Question 41: The Irwin Neighborhood Association is proud to -143- a summer event called Park Fest, to be held at Fern Park on 10 January, from 1 PM to 8 PM Park Fest will feature numerous family-friendly activities and a delicious picnic dinner to be served at 6 PM A per person fee of ten dollars will be collected. The proceeds will-144- go towards a park enhancement project. The plan is to hire a contractor to landscape the park grounds, while a smaller portion will be spent on an advertising campaign. This event-145- to be great fun.-146-. 146…………………….

Question 41: The Irwin Neighborhood Association is proud to -143- a summer event called Park Fest, to be held at Fern Park on 10 January, from 1 PM to 8 PM Park Fest will feature numerous family-friendly activities and a delicious picnic dinner to be served at 6 PM A per person fee of ten […]

Question 47: Congratulations on your recent -139- in Tuchman’s Autopay system. Thank you for signing up for this convenient billing system. Your automatic payments will begin with the next billing cycle on 1 March. -140-. Your statements will come to you electronically and your payment will be performed from your designated bank account. You may -141- the account from which the funds are withdrawn. Simply log in to the My Account section on our Web site, select Autopay, and follow the instructions to enter the alternate account information. Please contact customer service if you have -142- using Tuchman’s Autopay. 140……….

Question 47: Congratulations on your recent -139- in Tuchman’s Autopay system. Thank you for signing up for this convenient billing system. Your automatic payments will begin with the next billing cycle on 1 March. -140-. Your statements will come to you electronically and your payment will be performed from your designated bank account. You may […]

Câu 15:  Choose the option  A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage: “At last it is here: tomorrow is the exam day. There is no more homework to do, you have done lots of (1)…..  and you have had plenty of useful practice with past papers. You have finished the (2)…. . So what should you do now? Probably the least advisable course of (3)…. would be to carry on studying late into the night, trying (4)….. to learn things you should have learned long .ago and (5)…. in the morning with an awful headache.  A far better idea is to practise, (6)….. a singer or a musician does, what you already knew. In order not to feel (7)…. the next day, go to bed early and get up at your usual (8)….. . You may be a little bit (8)….. but that is probably just a (10)…… of your determination to do will in the exam.” 1. There is no more homework to do, you have done lots of (1)…..  and you have had plenty of useful practice with past papers.

Câu 15:  Choose the option  A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage: “At last it is here: tomorrow is the exam day. There is no more homework to do, you have done lots of (1)…..  and you have had plenty of useful practice with past papers. You […]

What is Tor? Is it legal to use Tor? – LLODO

In this article, we will learn what Tor is, how it works and is it legal? What is Tor? An Onion Router or Tor is a network that allows users to stay anonymous on the internet and escape the surveillance others, user identification, or tracking have while using the internet. You can access the Tor […]

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