The head of Russia’s space agency says the aerospace industry will fail if Russia is sanctioned by the US. Elon Musk responded with just a photo – LLODO

Political tension often leads to many consequences. When the situation reaches a climax, governments will impose sanctions to limit unprofitable moves from other countries. Obviously, when their country is affected by sanctions, officials will stand still.

In the current context, the relationship between the US and Russia is extremely tense. The US President introduced many tough sanctions, prompting the director of the Russian space agency Dmitry Rogozin to immediately post a protest on Twitter.

The head of Russia's space agency says the aerospace industry will fail if Russia is sanctioned by the US.  Elon Musk responded with just a photo - Photo 1.

Opening of the post in Russian by Mr. Rogozin.

Rogozin affirmed that the sanctions would immediately affect Russia’s space program, and raised a series of tough positions regarding relations between the two countries. The executive order of the US Presidential Administration will prevent Russia from signing contracts to launch cruise missiles with other countries, thereby destroying the thriving aviation market.

Moreover, US sanctions will affect cooperation between the US and Russia on the International Space Station ISS. Moreover, Russia is also one of the key factors in keeping the ISS stable in space. Mr. Rogozin affirmed that Russia is the country that ensures the ISS flies on the right track, and at the same time prevents objects drifting in space from affecting the station.

Almost immediately Elon Musk joined the debate. However, taking advantage of the visual communication capabilities of the Internet, Musk only replied briefly with a single photo.

The head of Russia's space agency says the aerospace industry will fail if Russia is sanctioned by the US.  Elon Musk responded with just a photo - Photo 2.

Since Musk didn’t say anything, we can only speculate on the billionaire’s intentions with the photo of the SpaceX logo. Perhaps Elon Musk wants to single-handedly solve all the problems that Mr. Rogozin raised in his Twitter post: they will be the ones to sign contracts with countries to put satellites/probes into space, they will be the ones. keep the aviation market prosperous, and they will also be the company that ensures the smooth running of the ISS.

To clarify the issue, someone directly tagged Elon Musk to ask. They quoted Mr. Rogozin as saying: “If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS station from losing control and crashing into the US and Europe”, and said that Musk posted the SpaceX photo in response to this idea of ​​Mr. Rogozin.

Elon Musk continued to answer succinctly: “Yes“.

The head of Russia's space agency says the aerospace industry will fail if Russia is sanctioned by the US.  Elon Musk responded with just a photo - Photo 3.

At the present time, the post of both Mr. Rogozin and Elon Musk continues to attract the attention of the online community. phat-elon-musk-dap-tra-chi-bang-mot-tam-anh-20220226205306003.chn

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