American dentist intentionally damaged the teeth of thousands of patients, to increase sales and retire early – LLODO

Spread nails to practice car patching. And then surreptitiously ripped off the tattoo so that the victim had to replace it with a new one, but couldn’t patch it. In another version of the true story, a dentist in the US deliberately damaged the teeth of thousands of patients, then treated them for millions of dollars and retired early.

The case is currently being tried in the US. This cunning dentist will face decades in prison to life in prison for fraud, perjury insurance and harming others’ health.

American dentist intentionally damaged the teeth of thousands of patients, to increase sales and retire early - Photo 1.

According to court records, 61-year-old Wisconsin dentist Grafton Scott Charmoli committed the offence during the final years of his career, from 2015 to 2019.

His plan worked out like this: First, when a patient came in for a dental X-ray, Charmoli would point to a blur on the film and lie that it was a decayed or broken tooth.

When in reality, it’s just a harmless blur. The patient’s teeth are actually perfectly healthy but Charmoli advises them to have a procedure called “dental crowns”.

This procedure involves wrapping the outside of the damaged tooth with a piece of porcelain, covering it to protect the damage. Once the patient agrees to the procedure, Charmoli will proceed to work on his drill.

The dentist will deliberately push the drill to break the top crown of the healthy tooth. Then he stopped and took an X-ray. This scan was used by Charmoli to return to the insurance company, justifying her original diagnosis.

Finally, he completed the crown procedure. The patient would then go home without even knowing he had been harmed.


Dental crown procedure.


Dentist Grafton Scott Charmoli.

Investigations say Charmoli’s behavior began around 2015, around the same time that the number of patients visiting his clinic for crowns skyrocketed.

In 2014, Charmoli had crowns for only 1,036 teeth. But by 2015, the number had increased by 434 units. This suddenly puts Charmoli in the top 5% of the most visited dentists in Wisconsin.

His income has since increased from $1.4 million to $2.5 million per year. According to federal prosecutors, between 2016 and 2019, Charmoli paid insurance companies and patients more than $4.2 million in total, just for the crown procedure.

Court documents show that in 2019, Charmoli fitted 881 crowns to 1,131 of her patients — a rate of about 78 crowns per 100 patients.

The incident actually went on for 4 years without ever being exposed. Although Baily Bayer, a former assistant to Charmoli, when testifying in the trial, said that she also had some doubts.

Bayer didn’t understand why when he took the patient’s crown, Mr. Charmoli always had a strange drilling movement and always took the X-ray again. But Charmoli later justified it as a mandatory process. “The insurer wants to see these pictures”Bayer narrated Charmoli’s words to her.

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The matter only began to be revealed in early 2019, after Charmoli sold her dental office to another dentist named Pako Major. Charmoli seems to feel he has earned enough to want to retire, but Major said he will still return to the clinic to see old patients until August 2019.

During that time, when Major reviewed the medical records of the patients Charmoli had treated, he felt something strange.

“As healthcare professionals, we all take an oath to ‘do no harm’ to our patients, which is why I feel an ethical obligation to report activity that I believe in. is suspicious“, said Major.

The police then investigated and Charmoli was indicted by a federal grand jury on December 15, 2020. The Washington Post reported that at the time, Charmoli owned many valuable personal properties. more than 6.8 million USD. He also has resort properties in Wisconsin and Arizona.


At the time of the prosecution, Charmoli owned many personal assets worth more than $6.8 million. He also has resort properties in Wisconsin and Arizona.

For all her actions, last week a grand jury found Charmoli on five counts of fraud and two counts of perjury related to healthcare matters.

Charmoli now faces up to 10 years in prison for each count of healthcare fraud and up to 5 years for each count of perjury. His sentence is expected to be delivered on June 17.

At the same time, nearly 100 former patients are also suing this dentist for fraud and harm to health.

Refer to Arstechnica 20220319020410724.chn

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