The bursting happiness of 20 medical couples who had to postpone their wedding because of Covid-19 through the lens of Galaxy S22 Ultra – LLODO

It is known that these are hospital medical staff who had to postpone their wedding ceremony and directly participate in the frontline during the most difficult periods of the COVID-19 epidemic. With the Galaxy S22 Ultra on hand, I immediately rushed to this special event, both to congratulate the couple’s happiness and at the same time to be grateful and thank them for their dedication during the past time. .

Being present at 5pm when the program was still being rehearsed, what caught my eye was an impressive and monumental stage showing the very serious and meticulous preparation of large-scale investment from the organizers. Because it was not yet time for the ceremony, I took advantage of walking around the event grounds and recorded very natural moments of the team during the preparation stage.

The military band members are resting before the event. The first photo was taken using portrait mode and I am honestly impressed with the results this Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra has brought.

The burst of happiness of 20 medical couples in a special wedding ceremony through the prism of a phone - Photo 4.

Not only guests, patients at Military Hospital 175 also came to watch the rehearsal.

The burst of happiness of 20 medical couples in a special wedding ceremony through the prism of a phone - Photo 5.

Take advantage of taking a few commemorative photos.

The bursting happiness of 20 medical couples in a special wedding ceremony through the prism of a phone - Photo 6.

The moment two military soldiers take a selfie together. It was around 6pm and the rehearsal was almost over.

It was getting dark and the atmosphere was getting busier when the official ceremony was about to begin. The bride and groom couples are excited, some are a little nervous because this is the first time in their lives to hold such a large-scale wedding ceremony.

At 6:30 p.m., the ceremony officially started with the performance of Ao Dai and the footage re-enacting the images of touching anti-epidemic stories during the most difficult period of the recent epidemic. Interspersed with it are art performances, expressing deep gratitude to the contributions of doctors and nurses across the country who have also joined hands to fight for us to have a “normal” period like now.

The burst of happiness of 20 medical couples in a special wedding ceremony through the prism of a phone - Photo 8.

I have just watched the event, but I spend most of my time behind the scenes, because only here can I see the efforts of the entire crew to make the program run smoothly. most complete. Not only that, there are also areas dedicated to the bride and groom, where they can witness the emotional private moments of these couples.

The bright smile of the bride on the big day.

The bride and groom couples sat in the wings but still watched the event through the phone screen, waiting for the main moment to appear.

Out of 20 couples, 3 have given birth to 3 beautiful babies.

Contributing to the success of this wedding ceremony is not to mention the team of dancers. Unlike the image in the bride and groom’s resting area, the gathering area of ​​this art team is always busy.

It is known that the ao dai in this event was created by designer Minh Hanh, using traditional silk materials and reconstructing the journey of doctors and nurses present in the hottest, farthest, and risky places. such as field hospitals, emergency services from Truong Sa, United Nations peacekeeping forces in South Sudan…

The main part of the program is about to start and also when the bride and groom move closer to the back of the stage, the atmosphere and everyone’s speed is gradually being accelerated as much as possible.

The burst of happiness of 20 medical couples in a special wedding ceremony through the prism of a phone - Photo 15.

Step back to the stage, now a lot of people are watching and it will be difficult if you just hold a normal phone to capture the moment.

The scene where a couple emerges from an ambulance with tight protective suits recreating a romantic proposal has moved many viewers. With the 10x hybrid zoom capability combined with OIS optical stabilization from the Galaxy S22 Ultra, I was able to capture a “close-up” moment like this without worrying about detail breakage or blurring.

And finally, the most important moment, when the appearance of 20 couples of the bride and groom, the main characters of today’s ceremony in wedding dresses, and the blessings of relatives and guests in attendance. . The feeling of complete happiness when being together after a hard time will probably become an unforgettable moment for each of these couples. sutra-galaxy-s22-ultra-202202221224424792.chn

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