Former Nintendo president believes in the future of blockchain games, asserting that games need to be “for the player” to succeed – LLODO

In an interview last month, Reggie Fils-Aimé, former COO and president of Nintendo of North America, said that he is a fan of blockchain technology and games in the genre of play for profit – Play-to- Earn. The concept “makes sense for players,” he asserts.

At South by Southwest 2022, an annual event centered around movies, music and interactive entertainment, Reggie Fils-Aimé directly answered the host’s questions about many aspects, throughout the entire life. personal life and work.

Fils-Aimé talks about his career at Nintendo, what he’s been up to since retiring in 2019, and talks about the trends of blockchain technology, as well as the future of the nascent industry. .

Former Nintendo president believes in the future of blockchain gaming, insists games need to be

Reggie Fils-Aimé, former president of Nintendo North America.

The former Nintendo president affirmed that he is a believer in blockchain technology, feeling that the technology has the potential to be a fulcrum for the game industry to develop in a new direction. Specifically, he mentioned that the concept of “Play-to-Own” will be possible when backed by blockchain technology.

The items the player earns in a game developed on the blockchain will actually belong to the player, and the player himself can turn those virtual items into real profits. He gives the example of investing time in gaming, and he himself wants to make a profit from that investment.

He also joked that there will be people in the audience who will want to buy his island in the game Animal Crossing, referring to a virtual location that only exists in the virtual world of the Switch exclusive game. Reggie Fils-Aimé’s joking offer is not without foundation, when there are still NFTs in the market, digital assets are sold at sky-high prices.

Former Nintendo president believes in the future of blockchain gaming, insists games need to be

The pieces of The Merge work have a total price of 91.8 million USD, equivalent to 2,100 billion VND

However, Reggie Fils-Aimé insists that blockchain technology applied in games must be developed.”for players“, it can’t just be a developer’s monetization tool. “Final, [công nghệ blockchain] must be good for the player. And do I see a prospect?”, concluded Mr. Fils-Aimé.

The former president of Nintendo is not the only individual to support the application of blockchain to games. A gamer, and also the co-founder of Twitch also made a similar comment. Justin Kan said that NFT was born for gamers, when players can assert their sovereignty with the digital assets they earn.

Many big players in the video game industry are already planning to invest in blockchain technology, metaverse and NFT. When the market and community really see the potential of new technology, and when the technology is ripe, that will be the time when virtual communities will flourish with real blockbuster blockchain game projects.

You can watch the full interview with Reggie Fils-Aimé here.

Cryptocurrency, commonly known as “virtual money”, has not been recognized by law in Vietnam.

GameFi (short for Game Finance) is a term that refers to games built on blockchain that incorporate financial elements. The information in the article is for reference only and has no value as an investment recommendation curved-20220429163053039.chn

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