Instructions to create a Free Wedding Announcement Website – LLODO

On the day of the wedding, everyone wants to let the world know that you and your significant other are getting married. In addition to the traditional way of posting a status or writing a card, you can now create a Wedding Announcement Website for free. Just a few mouse clicks and drag and drop photos, you can instantly create an Online wedding album and announce the date and time of the wedding so everyone can come and celebrate.

In the 4.0 era, in addition to invitations to weddings by cards, you can invite weddings through the Website with more details than ordinary wedding invitations, especially creating a Wedding Announcement Website that is completely free and for those who are not familiar with it. Technology can still do it.

Create a Free Wedding Announcement Website

In addition to creating wedding announcements, your friends can comment sharing the fun and the wedding day counter so people don’t forget the date. To create a free wedding website, you can use Vietnam’s Biihappy platform.

Currently, Biihappy has 6 free interface templates for you to choose to make a wedding website suitable for each style of the bride and groom: romantic, classic, modern, peaceful, minimalist, hold my hand.

First you need create Account to store your moments and pictures.

To start creating a Wedding Website, choose the interface you like at Template page . Here you can select the . button Preview to decide whether to choose this interface or not. If you like, you can start creating your wedding website by clicking the . button Create Website.

I have a website that works for you

Next, fill in the basic information about your wedding: Name of the groom, name of the bride, wedding date and Website address. With Biihappy, you will be given a Website address with the link:

Then click the Initialize Website button.

I'm a dammit website

Now that you have created the website’s frame, the next task is to upload photos and edit more information such as bridesmaids, groomsmen, events, love stories of two people…. You click Website editing

edit website dam cuoi

Pay attention to the Horizontal Menu, this is the place to edit the elements of your Wedding Website.

  • General information you can change the background music, Website name, Website description, wedding date and Website address
  • Bride & Groom: add more information about the bride and groom, including the two’s bank accounts so that whoever transfers money to celebrate the wedding still knows the account number =))
  • Bridesmaids & groomsmen: the people who will bring you the wedding tray, you can add their photos and information here
  • Event: is a list of time of the party you can add: prom, engagement ceremony, groom’s wedding, bride’s wedding…
  • Love story: tell everyone about the times when the two of you fell in love with each other.
  • Photo album: is the wedding photo or commemorative photo you want to show everyone
  • Wishes: List wishes from people who have visited your Wedding Website.
  • Guest: list of guests you plan to invite
  • Interface: Change the content of the text available on the Website

General information about website

Once you’ve edited the main content in the Wedding Website, you can review and send the addresses to guests or friends who can’t attend, so they can see the wedding photos and timeline. Especially, leave online wishes for the two of you.

I have a free website

During this epidemic season, it is quite difficult to organize a wedding and invite a large number of people, so creating a Wedding Announcement Website is very meaningful so that those who cannot attend can know about your wedding. This is a project to create a free Vietnamese wedding website and you can use it without spending any money.

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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