Top 3 Tool Copy the best competitor’s Facebook ad campaign – LLODO

Anyone who wants to start an online business needs to run ads at least once. However, there are people who run the same type of advertising but cannot issue orders, while competitors can sell goods every day. It could be that their prices are better or that their advertising campaign is targeting the right audience. So how to copy the best competitor’s Facebook ad campaign. In this article, I will introduce to you 3 tools to help copy extremely effective advertising campaigns to increase the likelihood of orders by 70%.

Surely everyone who sells online knows AhaChat’s spy ads, can say that this is the best Facebook advertising campaign copy tool today, with the feature of copying the entire ad campaign of the opponent in combination with the campaign. If you are running, the chances of getting an application will be much higher.

According to statistics from Marketing people, up to 90% of users running Ads use spy ads to analyze competitors and competitive shops so that they can run Ads more effectively.

The outstanding features of spy ads that Facebook ad campaign copy tools do not have are:

  • Search for posts that are running ads on Facebook
  • Statistics of the number of interactions and comments of advertising articles
  • See which posts are running ads
  • Find and load all comments of a running post (filter by keyword, phone number or email), often used to get competitor’s customer information
Tool spy ads of AhaChat copy facebook advertising campaign
Tool spy ads interface of AhaChat

To use spy ads you can register at the homepage Then sign up for a trial, you can use this tool for free with a limited number of scans. You can then upgrade to the Pro plan at a relatively low cost to use all the features of this Facebook ad campaign copy tool. analyzes competitor Ads analyzes competitor Ads is a Website that helps you analyze articles running ads on Facebook with the following content:

Find the most effective time to post ads.

– Check the content that competitors post every day

How competitors use Fanpage to run ads?

– Count the number of competitors’ article interactions and analyze customer psychology through comments under the ad.

You can review the pages that were originally created. While this tool doesn’t provide much information for you to beat your competitors running Facebook Ads, it can help you get an easier to understand interface and statistics.

To use this software, you access the link: log in with your Facebook account and follow the instructions on the screen.

Use Facebook’s “Ad Library” feature

The ad library was formerly known as “Info and Ads” Tools, but this feature has been renamed to a new name over a year ago. Facebook allows users to use this public to increase transparency for Fanapge owners.

facebook ad library

Although the real purpose of “Ads Library” is for users to check what content Ads are running on a Fanpage, which brands are running, but this feature is used to Analyze competitor’s advertising campaigns.

If you want to know what Ads your sales competitors are running, with just one click, you will have information about how your competitors’ advertising campaigns are currently performing.


  • Free tool for low budget Shops. If you are starting to practice running Ads, you can use this feature.
  • The geo-filtering feature makes it easier for you to reach your competitors’ customers and will help you decide whether to run Facebook ads with an audience around your location or further away.


  • Because the tool is free, your competitors can use the same way as you to copy Facebook ad campaigns.
  • There is no feature to analyze the likes, comments and shares of a specific post.
  • Can’t get hidden comments

If you decide to enter the online business path, you need to know people who know you, hundreds of battles, hundreds of wins. Therefore, analyzing Ads to copy competitors’ Facebook ad campaigns is Vietnamese to do. Currently, I still use AhaChat’s spy ads because it synthesizes all the features of other tools, saving you a lot of time and increasing the efficiency of the application.

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