Losing sleep all night because of the sound of passing cars, the guy built 11 speed bumps on the 40-meter-long road right next to his house. – LLODO

After a stressful and tiring day of studying and working, perhaps everyone wants to sleep comfortably, get enough sleep to “recharge” energy and prepare best for the next day. However, even with warm blankets and soft cushions in their beloved home, their sleep can still be completely interrupted by sudden noises around, the most familiar being the sound of a car. Engines and cars sped around on the street.

The most annoying thing is when we fall into such a situation, we can only lie down and endure the battle but can’t do anything else, very frustrated but powerless. However, the Malaysian guy below decided not to succumb to the situation and came up with a rather bold way to overcome this situation: It was to build 11 consecutive speed bumps on the road right next to his house. themselves, forcing passersby to reduce the throttle, slow down and thereby make less noise.

Losing sleep all night because of the sound of cars passing, the guy built 11 speed bumps on the 40-meter-long road right next to the house - Photo 1.

With speed bumps like this, perhaps everyone will have to slow down and slow down to avoid danger to themselves as well as to limit damage to vehicles.

The main character in our story is Mr. Nur Muhammad Roslam Harun, 40 years old, currently living in Terengganu, Malaysia. According to Bernama news agency, this guy spent about 267 USD (more than 6 million VND) himself to build 11 speed bumps on a distance of only about 40 meters, right next to his bedroom.

Harun shared: “In my house, the bedroom is the closest to the road, so the sound of motorbikes and cars passing by at night really affects my sleep a lot. It was extremely stressful for me, not to mention that I have mental health issues and am still in treatment.“.

Harun’s daring method worked well for himself, but was a major hindrance to other road users, especially during daylight hours, when the volume of traffic passed by. more again.

The police then had to ask Harun to remove the homemade speed bumps and return the road to its original level. However, being a kind person, Harun not only complied with the police’s request, but also flattened both parts of the “undulating” road that existed before.

Losing sleep all night because of the sound of cars passing, the guy built 11 speed bumps on the 40-meter-long road right next to the house - Photo 2.

Harun had to flatten the road at the request of the police.

He also did not forget to apologize to his neighbors for this incident. Harun said he used the wrong type of asphalt, making the final result not as desired and the road becoming more ugly and dirty: “I was going to create small speed bumps, but the asphalt hardens too quickly and forms large patches before I can adjust and smooth them. That’s why the road is so difficult to go that only cars or other 4-wheel vehicles can pass like that“.

According to Mashable


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