Which bank account should be opened with the least fee in 2022? – LLODO

Responding to Digital Transformation, a series of banking giants competed with each other and the most profitable were still users. So which Bank Account should I open now? The good news for those of you who often transfer online is that 3 big banks including Vietcombank, BIDV and Vietinbank are officially allowing users to transfer money online for free, whether it’s internal or other bank transfers.

In order for users not to get lost in the matrix of the bank’s fee schedules, you Nghia Cao Tuan in group J2team shared the file of fees at banks in Vietnam, based on this you can know which bank account to open today.

The evaluation of which bank is the best depends on many criteria such as: App works well, less maintenance, user-friendly interface, welcoming attitude of bank staff, number of ATM poles, convenience when transferring money, withdrawing money, card issuance fee….

Fees when opening a Bank account in 2022

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Type Agribank right from the parking ring

As of January 1, 2022, in the Big 4 Banks (4 largest banks in Vietnam), only Agribank is still charging a fee for notifying balance changes in the App, and there are some other fees such as card issuance fee, annual fee, etc., so please ask for permission straight from the start if you intend to open a bank account here. However, Agribank is still one of the Big 4 banks because they have very low interest rates, so they are popular with many people. In this article, we only talk about which Bank Account to open to transfer and receive money.

Transfer fee

Next is Techcombank, 2 years ago, Techcombank took the lead in the free service of bank money transfer, but provided that the balance in your account must be over 2 million, if it is less than 2 million, it will charge approx. 24k/month. At that time, big companies like ACB, Vietcombank… started to charge money transfer fees on a large number of users transferring to Techcombank. But by January 1, 2022, everything was different, when all at once Vietcombank, BIDV, Vietinbank and MBBank even Free money transfer without any conditions, it is predicted that users will return to use it again Vietcombank pretty much.

Meanwhile, now that MBBank has a policy to choose a beautiful account number for free MBBank and give away 50,000 VND, the number of new users is flocking to this bank quite a lot.

+1 point for Vietcombank, BIDV, Vietinbank and MBBank

Card issuance fee

Currently the card issuance fee of Vietcombank, BIDV, Vietinbank, Techcombank are all free, but MBBank’s fee is 50,000 VND. If this criterion is calculated, I see that Vietcombank has more advantages.

+1 point for Vietcombank, BIDV, Vietinbank, Techcombank

Card annual fee

This is the fee you will have to pay annually to maintain the bank card, while Vietcombank waives all annual card fees, Vietinbank, BIDV, Techcombank, MBBank collect from 52,800 – 66,000 VND/year.

+1 point for Vietcombank.

Withdrawal fee at AMT . tree

We cannot help but mention this fee, because almost every bank charges a withdrawal fee from 1100 VND/time. Only now have Techcombank Free if you withdraw at an ATM located right at Techcombank or via the App. And the bank? TPBank then it’s free to withdraw money at any ATM, Mbbank Free withdrawal via App, Vietinbank is free if you withdraw via Vpay card using QR code.

+1 point for TPBank

Utilities in Internet Banking App

Today, major banks have integrated online payment services, inter-bank money transfers, etc. So I find most of the Apps are equally stable. I’m using both ACB, Vietcombank, Techcombank, MBbank… all are good. For each Mbbank, using iPhone Jailbreak is a bit extreme, must install Tweak bypass.

Which Bank Account is best to open?

According to personal rating, when Vietcombank If you transfer money online for free, this is a good bank for you to open an account if you regularly transfer money online, the feature is that the number of banks and ATMs is also quite large.

If you want to use the hard card immediately and forever, consider using TPbank and MbBank, because when you go to the bank, you will be created a card, especially TPBank I can go to some Live 24/7 and do it anytime.

Of course, there are many other factors to evaluate which bank account to open, but I only evaluate the needs of most users to keep money, transfer, and withdraw money.

The article has references from the statistics table Choose a suitable Bank your Nghia Cao Tuan

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