Choose the true statement. – Question and Answer English online

The answer is NO


Which of the following is correctaccording to the passage?

A. The biggest pressure to get married comes from Madeline’s parents

B. Women who graduate from college become sought-after wives

C. Men and women find it difficult to get along naturally

D. Advertising encourages young people to have more realistic expectations

Based on the information: Singapore’s government that, to ensure continuous prosperity, future generations must become more intelligent. And it is concerned that female graduates – ideal for breeding this super-race – are staying single and childless. Singapore’s men, on the other hand, are marrying less educated women. So, the government has launched a campaign to encourage the ‘right’ couples to get together.

(The Singapore government believes that, to ensure continued prosperity, future generations must become smarter. And it is feared that female graduates – ideal to breed super races) These people – are single and have no children. On the other hand, Singaporean men are marrying less educated women, so the government has launched a campaign to encourage the “right” couples to come together. .)

A is wrong because in the article it only says “And it is not only her family but also her government who are keen for her to marry and reproduce.” – Not only her parents but also the nine government want her to get married and have children

→ It cannot be said that pressure from parents is the greatest.

C is wrong because the article only mentions “The sexes are not encouraging to mix during childhood or to date until after university.” – Men and women are encouraged not to stay together during their childhood or date them until graduation.”

D is wrong because the last paragraph says “Government-sponsored ads on prime-time TV aim to get the message across. In one, a young man sits on a park bench, sighing, “Where is my dream girl?” At the other end, a girl stares into space thinking, “Where is the man of my dreams?” They fail to notice each other and wander off, lonely. A voice-over saying “Why not reality? You could wait a lifetime for a dream.” – ……Why isn’t it real? You can only wait for one dream all your life” → Advertising gives people the feeling of finding a virtual partner, not a real one.

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