6 things you need to know about VPN – LLODO

Currently, there are many VPN service providers from free to paid. VPN apps are always advertised as having high speed and keeping you safe and anonymous when accessing the Internet. However, before using a VPN you need to know 5 things below:

When to Use a VPN

what is vpn

VPN is an intermediary service that forwards your traffic to the VPN Server and then to the destination address. We can imagine this:

  • Without a VPN: PC -> Web A
  • Don’t use VPN: PC -> VPN Server -> Web A

Then at Web A, it will understand that the VPN Server is accessing it, not your PC, so you can be completely anonymous to Web A. We can visualize the VPN through this meme:

troll vpn

The VPN created an “encrypted tunnel” to hide your browsing information from Internet providers (ISPs) and network services.

Besides, a VPN helps you bypass geo-politics of “no access” and hide part of your identity Online – remember, only “partial”, why is that so? Please read below.

When used correctly, a VPN will have a lot of benefits, especially during a cable break, if using a VPN to access foreign Web sites, the speed will increase significantly.

Bypass censorship policy

Perhaps the most logical reason to use a VPN is its ability to circumvent government censorship. Internet is restricted in some countries like: China, Iran and Russia and VPN is the most commonly used tool to get around those restrictions. No wonder VPNs are illegal in some countries.

For example, when China banned Facebook from operating in the country, it caused any Chinese servers that tried to access Facebook’s IP address to be blocked. To bypass that policy, you need to first connect to another server outside of China, one with an unblocked IP, and from there go to facebook.com.

It is a relatively simple solution to access banned Websites anywhere. VPNs are undoubtedly one of the most important tools for people in certain countries with strict Internet censorship.

Avoid being tracked

Using a VPN will help you avoid monitoring your device’s Internet traffic. Some VPN services also allow you to connect to 2, 3 intermediate servers, then network service providers (ISPs) or those who deliberately monitor your activities can’t see your movements. you are online.

However, using a VPN is only limited, not completely anonymous. With cookies and session storage, if you’re signed in to a service like Facebook or Google in your browser, they can track you too – even while using a VPN.

While a VPN is the anonymity service of choice for many, it’s still not a complete solution. First, you’ll need to get used to using incognito mode along with a VPN if you want to make it harder to be tracked while browsing the web.

Bypass Torrent Monitoring

In some countries in North America and Europe, the government has a mechanism to control Internet users when they download any piracy-related data to their computers. Copyright watchdogs, often “stand by” torrent sites like The Pirate Bay, and will fine or sue anyone who downloads copyrighted material through a Torrent connection.

As such, a VPN is an absolute must-have for torrent users in countries with strict regulations on copyright data. If not, you will have trouble working with the court, certainly the fine is not light.

Watch movies online

As you may have seen, many online movie sites like Netflix Hulu and Amazon Prime Video, each country will be playing different movies.

For example, Netflix’s library in the United States is several times the size of libraries in any European or Asian country. Without a VPN, you’ll have a hard time watching only the movies that are offered in your country. Using a VPN allows you to unlock all of Netflix. That’s great, isn’t it?

Protection when using public Wi-Fi

Finally, there is still a reason you should use a VPN, and that is to protect yourself from Hackers, especially those using the man-in-the-middle attack. In essence, these attacks hijack public Wi-Fi signals and track everything you’re doing online. They are quite dangerous, but using a VPN while connected on a public network means that all the hacker can see is encrypted nonsense, which should be safe for you.

Public Wi-Fi is now more secure thanks to the introduction of HTTPS. While there are still some cases where a VPN should be used when using public Wi-Fi, it may be less necessary today than it was 10 years ago.

Increase Internet connection speed

You may not know, when the cable broke in Vietnam, many users chose to connect to a VPN through another country to speed up their Internet connection. Why is it so magical?

In fact, the home network Internet is a private package, so there is no priority line. For VPN services, most will use business lines and carriers will prioritize connection traffic to the VPN Server, by taking advantage of the fast speed of the VPN Server, your Internet will be better than the current situation. bandwidth squeeze when the cable is broken.

While there are other reasons to use a VPN, here are 5 reasons to consider whether to use a VPN and when to turn it on.

For AnonyViet, often turn on VPN when the network is too slow.

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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