Why are there “eternal lights” in the tomb of Qin Shi Huang that have not turned off for thousands of years? It took the scientific community 30 years to find the surprising answer – LLODO

Qin Shi Huang is one of the most famous and influential emperors in Chinese history. When he was still alive, he built his grand mausoleum for 28 years or more. Tomb of Qin Shi Huang is considered an underground palace and contains many creepy secrets. That is why to this day, posterity has not dared to completely excavate this historic tomb because of too many dangers lurking.

Why are there

Tomb of Qin Shi Huang is located in Xi’an province (China).

Mystic Eternal Lamp

The tomb of the powerful emperor is famous for a series of inexplicable mysteries such as 8,000 headless soldiers or a poisonous river of mercury. But that is not the end. Inside the tomb there are also lamps called eternal lights. When discovered, archaeologists were shocked because they were still burning brightly, as if they had never been extinguished for thousands of years despite being in such a dark, humid environment for thousands of years deep underground. The bright lights were considered “soldiers” guarding the emperor’s eternal sleep.

Why are there

Many areas in the mausoleum have burning lights that never go out

These very unscientific-sounding lamps are actually not only found in the tomb of Qin Shi Huang. In some other ancient tombs of China or even foreign countries such as Egypt and Greece, people have also recorded the existence of the “eternal lamp”. At first, they were also believed to be rumors that were rumored and not true. But later, there were many practical proofs that this eternal light existed. Appearing in ancient tombs makes them tinged with spiritual and mystical colors.

Why are there

This strange light has also been discovered in some other ancient tombs

Looking for a solution

One theory has long been put forward that the lamps that never go out are lit from a special material, whale fat, rather than ordinary wax candles. There are records in ancient Chinese books that whale fat was once used for lighting because of its extremely high durability. Besides, the lamp is also specially designed so that the melted whale fat falls into the container, from which it can be reused endlessly. However, this explanation was later rejected quite a lot because it is still absurd to want the lamp to burn for thousands of years.

After centuries of controversy, an American chemist named Simon Affik finally published a study that received a lot of sympathy from archaeologists and scientists around the world explaining the light. the eternal. Affik has spent 30 years doing research, and doing 700 experiments to get the final answer.

Why are there

Permanent lights are most likely not “eternal” really as people misunderstand

In 700 experiments, Affik tried all kinds of fuels, adjusting different ratios to create a special fuel made of white phosphorus mixed with other combustibles. This new substance is highly flammable, self-igniting and difficult to evaporate. In the past, when building tombs, ancestors used this substance to light the way with lamps. When the catacombs are closed, the oxygen is depleted, the lights will also turn off by themselves.

The point of it is that when the tomb door is opened, the oxygen in the air comes in again and the lights are once again on. After all, there is no eternal light as people mistakenly believe but only a self-illuminating lamp. Those who entered later did not know that the light had gone out long before they entered the mausoleum, giving the illusion that the light had burned for thousands of years.


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