When life is no longer measured by money and fame, the “real-life Robinson” no longer wants to return to the mainland – LLODO

When arriving on Restoration island, northeast of Australia, people will encounter a “strange” old man, with a white beard and hair, living alone in peace in a secluded place. This particular resident also does not like to wear clothes or shoes, he often goes topless and only wears pants when welcoming guests or adds a tank top when there is a really formal occasion.

Being rich is empty-handed, millionaires are

The past is glorious and then it fades away

It is known that this old man named David Glasheen, is now nearly 80 years old. He started moving here in May 1997. Looking at the current pictures, few people know that this man used to be a millionaire, living in the most luxurious apartment in Sydney city.

In the 1980s, David Glasheen served as chairman of a mining corporation, mainly engaged in gold mining. At his richest time, this former businessman had a net worth of about 28.4 million USD (more than 667 billion VND). However, the stock market in 1987 took it all from David.

That year, the Dow Jones index of the US stock market dropped a record 508 points, he lost $ 7.25 million. According to ABC estimates, this money is now worth about 37 million USD. By 1993, almost his fortune had “evaporated” and went bankrupt.

Being rich and empty handed, a desperate dollar millionaire went to a deserted island to hide for more than 20 years: When life was no longer measured in money and fame, real life Robinson no longer wanted to return to the mainland - Photo 1.

David Glasheen was once a millionaire and lived in the most luxurious apartment in Sydney.

In the midst of a crisis, his wife left with her two daughters. The whole world turned against David, he fell into an abyss and was immersed in alcohol due to excessive stress. During this time, David tried his hand at starting businesses all over again.

Then, because he hated the hustle and bustle of the city, David Glasheen wanted to find a peaceful place to live after falling repeatedly. When a friend introduced him to Restoration island north of the city, the thought of moving to the island flashed in his mind and hatched a plan to build a 60-room luxury resort there.

Later that year, David met a recently divorced Zimbabwean woman. The two quickly got together because they found harmony in life and soul. They decided to build a new property together on this island. However, life on a deserted island with many difficulties and deprivations made the new girlfriend unable to continue to stick with David and return to the city.

In the end, still only David on the small island, undeterred, he decided to leave everything behind and start a life as Robinson Crusoe in real life.

A life no longer measured by money and fame

David Glasheen once shared with reporters that he had moved to this remote place with only a small suitcase containing “three shirts, two shorts and swimming trunks, a decent flashlight, some books, a jar of paprika, some toothpaste and a toothbrush.”

For many years, the former businessman has tried to “renovate” and turn life on a deserted island into an “artistic” life with two mannequins named Miranda and Phyllis to keep him company. He said: “There are venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, crocodiles, … but it’s still safer than a lot of places in the world where terrorism is raging.”

Being rich and empty-handed, a desperate dollar millionaire went to a deserted island to hide for more than 20 years: When life was no longer measured in money and fame, real life Robinson no longer wanted to return to the mainland - Photo 2.

Life is lacking, but the businessman still feels satisfied and wants to stick with this place for life.

Although life on the deserted island lacks enough roads and forces David to face daily survival challenges, this man believes this is heaven and the place he wants to spend the rest of his life. .

Every day, he grows his own vegetables, catches fish, crabs and shrimps for food. Once a year, the former businessman will sail into the city to buy essentials. He has a dog and a woman effigy with him and considers it as a friend, accepting to live as “Robinson on a deserted island” for the rest of his life.

Being rich and empty-handed, a desperate dollar millionaire went to a deserted island to hide for more than 20 years: When life was no longer measured in money and fame, real life Robinson no longer wanted to return to the mainland - Photo 3.

David Glasheen becomes the real-life Robinson on this island.

He added: “Initially I came here because I was tired of making money, bored with money, it made people no longer human, it also ruined my own marriage. But now I want to die and be buried here, where else would I want to? This is my paradise.”

David says more than 20 years on the deserted island has helped him heal past wounds. Writing about his life in The Millionaire Castaway, he said, “We all need healing at some point in our lives and that’s what happened to me.”

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