I________a millionaire now, I________travel around the world. But in fact, I am very poor and have no money.

A. were/ would           B. am/ will                   C. were/ will                D. am/ would

9. What is the main_______of visual pollution? – Because there are too many advertising billboards.

A. effect                      B. affect                      C. result                       D. cause

10. Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. This results________the death of many aquatic animals and plants.

A. to                            B. in                            C. from                        D. at

11. There have been some __________ eruptions in this area for the last 10 years.

A. volcanic                  B. scattering                C. homeless                 D. disastrous

12. We____________ hard at the moment to prepare for our annual cultural festival.

A. prepare                   B. are preparing           C. have prepared         D. will prepare

13. Poisonous ___________ from factories can kill a lot of wildlife animals.

A. things                     B. animals                   C. chemicals                D. nations

14. Last Tuesday, we did a _____________ about English speaking countries.

A. puzzle                     B. question                  C. task                         D. homework

15. I usually__________to school by bike but today I ____________ to school by motorbike.

A. go – go                   B. go – am going         C. goes – go                D. goes – am going

16. If it ________ this aftermoon, I’ll stay at home to do my English homework on English speaking countries.

A. rain                         B. rains                        C. will rain                  D. is raining

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

17. Noise pollution can also lead to headaches and high blood____________. (press)

18. Big Ben is a major monument in London which__________the United Kingdom. (symbol)

19. New Zealand is famous for the___________beauty of its mountains and forests. (scene)

20. The Glastonbury Festival in England is a __________ of music and it attracts thousands of people. (celebrate)

V. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below.

Water pollution happens (21) __________ toxic substances enter water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and so on, getting dissolved in them, lying suspended in the water or depositing on the bed. This degrades the quality of water. Not (22) __________ does this spell disaster for aquatic ecosystems, the pollutants also seep through and reach the groundwater, which might end up in our households as contaminated water we use in our daily activities, including drinking.

Water pollution can be (23) __________ in a number of ways, one of the most polluting being city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Indirect sources (24)__________ water pollution include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rain. Soils and groundwater contain (25)__________ residue of human agricultural practices and also improperly disposed of industrial wastes.

Pollutants can be of varying kinds: organic, inorganic, radioactive and so on. In fact, the list of possible water contaminants is just too vast to be listed here.

21. A. what                 B. when                       C. why                        D. while

22. A. both                  B. only                        C. well                         D. either

23. A. cause                B. caused                    C. causing                   D. causes

24. A. of                      B. in                                        C. at                                        D. for

25. A. a                       B. an                            C. the                          D. x

VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

An earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015. It was the most powerful earthquake to strike Nepal since 1934. The earthquake occurred in central Nepal. It also affected India, Bangladesh and Tibet, China. The earthquake killed more than 8,800 people and injured over 23, 000 people. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened. Kathmandu Burbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was destroyed. The earthquake also caused an avalanche on Mount Everest which killed at least 19 people. About 90% of soldiers from Nepalese Army were sent to stricken areas. Many countries and international organizations sent medical experts, emergency workers, rescue staff, and money as well as providing medical supplies, food and equipment to help Nepal.

26. What hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015?

A. a tsunami                B. a tornado                C. an earthquake                     D. a forest fire

27. How many countries are affected by the earthquake?

A. two                         B. three                       C. four                                     D. five

28. What is the number of people injured?

A. 8,800                      B. 23,000                    C. 88,000                                D. 2,300

29. What happened to Kathmandu Burbar Square?

A. It was safe.             B. It was destroyed.   C. It was moved away            .           D. It wasn’t exist.

30. Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The earthquake occurred in the north of Nepal.

B. It was the most powerful earthquake in the world.

C. Most of soldiers from Nepalese Army were sent to stricken areas.

D. Very few countries and international organizations helped Nepal.

VII. Write the sentences with the same meaning to the first ones. Use words given.

31. It is a long time since we last met.

=> We haven’t………………………………………………………………

32. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.

=> Before ……………………………………………………………………

33. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.

=> The pollution problems……………………………………………..

34. He loses his job because he is late every day.

=> If……………………………………………………………………………

35. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone.

=> Unless…………………………………………………………………….


————————THE END————————-

Lời giải chi tiết

1. D

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. D

10. B

11. D

12. B

13. C

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. pressure

18. symbolises

19. scenic

20. celebration

21. B

22. B

23. B

24. A

25. C

26. C

27. C

28. B

29. B

30. C

 31. meet for a long time

32. my mother came home, my father had watered all the plants in the garden

33. have been discussed by the students since last week

34. he wasn’t late every day, he wouldn’t lose his job

35. leave me alone, I’ll call the police

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 9

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 9)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. affect                  B. algea                       C. aquatic                    D. damage

2. A. country               B. ocean                      C. circle                       D. icon

3. A. unique                B. puzzle                     C. monument              D. evacuate

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others in each question.

4. A. terrific                B. Arabic                     C. statistic                   D. cosmetic

5. A. coffee                 B. Chinese                   C. payee                      D. trainee

6. A. hurricane                        B. tornado                   C. volcano                   D. eruption

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

7. If we want to reduce pollution, we have to make_________changes in the way we live.

A. dramatic                 B. little            C. medium                  D. special

8. ___________ is the destruction of the earth’s surface caused by the misuse of resources and improper dumping of waste.

A. Noise pollution       B. Air pollution           C. Land pollution        D. Light pollution

9. The Statue of Liberty___________over 12 million immigrants entering the USA through New York Harbor since 1900.

A. welcomes               B. is welcoming          C. welcomed               D. has welcomed

10. At present, the National Cherry Blossom Festival __________in Washington. D.C. to celebrate spring’s arrival.

A. occcurs                   B. is occuring              C. has occurred           D. occured

11. In Canada, the handshake should be firm and accompanied by direct eye contact and a_________smile.

A. sincere                    B. fake                                    C. funny                      D. serious

12. When there is a _________ a lot of water covers an area where there usually isn’t water.

A. drought                  B. flood                       C. erosion                    D. volcano

13. The government__________health and other services to the affected regions.

A. returned                  B. got                          C. provided                 D. took

14. My mother felt very nervous on the plane because she ___________before.

A. doesn’t fly              B. won’t fly                C. didn’t fly                D. hadn’t flown

15.  A number of other provinces will declare drought_________ in the coming weeks.

A. accident                  B. emergency              C. event                       D. situation

16. The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington_________the largest city is Auckland.

A. and                                     B. or                            C. but                          D. so

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

17. Many seabirds were__________ because of the oil spill. (die)

18. The fierce storm left behind badly___________ buildings. (damage)

19. The soil becomes __________because of the use of so many pesticides and fertilizers. (contaminate)

20. ___________habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature)

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

Have a walk on a beach, listen to the sound of the sea waves, (21)_______ suddenly you see a lot of rubbish on the beach. Pollution takes away all the beauty of our beaches. I feel really very annoyed (22) _________I see plastic bags lying on the sand, cigarette ends buried in the sand, and soda cans floating in the sea. There (23)___________ a lot of things that we can do. If we see rubbish, we should do our part in the protecting the land (24)_________ picking it up and throwing it in dust bins. Moreover, we can form some kind of organization that helps (25) _________the beaches. If everyone does their part, the beaches will be a wonderful and beautiful place. We need to start now before the beaches are damaged beyond repair.

21. A. but                    B. so                C. and             D. or

22. A. before               B. after                        C. when           D. while

23. A. is                       B. are               C. will be         D. were

24. A. by                     B. with                        C. of                D. in

25. A. clean up            B. cleaning up C. cleaned up  D. to cleaning up

VI. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answer the question about the passage.

Scotland: The Land of Legends

If we travel all over Scotland, we can see that it consists of three main parts: Lowlands, Uplands and Highlands with their Grampian Mountains, where the tallest mountain peak, Ben Nevis, is located.

You are sure to enjoy the beauty of the Scottish varied landscape: the hills covered with purple heather, its beautiful lakes (here they are called lochs), its green and narrow valleys.

The biggest and the most beautiful lake in Scotland is Loch Lomond, but the most famous one is Loch Ness with its mysterious monster Nessie. Nessie sometimes appears to scare the tourist but only in fine weather!

But what can be more curious and attractive for tourist than a man in the kilt, playing the bagpipes? The Celts of Scotland made the chequered pattern of tartan – the national dress of the country. The earliest Scots formed themselves into clans (family groups) and the tartan became a symbol of the sense of kinship. There are about 300 different clans in Scotland, and each has its own colour and pattern of tartan together with the motto.

Scotland is a land of many famous people: writer and poets, scientist and philosophers, such as Robert Burns, Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexander Graham Hell, or Alexander Fleming.

26. The tallest mountain peak, Ben Nevis, is located in_________________.

A. Lowlands               B. Uplands                  C. Highlands               D. England

27. Scotland has beautiful landscape with all of the following except_________________.

A. the hills                   B. the lakes                 C. the valleys              D. the beaches

28. All of the following are true about Loch Ness except_________________.

A. it is the most famous lake in Scotland

B. it is the biggest and the most beautiful lake in Scotland

C. its mysterious monster Nessie makes the lake famous

D. Nessie sometimes appears to scare the tourists

29. In early times, each family groups was different from each other in_________________.

A. its own colour and pattern of tartan together with the motto

B. the chequered pattern of tartan and the sense of kinship

C. its green and narrow valley where they lived

D. its area and population and beautiful landscape

30. The word “kinship” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________________.

A. the family group and its symbol                            B. the own colour and pattern of tartan

C. the relationship between clan members                  D. the national dress of the country

VII. Write the sentences with the same meaning to the first ones. Use words given.

31. There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses when air pollution happens. (leads to)


32. Water pollution gets more serious in the future. It affects the development of economy and society. (If)


33. Volunteers have given out food and blankets to homeless people. (been)


34. Our plane landed. We waited an hour for our luggage. (After)



———————THE END———————

Lời giải chi tiết

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. B

11. A

12. B

13. C

14. D

15. B

16. C

17. dead

18. damaged

19. contaminated

20. Natural

21. C

22. C

23. B

24. A

25. A

26. C

27. D

28. B

29. A

30. C

31. Air pollution leads to asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses.

32. If  water pollution gets more serious in the future, it will affect the development of economy and society.

33. Homeless people have been given out food and blankets by volunteers.

34. After our plane had landed, we waited an hour for our luggage.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 10

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 10)

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. cholera                B. loch                         C. chemical                 D. discharge

2. A. parade                 B. attraction                C. appealing                D. cattle

3. A. survivor              B. debris                      C. disaster                   D. predict

II. Choose the word with different stress from the others in each question.

4. A. arithmetic           B. geographic              C. energetic                 D. economic   

5. A. referee                B. guarantee                C. Japanese                 D. Jubilee

6. A. disaster               B. tsunami                   C. injury                      D. provision

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

7. Since 1965, the maple tree with the leaves __________the most well-known Canadian symbol.

A. became                   B. becomes                  C. has become             D. is becoming

8. Australian___________do not vary from area to area like in many other countries.

A. accents                   B. voices                     C. speeches                 D. sayings

9. When there is a__________ a lot of rocks and earth fall down a hill.

A. drought                  B. landslide                 C. flood                       D. rain

10. The Red Cross helped homeless families to_________from the disaster through the project.

A. stop                                    B. prevent                   C. recover                    D. return         

11. After she _________on all the dresses in the shop, she bought the most expensive one.

A. tries                                    B. tried                                    C. had tried                 D. will try

12. During the next 24 hours, the storm will be moving north, around 10 km per hour and is expected to__________ the southeastern part of China’s Guangdong Province.

A. strike                      B. scatter                     C. bury                        D. struck

13. Australia has a range of different ___________ including urban areas, mountain ranges, desert and rain forests.

A. landscapes              B. sights                      C. places                      D. destinations

14. I __________you translate this text into French if we had a dictionary.

A. help                                    B. will help                  C. can help                  D. could help

15. Glass panels, windows, lawns and roofs make light pollution worse__________ they reflect both artificial and sun light.

A. so                            B. but                          C. because                   D. unless

16. Americans throw__________twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfills every year.

A. out                          B. on                           C. in                            D. away

IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

17. __________waste spills can contaminate groundwater. (industry)

18. A number of cleaning products contain____________chemicals. (harm)

19. Thunderstorms can be___________ while tornadoes, and lightning can be life threatening. (destroy)

20. The tents will be used for medical camps and temporary_________after the earthquake in Nepal. (accommodate)

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.


The Gherkin is one of several modern buildings that have been built over the years in a historic area of London. The (21)__________ skyscraper was built in 2004, and its unique, and energy-efficient design has won the Gherkin many (22)__________. The cigar-shaped structure has a steel frame (23)__________circular floor planes and a glass facade with diamond-shaped panels. The building’s energy-saving (24)__________ allows the air to flow up through spiraling wells. The top of the tower, (25) __________visitors find an open hall covered by a glass conical dome, is even more spectacular. From here you have great views over the city.

21. A. 41 stories                      B. 41-stories               C. 41-story                  D. story-41

22. A. awards                          B. rewards                   C. stories                     D. achievements

23. A. of                                  B. with                                    C. at                            D. in

24. A. machine                        B. machines                 C. system                    D. systems

25. A. where                           B. at where                  C. from where             D. there

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Saving the Environment: One Home at a Time

Pollution can be seen not only throughout the world, but also in our own homes. It comes from household chemicals, the amount of water people use and the waste people produce and throw away. What can be done to stop this pollution? Surprisingly, a person can help save the environment by doing simple things.

First, we need to recycle, which allows products to be used over and over again. Recycling can also reduce the number of trees cut down to produce paper products. It takes very little effort. It is not hard to place plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans and paper in a bin. Anyone can do it.

Second, we need to watch the amount of water used in the home. It can be conserved by taking short shower instead of baths, repairing leaky faucets, using the dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded, or simply turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth.

Third, we need to reduce waste. We need to recycle whenever possible, but should also try to use this waste effectively. For example, grass clippings and food scraps can be made into compost for plants. The average person produces 4.3 pounds of waste every day, but we can reduce that amount by recycling and reusing.

If we do our part in our own homes, we can help keep the planet from becoming more polluted.

26. Pollution can be caused from the following sources except_____________.

A. house chemicals                 B. water from household

C. wastes                                 D. water in rivers

27. Recycling can help us_____________.

A. never cut down trees          B. use products again and again

C. place garbage bins easily    D. produce more paper products

28. In order to save water, we can do all of the following things except_____________.

A. take short showers instead of baths           B. repair leaky faucets

C. fully use the washing machine                   D. turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth

29. Recycling helps to reduce waste because_____________.

A. plants need to develop                               B. a person can do it in his home

C. waste can be recycled and reused              D. an average man produces compost for plants

30. The word “It” in paragraph 2 refer to_____________.

A. recycling                 B. the number                         C. cutting down                      D. effort to

VII. Write the sentences with the same meaning to the first ones. Use words given.

31. Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution. (because of)


32. You use compact light bulbs. You save a lot of energy. (If)


33. They are going to organise a garden party to raise money for the victims of the flood. (be)


34. The waiter took my plate. I didn’t finish eating my meal yet. (before)



——————–THE END——————–

Lời giải chi tiết

1. D

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. C

8. A

 9. B

10. C

11. C

12. A

13. A

14. D

15. C

16. D

17. Industrial

18. harmful

19. destructive

20. accomodation

21. C

22. D

23. B

24. C

25. A

26. D

27. B

28. C

29. C

30. A

31. Aquatic life suffers or dies because of thermal pollution.

32.  If you use compact light bulbs, you will save a lot of energy.

33. A garden party is going to be organised to raise money for the victims of the flood.

34.  The waiter had taken my plate before I finished my meal.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 11

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 11)

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 

1. A. places B. cakes C. mates D. plates

2. A. jungle B. luggage C. sunbathe D. sugar

3. A. follow B. powder C. show D. borrow

4. A. wicked B. visited C. laughed D. divided

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 

1. _____ is home to unique animals like the kangaroo and koala.

A. England B. America C. Australia D. Singapore

2. If I were you, I _____ earplugs when going to the concert.

A. will wear B. wore C. wears D. would wear

3. Ireland the Eurovision Song Contest seven times.

A. win B. has won C. won D. winning

4. The residents of the street cannot sleep _____ the loud noise from the music club.

A. because of B. cause C. lead to D. because

5. Tom: “Most people had moved to safe place areas when the storm broke”.

Linda: “_____”

A. Thank you. B. That’s awful. C. That’s a relief. D. Oh no! That’s terrible

6. Many old buildings _______ by the storm last night.

A. erupt B. were destroyed C. erupted D. destroyed

Give correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the following sentences.

1. Noise is considered as (environment) ___________ pollution.

2. Big Ben is a major monument in London which (symbol) _______________ the UK.

3. The Glastonbury Festival is a famous (celebrate) ______________ of music in England.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in A, B, C or D to complete the following passage

Hi, Lan. How are you? I’m happy to share with you some good news about my village. There have been some changes (1) _________ your visit last year. Last week I came back to my village and was really surprised. You know what? The lake is not (2) __________ any more. The factory has installed a new filtration system to treat the (3) _________________ waste. I saw lots of small fish in the lake and wild ducks swimming in the water. Besides, they have planted trees around the factory to reduce air pollution.

Since some villagers are in the habit of littering, people have placed dustbins in various places. This has resulted in a much cleaner environment. My grandparents say that at weekends the villagers also go around the village together to (4) ___________ rubbish. What about your neighbourhood? Tell me all about it in your next email.

1. A. for B. since C. after D. before

2. A. pollute B. polluting C. pollutant D. polluted

3. A. chemical B. chemistry C. physics D. physical

4. A. get B. pick C. collect D. take


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

1 – A; 2 – D; 3 – B; 4 – C;

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 

1 – C; 2 – D;3 – B; 4 – C; 5 – C; 6 – B;

Give correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the following sentences.

1. Noise is considered as (environment) _____environmental______ pollution.

2. Big Ben is a major monument in London which (symbol) ______symbolizes_________ the UK.

3. The Glastonbury Festival is a famous (celebrate) ______celebration________ of music in England.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in A, B, C or D to complete the following passage

1 – B; 2 – D; 3 – A; 4 – C;


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 12

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 12)

I) Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (3 điểm)

1. Lan often (do) her homework.

2. They (play) tennis now.

3. Lan (buy) a car since 2000.

4. Minh (watch) TV last night.

5. Hoa (meet) Lan tomorrow.

6. Football (play) by them.

II) Mỗi câu có một lỗi sai tìm và sữa lại cho đúng (2 điểm)

1. What about watch TV?

2. Do you mind if I listened to music?

3. What do you do yesterday?

4. My dog is different with her dog.

III) Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi (3 điểm)

His name is Kien. He works for a construction company. He has worked for this company for nearly 5 years. We build roads, dams, bridges and things like that. At the moment, his company is producing a plan for a new motorway. He usually works in the roads department, but this month, he is working in the department that builds bridges. So his whole working day is different just now. He normally spends a lot of time outdoors, because he has to go to the construction sites. But with this new project he spends a lot of time in the workshop. Now he is testing a model of one of the new bridges. He enjoys it a lot, because he has learned a lot of new things.

1. What is his name?


2. How long has Kien worked for his construction company?


3. What is his company doing at the moment?


4. Where does he usually work?


5. Why does he normally spend a lot of time outdoors?


6. Is he testing a model of one of the new bridges now?


IV) Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi (2 điểm)

1. Let’s go to the zoo!

What about……………………………………………………………..?

2. Ba enjoys skipping.

Ba likes……………………………………………………………………

3. Long should work harder.

Long ought to…………………………………………………………..

4. Would you mind opening the door?

Do you mind…………………………………………………………….?


I) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm.

1. do – does

2. play – playing

3. buy – has bought

4. watch – watched

5. meet – will meet

6. play – is played

II) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm.

1. watch – watching

2. listened – listen

3. do you do – did you do

4. with – from

III) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm.

1. His name is Kien.

2. He/Kien has worked for this company for nearly 5 years.

3. At the moment his company is producing a plan for a new motorway.

4. He usually works in the roads department.

5. He normally spends a lot of time outdoors, because he has to go to the construction sites.

6. Yes, he is.

IV) Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm.

1. What about going to the zoo?

2. Ba likes skipping.

3. Long ought to work harder.

4. Do you mind opening the door?


Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 13

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 13)

I. Circle the word of which the underlined sound is pronounced differently from the others. (1pt)

1. A. drought        B. ought           C. brought           D. bought

2. A. hobbies         B. bags             C. organizations   D. groups

3. A. mash             B. scatter           C. package          D. metal

4. A. happened      B. helped           C. burned             D. bored

Answers: 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________

II. Choose the best answer for each sentence. (2pts)

1. Would you mind opening the door?

A. Yes, I would.

B. No, I wouldn’t.

C. No, thanks.

D. Not at all.

2. A…………….. is a trip you take by plane.

A. journey

B. traveling

C. cruise

D. flight

3. She prefers walking to….. a bike.

A. ride

B. riding

C. to ride

D. rides

4. The woman…… to the headmaster will make a speech about protecting the environment.

A. talks

B. will talk

C. talking

D. talked

5. Do you mind if I…….the front seat of the taxi?

A. sit

B. sat

C. sitting

D. to sit

6. It is a…….. drive from here to the city center.

A. twenty – minutes

B. twenty minutes

C. twenty-minute

D. twenty minute

7. The child should………….. because of his bad behavior.

A. be punished

B. punish

C. punished

D. punishes

8. We’re……………… to hear that you pass the driving test.

A. pleasing

B. pleased

C. please

D. to please


1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______

III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (1.5pts)

1. Your dog ever (bite) anyone? _____________________

  • Yes, he (bite) a policeman last week _____________________

2. Would you mind if I (take) a photo of you? _____________________

3. It is not difficult (remember) 3R. _____________________

4. Millions of old car tires (throw) away every year. _____________________

5. I promise I (study) harder. _____________________

IV. Give the correct form of these words. (1pts)

1. Farmers collect ____________ and garden waste to make compost. HOUSE

2. We should protect the environment and save ____________ resources. NATURE

3. His parents are very ____________ of him. PRIDE

4. Our teacher always ____________us to study hard. COURAGE

V. Read the text then answer the questions: (2,5pts)

Bac Giang becomes second-tier city

The Prime Minister has inked a decision to recognize Bac Giang of the northern province of Bac Giang as a second-tier city.

Bac Giang city is a political, economic and culture hub of the province.

Located 50km to the North of Ha Noi and connecting Ha Noi with Lang Son city and Dong Dang border gate, Bac Giang city has become an industrial and service centre of Bac Giang province. Earlier, the city was recognized as a third-grade city in 2003.

In 2013, average income per capital of the city was 1.45 times higher than the national average figure. Economic growth rate has increased constantly by 17.1% over the last three years. Poverty rate was 1.5%.


1. How far is it from Bac Giang to Hanoi?


2. Is Bac Giang city in the south of Bac Giang province?


When was Bac Giang city recognized as third-grade city?


What was the poverty rate in 2013?


5. Does Bac Giang become first-tier city?


VI. Rewrite these sentences. (1pt)

1. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.

Would you mind _________________________________________________

2. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals.

Old car tires ____________________________________________________

3. The boy is playing chess with you. He is my uncle.

The boy ________________________________________________________

4. Keeping the environment clean is very important.

It’s ____________________________________________________________

VII. Write a thank-you note letter to a friend (40-60 words). Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you. (1 pt)


I. Circle the word of which the underlined sound is pronounced differently from the others. (1pt)

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B

II. Choose the correct answer for each sentence. (2pts)

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C

5. A 6. C/ D 7. A 8. B

III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (1.5pts)

1. Has your dog ever bitten/ bit

2. took

3. to remember

4. are thrown

5. will study

IV. Give the correct form of these words. (1pt)

1. household 2. natural 3. proud 4. encourages

V. Read the text then answer the questions: (2,5pts)

1. It is (about) 50 kilometers.

2. No, it isn’t.

3. (It was recognized as third-grade city) in 2003.

4. It was 1.5%

5. No, it doesn’t.

VI. Rewrite these sentences. (1pt)

1. Would you mind putting the chairs away?

2. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.

3. The boy playing chess with you is my uncle.

4. It’s very important to keep the environment clean.

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 14

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 14)

I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from others: (2pts)

1. A. drought 

B. ought 

C. brought 

D. bought

2. A. hobbies 

B. bags 

C. organizations 

D. groups

3. A. mash

B. scatter

C. package

D. metal

4. A. happened 

B. helped 

C. burned 

D. bored

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences below. (2pts)

1. Would you mind opening the door?

A. Yes, I would.

B. No, I wouldn’t.

C. No, thanks.

D. Not at all.

2. A…………….. is a trip you take by plane.

A. journey

B. traveling

C. cruise

D. flight

3. She prefers walking to…………… a bike.

A. ride

B. riding

C. to ride

D. rides

4. The woman……………… to the headmaster will make a speech about protecting the environment.

A. talks

B. will talk

C. talking

D. talked

5. Do you mind if I……………….. the front seat of the taxi?

A. sit

B. sat

C. sitting

D. to sit

6. It is a………………… drive from here to the city center.

A. twenty – minutes

B. twenty minutes

C. twenty-minute

D. twenty minute

7. The child should………………….. because of his bad behavior.

A. be punished

B. punish

C. punished

D. punishes

8. We’re……………… to hear that you pass the driving test.

A. pleasing

B. pleased

C. please

D. to please

III. Give the correct form of the verb in blankets. (2pts)

1. Your dog ever (bite)……………………. anyone?

– Yes, he (bite)…………………… a policeman last week.

2. Would you mind if I (take)………………………… a photo of you?

3. It is not difficult (remember)…………………………. 3R.

4. Millions of old car tires (throw)………………………… away every year.

IV. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it. (2pts)

I’m in the hospital! I’ve broken my leg! But don’t worry. I’ll be all right. I’ve been here since last Sunday. I had an accident at a football match. I tried to kick the ball but I kicked the goal post! The pain was quite bad, so Dad brought me to the hospital the same day.

I had a small operation three days ago. The nurses and doctors have been so nice, but the food’s disgusting. I prefer Mum’s cooking!

goal post (n) cột gôn operation (n) ca phẫu thuật

1. Where is the writer?

a. He’s going on a vacation.

b. He’s at home.

c. He’s in the hospital.

d. He’s at school.

2. What has happened to him?

a. He has had a cold.

b. He has broken his leg.

c. He has had an accident.

d. b & c are correct

3. He felt _____pain.

a. no

b. not much

c. a lot of

d. a&b are correct

4. What does the word ‘disgusting’ in line 6 mean?

a. delicious

b. good

c. healthy

d. awful

V. Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences: (2pts)

1. enjoy/ here/ going/ you/ or/ do/ move/ you/ to/ staying/ are?


2. different/ thought/ would/ the journey/ quite/ I/ was/ from/ what/ be/ it.


3. because/ semester/ parents/ studies/ Tom’s/ very sad/ badly/ every/ are/ he/ very.


4. left/ not/ father/ Ha Long/ since/ I/ for/ your/ met/ he/ have.



I. Choose the word that has different pronunciation from others: (2pts) 0,5 for each

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences below.(2pts) 0,5 for each

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C

5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B

III. Give the correct form of the verb in blankets. (2pts) 0,5 for each

1. Has your dog ever bitten/ bit 3. to remember

2. took 4. are thrown

IV. Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it. (2pts) 0,5 for each

1. c 2. d 3. c 4. d

V. Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences: (2pts) 0,5 for each

1. Do you enjoy staying here or are you going to move?

2. The journey was quite different from what I thought it would be.

3. Tom’s parents are very sad because h\e studies very badly every semester.

4. I haven’t met your father since he left for Ha Long.

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 15

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 15)

Do as directed in the brackets

1. Many people speak English in the world. (Đổi sang câu bị động)

English …………………………………………………………………………

2. The man is sitting next to me. He is my father’s friend. (Nối 2 câu lại sử dụng phân từ
hiện tại)

The man …………………………………………………………………………….

3. times/ Every milk bottle /reused/ can be/ /thirty/. (Sắp xếp lại thành câu đúng)


4. I’d like/sit/Tim and Shannon. (Viết lại thành câu hoàn chỉnh)


5. Ba is studying very hard because he doesn’t want to fail in the exam. (Viết lại câu sử dụng”so as (not) to”)

Ba is studying ……………………………………………………………

Choose and circle the best correct words or phrases:

1. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other

A. refill

B. reuse

C. reduce

D. recognize

2. Choose the word which has the stressed syllable different from the others:

A. ambulance

B. fertilize

C. chemical

D. departure

3. The boy _______ a book is Ba.

A. read

B. to read

C. reads

D. reading

4. Would you mind________me some paper from the desk?

A. getting

B. get

C. to get

D. got

5. If a patient can’t walk, he can use _______to move around.

A. an eye chart

B. a stretcher

C. a wheelchair

D. a scale

6. Lan tried her best in order ________the contest.

A. to pass

B. pass

C. passing

D. passed

7. ________I empty the basket for you? – That would be nice.

A. Should

B. Shall

C. Will

D. Must

8. A: I promise to show you my new books on wild animals.

B: ___________

A. All right

B. Don’t forgot

C. Yes, please

D. Sure

9. Farmers use vegetable matter and animal dung to make _________

A. waste

B. paper

C. garbage

D. compost

10. I am excited________in the trip around the capital.

A. to join

B. join

C. joining

D. joins

11. A new stadium________next year.

A. will build

B. will be building

C. will be built

D. will be build

12. They are certain________they will pass the exam easily.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. when

Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D:

Ha Long-Bay of the Descending Dragon-is __(1)__ with both Vietnamese and international tourists. One of the __(2)__ of Ha Long is the Bay’s calm water with limestone mountains. The Bay’s water is clear during the spring and early summer. Upon arriving in Ha Long City, visitors can go along Chay Beach. From the beach, they can hire a __(3)__ and go out to the Bay. It is here that visitors can find some of Southeast Asia’s most __(4)__ sites. Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful __(5)__ at Ha Long. It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongols in Bach Dang River in 1288.

(1). A. popular

B. wooden

C. clear

D. attractions

(2). A. water

B. attractions

C. in

D. caves

(3). A. caves

B. boat

C. beautiful

D. international

(4). A. beautiful

B. international

C. caves

D. in

(5). A. water

B. caves

C. attractions

D. boat

Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D:

Just a few years ago, this place was called Dumptown. The people living here didn’t think much about where waste went when they threw it out. Things that could be reused or recycled were thrown in the trash, because nobody believed recycling made a difference. And, eventually, that became a very big problem.

The garbage heap grew and began to smell. Sometimes it caught fire, and making it hard for
everyone to breathe. Dumptowners knew they had to fix it.

They learned to reduce the amount of waste they threw them away. For example, they learned to reuse things—like washing out empty jars in – stead of throwing them away. And, they learned to recycle. They set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and other things, then made into new products.

1. The people living in Dumptown_______.

A. didn’t think much about where the waste went

B. threw things that could be reused or recycled into the trash

C. didn’t believe that recycling could make a difference

D. all are correct

2. Which of the following could replace the word ‘trash’ in line 3?

A. garbage

B. rubbish

C. compost

D. a & b

3. What were the Dumptown’s problems?

A. The garbage heap smelled.

B. Sometimes the garbage heap caught fire.

C. It was hard for everyone to breathe.

D. all are correct

4. What does the word ‘them’ in line 11 refer to?

A. the trash

B. the garbage heap

C. Dumptowners

D. empty jars’

5. What did they do to solve their problems?

A. They reduced the amount of waste they threw away.

B. They learnt to reuse things.

C. They learnt to recycle.

D. all are correct


Do as directed in the brackets

1 – English is spoken in the world.

2 – The man who is my father’s friend, is sitting next to me.

3 – Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times.

4 – I’d like to sit between Tim and Shannon.

5 – Ba is studying very hard so as not to fail the exam.

Choose and circle the best correct words or phrases:

1 – D; 2 – D; 3 – D; 4 – A; 5 – C; 6 – A;

7 – A; 8 – B; 9 – D; 10 – C; 11 – C; 12 – B;

Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D:

1 – A; 2 – B; 3 – B; 4 – A; 5 – B;

Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D:

1 – D; 2 – D; 3 – D; 4 – D; 5 – D;

Bộ 30 Đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 mới Giữa học kì 2 có đáp án năm 2023 – Đề 16

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Giữa Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 – 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 16)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

1. A. thermal B. earthquake C. although D. death
2. A. climate B. victim C. extensive D. volcanic
3. A. volcano B. tornado C. historical D. homeless
4. A. bury B. destructive C. dump D. rubbish
5. A. disaster B. cause C. poison D. scatter

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1.The last typhoon resulted ___________ terrible loss of lives.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. of

2. English is the ___________ language of many countries such as the US, the UK, and Australia.

A. international

B. usual

C. popular

D. official

3. Poisonous ___________ from factories can kill a lot of wildlife animals.

A. things

B. animals

C. chemicals

D. nations

4. People in the flooded area have ___________ to a safer place.

A. evacuating

B. been evacuated

C. evacuated

D. evacuate

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1. The pollution water results in the _________ of many aquatic animals and plants. (DIE)

2. My friend and I are going to give a presentation about our ____________________ problems. (ENVIRONMENT)

3. Both Chinese and English are __________________ languages in Vietnam. (OFFICIAL)

4. People should become familiar with the guidelines for ____________ because natural disasters can force them to leave their homes. (EVACUATE)

5. Natural disasters can be very ____________ . (DESTROY)

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

On April 30, 2018 the Pu’u ‘O’o crater on Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, suddenly collapsed. It was the starting point for the volcano’s months long eruption, which went on to produce 320,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools’ worth of lava that transformed the landscape and ultimately destroyed 700 homes.

A volcanic eruption occurs when hot materials from the Earth’s interior are thrown out of a volcano. Some eruptions are terrible explosions that throw out huge amounts of rock and volcanic ash and can kill many people. Some are quiet outflows of hot lava. Several more complex types of volcanic eruptions have been described by volcanologists. These are often named after famous volcanoes where that type of eruption has been seen. Some volcanoes may show only one type of eruption during a period of activity, while others may show a range of types in a series.

1. When did the Pu’u ‘O’o crater on Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano collapse?


2. How many houses did the volcanic eruption in Hawaii demolish?


3. When does a volcanic eruption occur?


4. Do all volcanoes display only one type of eruption during a period of activity?


V. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank

Canada is an officially bilingual country, with two official _________ (1): French and English. French speaking Canadians take a much smaller percentage of the population, and more _________ (2) 90 per cent of them live in Quebec – the only province where French is the language of daily life. 3.8 million Quebecers can only speak French, _________ (3) another 3.2 million can speak French and English. Together those groups comprise basically the entire provincial population. Canadians who speak neither English _________ (4) French as their first language are sometimes called Allophones, and the majority of these people are either immigrants or their children.

VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Air pollution can cause breathing problems.

Breathing _____________________________________________________

2. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam.

If ____________________________________________________________

VII. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases

1. If/ I/ be/ you/ I/ buy/ that house.


2. The last/ time/ he/ speak/ his father/ be/ two months ago.



I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

1 – C; 2 – A; 3 – C; 4 – A; 5 – D;

II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1 – A; 2 – D; 3 – C; 4 – B;

III. Put the verbs in the blanket into the correct form

1 – death; 2 – environmental; 3 – non-official; 4 – Evacuation; 5 – destructive;

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

1. It collapsed on April 30, 2018.

2. It demolished/ destroyed 700 homes/ houses.

3. It occurs when hot materials from the Earth’s interior are thrown out of a volcano.

4. No, they don’t.

V. Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word in each blank

1 – language; 2 – than; 3 – while; 4 – nor;

VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. Breathing problems can be caused by air pollution.

2. If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam/ If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

VII. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases

1. If I were you, I would buy that house.

2. The last time he spoke to his father was two months ago.

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