High school students build self-driving bicycles, the algorithm level is on par with Tesla electric cars – LLODO

Shi Mulang, a high school student from Hangzhou No. 9 Middle School, built a driverless bicycle and won the first prize of the Junior High Science Prize. This award was initiated by Professor Qiu Chengdong, a world-renowned Chinese master of mathematics.

As can be seen from the video, this bike is not much different from ordinary bicycles overall, even looks simple and quite beautiful. Its difference is that the front of the handlebar and saddle has a depth camera and a corresponding lidar scanner.

Through the camera and lidar system, data can be transmitted back to the “central brain” located above the three station floor for real-time calculation. Thus, the bicycle can be controlled for balance and at the same time the optimal path to travel can be selected.

According to Shi Mulang, the most difficult part of building this self-driving bike is maintaining the balance of the bike. In addition, since bicycles cannot rotate as freely as cars, the system must analyze the motion trajectories and kinematic constraints of the front and rear wheels to simultaneously satisfy these characteristics when traveling, Avoid the car falling.

High school students build self-driving bicycles, the algorithm level is on par with Tesla electric cars - Photo 2.

After nearly a year, student Shi Mulang finally successfully completed this entire self-driving bicycle project at the end of March last year. He alone wrote the code, did simulation experiments, and continuously corrected the system.

Currently, the decision-making and route planning module located in the “central brain” of this bike has been confirmed to have reached the level of control algorithms between L2-L3. This is the equivalent of Tesla’s autonomous driving assistance system.

Refer iFeng


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