Apple kills iPod – LLODO

Apple has just announced that it will discontinue the iPod Touch, the last remaining version of the iPod music player line. In its announcement, Apple said it will continue to sell the remaining iPod Touch in stock and will provide new devices.

The discontinuation of the iPod Touch also meant the end of the 20-year era of the iPod line. However, Apple says “the iPod spirit will live on”. This is also a decision that is not surprising, when Apple already has many other popular music listening devices such as iPhone, iPad or HomePod Mini speaker.

Apple kills iPod - Photo 1.

The first iPod was released by Apple 20 years ago. The first iPods only used to listen to music, produced until 2017. Then, Apple released the iPod Touch version as a new generation music player, with more features like the iPhone, except calling.

In an era where smartphones are so ubiquitous, it’s hard to carry around a second device just for listening to music. Tony Fadell, one of the original iPod developers, said that the iPod development team anticipated that the iPhone would completely replace it.

Reference: theverge

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