Everything you need to know about the Cybersecurity industry – LLODO

In this article, I will tell you everything about cybersecurity. If you want to start learning Cybersecurity then you can read this article.

Everything you need to know about cybersecurity

What is network security?

You need to know the concept that Cybersecurity of the information technology industry is different from Cybersecurity of the Police/Military sector. Here we will give an overview of Cybersecurity of the information technology industry.

Network security is a branch of cyber security (also called network security but it’s a bit different, I’ll make a more detailed post about this difference). The purpose of network security is to prevent unauthorized users from accessing computer networks and devices. It is concerned with protecting and creating secure infrastructure for users, devices, and applications. In the framework of this article, I will call network security network security, but do not confuse this concept with Cyber ​​Security.

The importance of network security

Cybersecurity is critical to maintaining the integrity and data privacy of an organization and its employees. Cybersecurity keeps confidential information safe and the industry will grow in the future as more information will be stored on devices throughout an organization’s network.

How does network security work?

Cybersecurity works by combining multiple layers of defense, with each layer of security having different policies and levels of control. Authorized users will be able to access network resources while malicious actors will be banned from data mining.

Elements of a multi-layered security architecture for implementing network security in an organization include access control and threat control.

Access control

The purpose of access control is to restrict unauthorized users from accessing the network. If, for some reason, they can access the organization’s network, they can insert malware or launch a distributed denial-of-service attack like DDOS, for example.

Threat control

The purpose of threat control is to prevent hackers from causing any damage in an organization’s network. Threat control operates on allowed traffic in the network.

Common Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

To keep the network secure, it is important to understand the common vulnerabilities that we can encounter in cybersecurity. These are the types of vulnerabilities that hackers often exploit to gain access to your network.

Here are some common network security vulnerabilities:

  • Weak password
  • Lack of physical security
  • Hardware and software operating system not updated to the latest version
  • Improperly installed hardware and software
  • Design flaws in the network or in the system’s operating system

Common types of cyber security attacks

As we all know, cybersecurity is a growing field, which means that the types of attacks we see will continue to be more complex and harder to defend against.

These are just some of the most common types of cybersecurity attacks that IT professionals should be aware of:

Attack with malware

A malware attack occurs when attackers install malware on a device. Malware can easily spread to other devices, making it difficult to remove.

Insider Threats

The name says it all, this type of attack starts from within the organization. Employees can use their own access to break into an organization’s network and steal sensitive information.

Password attack

An attacker will try to guess or perform a brute force attack to get the password and gain access to the organization’s network.

Social Engineering

Everything you need to know about Cybersecurity 4

Social engineering occurs when attackers impersonate people who work for an organization to trick users into providing personal information, such as login credentials. These attacks are often aimed at people who are not tech-savvy; However, that doesn’t mean the tech-savvy aren’t fooled.

Data theft

Data theft occurs when hackers gain unauthorized access to an organization’s network to steal confidential information and protected documents.

Network protection tips

Here are some network protection tips and best practices that an organization should follow:

  • Always be careful about who you give access to your network
  • Create strong passwords that combine uppercase, lowercase letters, spaces, numbers and special characters
  • Make sure to check the security of the network
  • Physically secure devices and servers

Network Security Tools

Since cybersecurity uses a layered approach, there are a number of tools that can be used to aid in threat and access control.


A firewall is a network security device used to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic in an organization’s network and decide to allow or deny traffic based on defined rules.


An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a network security device designed to detect any suspicious activity in a network.

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) are designed to scan network traffic and actively block any malicious traffic that wants to enter the network.

Both IPS and IDS systems are located behind a firewall.

Load balancing

The purpose of a load balancer is to distribute network traffic across multiple servers so that one server doesn’t do all the work.


A sandbox is an isolated environment where you can execute potentially unsafe applications or code without affecting the main environment.

Network detection and response (NTA/NDR)

NTA/NDR looks at network traffic and uses machine learning algorithms to assess anomalies and determine if a threat exists. Before doing that, however, the NTA/NDR will need to define a baseline.

Summary: Cybersecurity is very important

Cybersecurity plays a very important role in cybersecurity. Its job is to protect the organization’s sensitive information from being stolen.

Cyberattacks will continue to get more complex and harder to defend. Therefore, it is important for company employees to be trained on what can be done to protect themselves against cybersecurity attacks.

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