Make cows wear VR headsets to trick them into seeing green pastures – LLODO

Last week, a newspaper in Turkey reported that a farmer was trying to use a VR headset for his cows to reduce anxiety and increase milk production. This method is inspired by what Russian farmers experimented with a few years ago.

A VR headset (or virtual reality headset) is a head-mounted device that provides a virtual reality experience to the wearer. These typically include stereoscopic monitors (which provide separate images for each eye), stereos, and sensors that track head movements, and may also include devices such as gyroscopes, accelerometers, and accelerometers. magnetometer, magnetometer…

Getting cows to wear VR headsets to trick them into seeing green pastures - Photo 1.

Trial of cows wearing VR glasses in Turkey.

The farmer, İzzet Koçak, tried installing VR headsets on two of his cows. Koçak ran a simulation of a summer field while playing classical music to the animal. He wanted to get the cows out of the idea that they were all huddled together in a barn.

However, because the head of the cow is quite large, the headsets that are sized for the user cannot be worn. So Koçak used two, one for each eye. After about 10 days, he said they gave more and better milk. On average, each cow produces from 22 liters per day to 27 liters of milk.

Getting cows to wear VR headsets to trick them into seeing green pastures - Photo 2.

The bull’s head is big, so it’s okay to wear two glasses for people.

In fact, this idea originally came from farmers in Moscow from 2019. In that experiment, Russian farmers collaborated with VR developers to create a designed headset. unique to match bull head. They also simulate the field and are specifically designed to accommodate cow’s eye vision, as they see differently than humans do.

Koçak said he plans to expand his experiment to the next stage, by ordering custom headphones like the one in Moscow for 10 cows. If they work, he plans to use VR headsets on all of his cows.

Getting cows to wear VR headsets to trick them into seeing green pastures - Photo 3.

Trial of cows wearing custom VR headsets in Russia in 2019.

On the one hand, this could improve the mental health of farm animals, as studies have shown their emotional state can affect health and milk production. On the other hand, it could change the way those animals are treated in the barns.

In 2012, creative designers in the United Kingdom proposed a model of unconsciously raising industrial chickens. The model in the exhibition shows a system for raising chickens that never wake up, with feed sugar providing nutrition, sugar removing waste, electrodes stimulating muscle growth. They will grow up not knowing they are being kept in captivity for meat.

Getting cows to wear VR headsets to trick them into seeing green pastures - Photo 4.

The idea of ​​an unconscious chicken farming system was demonstrated in England.

And analysts can also draw parallels between the VR simulation of cows and the plot of The Matrix, a movie in which humans are kept in a simulated world so that machines can can capture heat and bioelectricity from the human body.

Refer Techspot


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