According to the second paragraph, children learn languages ​​better than adults because of the following reasons EXCEPT……..

Explanation: According to the second paragraph, children learn language faster than adults for the following reasons EXCEPT ……………..

A. They follow their parents

B. They have no language

C. They don’t like to talk

D. They don’t have a fixed method

“Many explain have been advanced for children’s superiority: they exploit Motherless (the simplified, repetitive conversation between parents and children), make errors themselves-consciously, are more motivated to communicate, like to conform, are not set in their ways, and have no first language to interfere.” But some of these accounts are unlikely, based on what is known about how language acquisition works.

Translation: Many explanations have been put forward for children’s remarkable ability to learn language: they exploit their mother tongue (through simple, repetitive dialogues between parents and children), make mistakes unconsciously, are encouraged to communicate, want to imitate, are not constrained in their ways, and are not hindered by the first language. But some of these explanations do not seem to be based on what people know about how a language is acquired.

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