How to get someone else’s IP address in Discord – LLODO

There are a lot of situations where you might want to get someone’s IP on Discord. However, not everyone knows how to do so. Most people believe that Discord hosts their own servers, so it’s impossible to get someone else’s IP from there. In addition, the platform uses TLS, to further ensure the security of Discord’s users.

How to get someone else's IP address in Discord

Most IT pros will tell you: “Can’t get someone’s IP from Discord”. However, this is not entirely true. You can absolutely do that by using software that can get other people’s IPs.

Using Discord IP Grabber

IP grabbers are one of the best solutions to know someone’s IP address. There are many IP grabbers that allow you to find and track other people’s IPs. Here is an example of how to get an IP address using Grabify

Step 1. Get someone else’s URL

On Discord, each user will have a link to their page. First of all, you need to know this link to start getting their IP. Grabify can do it, you just need to copy and paste your Discord address into Grabify.

Step 2. Create URL

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After you have pasted your Discord address, click on the “Create URL” button. Now, you need to get that address and send it to the person you want to get the IP from. When the user clicks the link, you will get their information.

I have explained how this method works in the article to create a Word file to get the ip.

Step 3. Save your tracking code

When you generate a URL for your user, Grabify will provide you with a tracking code. This code is very important, as it will give you the ability to track the user’s IP later.

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Step 4. Send the generated link to others

Once you have the link, send it to others and make sure they click it. It’s okay to make up a reason like being friends with Discord.

Step 5. IP Tracking

Once you have the tracking code and the user has clicked on your link, you can track their IP. First of all, you need to enter the tracking code into the Grabify page. Click the “Tracking Code” button. The site will show you all the information about the Discord user who clicked the link.

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This is a pretty easy way to get someone else’s IP. Even if you don’t have an account on Grabify, you can get other people’s IP addresses, countries, operating systems and devices. This tool is very simple but provides a lot of information for you, so be sure to visit Grabify to check if it can help you.

Using Discord IP Resolver

Discord IP Resolver is another easy way to get someone’s IP on Discord. This is a tool that uses today’s most advanced technologies to help you get any information you want. IP Resolver technology implements packet interception scanning. This method helps to decrypt, extract or fetch any IP address you need.

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First of all, the tool sends specially modified spoofed packets. The app’s artificial intelligence algorithms can easily adapt to the user’s location. The destination IP will then send back the encrypted packets, and give you information about their IP.

Note: To use this tool, the target must be online.

Step 1. Get your User ID

To get your user ID, you can join any server on Discord and type @yourusername. Then you will get your user ID. Copy it for the next steps.

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Step 2. Enable Developer Mode

Before getting someone else’s IP, you need to go to your Discord account and select “Settings”. Then, go to “Appearance” and turn on “Developer Mode”.

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Step 3. Copy someone else’s ID

After you have enabled developer mode, right click on the target and press “Copy ID”. Now, you can proceed to the next steps.

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Step 4. Fetch IP Address

Once you have your Discord User ID, paste it into the Discord Resolver website. Click “Resolve” and the target IP will show up on the Discord IP Grabber page.

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Use Wireshark to get Discord IP

Wireshark is another powerful tool that people use as a protocol analyzer. For example, you can see what’s happening on your network. The project has been around since 1998 and can perform VoIP analytics and live capture analysis. This allows you to get the IP of anyone, including Discord users.

Step 1. Install Wireshark

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Wireshark is an application that you need to download to your computer before you can use it. Go to the website, find the Download section and select your operating system version to install. Then an installation file will be downloaded and all you need to do is install it.

Step 2. Explore the tracking functions

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This app is a goldmine of useful functions that allow you to keep track of almost anything. You can capture multiple pages, see the packets that your computer sends to different websites and see what web pages respond to.

Including Discord, so you can capture packets and see information about them which will contain the target’s IP. This information will include the number of packages, source, IP, device, protocol and other information.

Step 3. Sign in to Discord

On the Wireshark application, you can capture multiple sources because your computer has many processes running in the background. Luckily, you can filter them using Wireshark’s functions. For example, you can see the protocols TCP, UTP, etc. if you click on the respective tabs.

So if Discord is active and you are talking to a user whose IP you need, the application will capture it too, so make sure you enable the application before connecting to the target.

Step 4. Search for Discord Packages

Wireshark can capture every process your computer does through the Internet and can monitor all the information. But how do you know where the Discord information is out of all that? Very easy.

You can find Discord if you search for the name “Discord” in Wireshark and it will show you all the current ongoing processes, you need to enable User IP. You will easily filter packages and see all information about them. Try searching for different protocols and enter “Discord” in each one. This will give you detailed information about your computer’s connection to Discord.

Step 5. Get User IP

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To get user IP from Discord, we need to look at all incoming packets. To find a specific user’s IP, you need their username. If you type it into the search in the Wireshark app, you should get their IP easily.

Try searching in categories with Discord traffic. Note that there can be a lot of junk information, but you will see the user’s IP in their Discord info.

How to ban someone else’s IP in Discord?

Usually, you can argue with a certain user or simply face toxic people on Discord. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer, there is an option to ban anyone from joining Discord.

Bans on this platform are IP-based, so as long as the person uses the same IP address, Discord will block them. Most people only use one IP, so you can be sure they won’t be able to contact you.

Step 1. Open Discord

First of all, you need to open Discord. You can open Discord on your PC, phone, or website.

Step 2. Sign in

Next, you need to enter your username and other credentials to log into Discord. Then you will access the Server.

Step 3. Select Server

The next step is to choose a Server. They are located on the left side of the screen so they are easy to find. From the Server list, select the one you want.

Step 4. Find users

To ban someone, you need to find them first. They must be in one of the channels on Discord. Go to each channel to see the list of members of that channel. Keep clicking channels to find users.

Step 5. Ban users

Once you’ve found the user, you can easily ban them. Right-click this user’s name. The menu will appear and at the bottom you will see a “Ban” button. Left click on it to open another dialog box. Then confirm the ban by clicking “Ban” and that’s it. This user’s IP will not be accessible to you from now on.


There are many situations where you need to get someone’s IP on Discord. Some people will tell you it’s not possible, but now third-party apps can help you do this easily. Pay attention to the Discord IP grabber, a free web application. By getting the link, you can quickly get the IP of your target with this tool.

In addition, Discord IP Resolver also helps you to get the IP if the target is active. Wireshark is also another solution, but you need a bit of technique to use it. The application will take any IP that sends packets to your computer, so it can get the Discord IPs. Instead, you can permanently ban unwanted users from your Discord by using the “Ban” button next to the username.

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