Marc Spector’s 3rd personality officially revealed – LLODO

The Moon Knight series has officially ended after the final episode aired on May 4, with many notable details to pave the way for future projects such as: Both Marc Spector and Steven personalities Grant both survived and was temporarily released from the moon god Khonshu’s control; Layla becomes the superhero Scarlet Scarab after accepting the invitation to be the avatar of the god Tarewet; the villain Arthur Harrow and the evil god Ammit have been destroyed; Most importantly, Jake Lockley, Marc’s 3rd personality, has officially revealed himself and remains loyal to Khonshu.

In addition to the above “teased” details, the final episode of Moon Knight, as usual, also contains a lot of interesting easter eggs related to the previously aired episodes in particular and the Marvel universe in particular. shared.

Episode opening song confirms Marc Spector is indeed dead

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 1.

After 2 episodes of “brain confusion”, the last episode of Moon Knight officially confirmed that Marc Spector (and Steven Grant) was really dead after 2 shots of Arthur Harrow. And the opening song, The End (1958) by Earl Grant helps confirm this information, with lines like “end of a story”, or “end of a river”. (the end of a river). Not a hallucination, nor magic at all, Marc actually went to the afterlife, before being resurrected by the portal of the god Osiris.

The crane statue in Ammit’s tomb has “teased” in advance about the future of Arthur Harrow

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 2.

In ancient Egyptian culture, the crane was a symbol of great significance, and often symbolized balance. This is also the ideal that Arthur Harrow pursues throughout the Moon Knight series: Judge the hearts of others by Ammit’s scale, but those whose scales are not balanced will lose their souls. However, in this scene, the crane statue is arranged differently from the frame, as a foreshadowing of the imbalance in Arthur’s own heart. In the following passage, the god Ammit also confirms this, but thinks that it is the lack of balance that will help her achieve her goal.

Layla’s Superhero Personality

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 3.

In the final episode of Moon Knight, Layla transformed into the superhero Scarlet Scarab (red scarab) after becoming the avatar of the hippo goddess Taweret. And this is not a random detail, because before that, Marvel has many times cleverly associated this character with the image of the scarab. We have: Layla’s nickname was originally “little scarab”, the scarf her late father used is red, and she herself bandages her arms with a scarab print scarf in the volume. 4. In addition, Layla was the person who used to own a scarab compass that led the way to Ammit’s tomb.

Marc and Steven’s hug was inspired by comic books

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 4.

Marc and Steven’s embrace in the Duat desert was inspired by Jeff Lemire’s Moon Knight chapter #9. Unlike the TV version, this is a goodbye hug, which is Marc’s greeting to all of his other personalities, including Steven.

Scarlet Scarab

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 5.

As mentioned above, Layla El-Faouly, after becoming Taweret’s avatar, immediately received super strength and became Scarlet Scarab. However, her iconic character in the comics, Marlene Arlaune, does not have any connection to this superhero. Instead, it was Abdallah El-Faouly (Abdul Faoul in the comics), Layla’s father, who was the first to become the Scarlet Scarab, before passing on that superhero personality to his son.

Arthur Harrow’s Bloody Feet

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 6.

After the final battle ended, Marc and Steven suddenly returned to the strange mental hospital, where “doctor” Harrow was responsible for treating the two. However, this time, the two noticed the blood stains from Harrow’s feet, then became more confident in their perception and got rid of the hallucinogen. This bloodstain is an easter egg related to the first episode, when Arthur Harrow slips his feet into his shoes filled with glass shards and remains unharmed.

“Laters Gators”

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 7.

“Laters Gators” is a humorous, warm goodbye that Steven Grant often uses in the first episodes. However, episode 5 shows that this quote was invented by Marc Spector to say goodbye to his mother, before she became distraught and started abusing him. Despite the sad connotation, in the final episode, Marc and Steven decided to use the “laters gators” again when leaving “doctor” Harrow’s mental hospital, showing that he really had overcome all hurt, hallucinations in the soul and ready to start a new life.

Moon Knight ends right where the series started

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 8.

After seemingly escaping Khonshu’s control, Marc and Steven return to their London apartment where the series begins. We have the soundtrack to “A Man Without Love” by Engelbert Humperdinck, Marc/Steven in pajamas, feet tied to the bed, surrounded by sand, just like in the first episode. The only difference is that now, Marc and Steven have become good friends, and both can be willing to swap positions when necessary. However, the fact that they still tied themselves up suggests that they may have dimly guessed that there is still a 3rd personality hidden inside their body – a more ruthless personality that is only revealed in the mid. -credits of the last episode.

Marc and Steven’s 2 pet goldfish

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 9.

In the first episodes, Steven has Gus, a goldfish with only one fin, symbolizing loneliness, for the failures in life that he has to go through. However, now, living in harmony with Marc Spector, he has another goldfish in his aquarium. A gentle but meaningful detail, showing that Steven no longer suffers from loneliness and often struggles with multiple personality disorder.

Fake hospital – real hospital

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 10.

Appearing in the mental hospital where Arthur Harrow was treated in the mid-credits scene, this rubber duck was designed with the same outfit as when Arthur transformed into the doctor treating Marc and Steven in the recent episodes. via. In addition, we can find a second duck on a desk where Jake Lockley murdered the staff of this hospital. Before that, the same duck appeared in the 4th episode, below the TV showing the movie “Tomb Buster” in the hospital where “doctor” Harrow worked.

Kang the Conqueror

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 11.

Dotted throughout the Moon Knight episodes are QR codes, allowing viewers to scan and download free comic chapters related to the superhero. The QR code in the final episode will bring them the Moon Knight Annual #1 story collection, revolving around the battle between the Masked Knight and Kang the Conqueror – the “final boss” of the Loki series. Kang is also one of the strongest candidates for the next big villain of the MCU, after Thanos was defeated by the Avengers.

Jake Lockley’s limo

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 12.

In the comics, Jake Lockley, the third personality of Marc Spector, is an ordinary taxi driver, and uses this profession as an effective way of gathering information. However, when he appeared on the small screen, he owned a luxury limo, and apparently no longer practiced as a taxi driver. This detail may be self-created by Marvel Studios, and is related to the comic book version of Steven Grant – a rich billionaire (and is also part of the reason why Moon Knight is called Marvel’s Batman). Has this billionaire role been transferred to Jake Lockley or not? Only time will give us the most accurate answer.

Details of Marvel’s artist tribute

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 13.

The hospital that Arthur Harrow was admitted to in the end credits is called Sienkiewicz – an easter egg tribute to artist Bill Sienkiewicz, who was attached to the Moon Knight comic series in the 80s.

Khonshu’s new outfit

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 14.

In the end credits, Khonshu wears an elegant suit when he kidnaps Arthur Harrow, and introduces his new avatar – Jake Lockley (actually still Steven/Marc). This outfit is based on Jeff Lemire’s Moon Knight series – also the main inspiration for the Marvel Studios series.

Jake Lockley’s limo license plate

Interesting details in the final episode of Moon Knight: Marc Spector's 3rd personality officially revealed - Photo 15.

The license plate “SPKTR” of the limo that Jake Lockley owns is taken first from the comic book Moon Knight, but lacks the signature crescent moon symbol of this superhero.

According to ScreenRant lo-dien-20220505110407106.chn

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