Read the list of 200 ridiculously easy passwords of 2021, still encountering familiar “clowns” – LLODO

Every year, NordPass, the company that provides a password manager tool of the same name, publishes a list of the worst passwords in the world, and over the years, these passwords have not changed much, especially those belongs to the “top” category. Will 2021, when the world is more advanced in technology and the pandemic makes more people work from home via computers, help change this list?

Read the list of 200 ridiculously easy passwords of 2021, still encountering familiar clowns - Photo 1.

The answer is no. Extremely bad passwords like “123456” and “qwerty” still top the list. Most of these, like “123456789” or “000000,” are just a simple numeric keypad that NordPass estimates is relatively easy to crack in about a second. Other popular choices like “password” and “abc123” are also easy to crack.

In addition to the passwords that everyone knows will appear on the list like “qwerty” or “abc123”, there are also some more strange, but equally bad passwords, such as “iloveyou”, “dragon” or “baseball”.

Here is a list of the 20 worst passwords of 2021, you can see the full 200 here:

1. 123456

2. 123456789

3. 12345

4. qwerty

5. password

6. 12345678

7. 111111

8. 123123

9. 1234567890

10. 1234567

11. qwerty123

12. 000000

13. 1q2w3e

14. aa12345678

15. abc123

16. password1

17. 1234

18. qwertyuiop

19. 123321

20. password123

NordPass CEO Jonas Karklys said: “Passwords are getting weaker and weaker and people are still not setting them properly. People have to understand that passwords are the gateway to our digital lives, and with more and more time spent online, it’s becoming increasingly important to pay attention to cybersecurity.”

Reference: Gizmodo


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