All Android “big guys” can’t compete with Apple’s growth last quarter – LLODO

The first quarter of 2022 is not a good time for Android, as every major manufacturer has reduced market share. Meanwhile, Apple is the only smartphone manufacturer with an increase in market share over the same period last year.

All the

The latest IDC report shows the correlation between the world situation and the mobile market. Issues such as the global pandemic, supply chain constraints due to the situation between Russia and Ukraine have resulted in all major Android manufacturers being affected, some even significantly reducing their market share.

Here is the change in market share of the top smartphone vendors compared to the same period last year:

  • Samsung down 1.2%
  • Xiaomi down 17.8%
  • Oppo down 26.8%
  • vivo decreased by 27.7%
  • Other carriers down 2.7%
  • Apple up 2.2%

In total, the industry as a whole shipped 314.1 million smartphones in Q1 2022, down 8.9% from 344.7 million units in Q1 2021.

Interestingly, Apple and Samsung both buck the trend. Apple was the only major manufacturer that was able to grow in market share, while Samsung’s decline was much lower than the others. IDC attributes this to the superior supply chain management of both companies.

While the loss of market share is worrisome, IDC believes that companies are likely to increase their market share in the coming quarters as issues are resolved and supply chains stabilized.

Reference: AA

Link Hoc va de thi 2021

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