Without desire or passion, they lock themselves in their rooms, “drink” soft drinks, load up on tons of fast food and… shelves. – LLODO


</p> <p>A few years back, there is a trend that is spreading in many Asian countries. That is “tang ping” – a way of life that means that instead of working all your life to buy a house like before, people just pursue a normal life. In other words… lie flat and let life go.</p> <p>Although each person has a choice for their life, “tang ping” is ultimately still a somewhat negative lifestyle and easily appears at many ages. Lighter than “tang ping” and focusing mainly on young people, what we are talking about here is the phenomenon of “squat generation”.</p> <p>What does “squat generation” mean?</p> <p>In a nutshell, there is a section of such young people, highly educated, with no specific work, no passion, no desire to compete. They rent houses in first-class cities, do not like to return to their hometown, but also have no ambition to start a business. In short, they like to stay at home, don’t like to go to work.</p> <div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" type="Photo" style=""> <div><img decoding="async" id="img_385620548238012416" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squat="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620548238012416" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" width="" height="" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-1637203101960213992645.jpg"/><noscript><img decoding="async" id="img_385620548238012416" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squat="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620548238012416" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-1637203101960213992645.jpg" width="" height=""/></noscript></div> </div> <p>There is a topic I have read and still remember forever. Topics titled: <i>“Wearing a short-sleeved shirt outside, suddenly it’s winter.”</i></p> <p>Topic is about a guy after graduation who decides to go back to his hometown to write books full-time because he can’t find a satisfactory job in the city. But day by day, his creative enthusiasm gradually cooled. So every day, in addition to playing games, he only knows how to order goods and wait.</p> <p>One Christmas night, he went downstairs to pick up his girlfriend for dinner. Stepping out of the corridor, he discovered that it was drizzling outside, and the wind was howling. Turns out, it’s been winter ever since, and he’s still wearing a short-sleeved shirt.</p> <p>Such stories are not uncommon among young people today.</p> <p>Indeed, ever since, more and more young people are fed up with working at 8 a.m., leaving at 4 p.m., even though they’re just ordinary workers or office workers “wearing white and wearing plain clothes.” .</p> <p>In their eyes, these repetitive tasks are too boring. Check-in in the morning, check-out in the afternoon is also too boring. Even if their parents thought that such a life was extremely desirable, they still did not want to go to work. If they have to go, they will be in a human state, sitting in an office and their souls have gone to nowhere.</p> <p>Social media is always flooded with comments like: <i>“There are always 5-6 days a week when you don’t want to work”https://genk.vn/”Only people without any talent have to sell their time for money”https://genk.vn/ “Going to work is a waste of time and youth”…</i></p> <p>Even “going to work” became a word that made me feel uncomfortable and frustrated just by hearing it.</p> <p>According to a report by Talentnet – Mercer in June 2020, the turnover rate at domestic enterprises is 9.5%, foreign companies (MNC) is 7.5%. Talentnet forecasts that the turnover rate of employees in domestic enterprises will continue to increase. And the facts prove that, while the economy is moving from the “emergency” phase to the recovery phase, the human resources situation tends to shift from recovery to “alarm” with unexpected resignation situations.</p> <p>“No work, no socializing” – Why do young people today hate going to work so much?</p> <p><b>02</b></p> <p>In fact, among young people who do not want to work, although they really like to stay at home, it is not that they do not have talent and ability. Instead of being average, nothing is too outstanding passively, they actively choose for themselves such a lifestyle.</p> <p>They give themselves a long vacation, perhaps because they haven’t found what they like for a while, or have found it, but are miserable because reality is too far away, not daring to pursue what they want. Like that, they don’t dare to face reality, just hang around at home.</p> <div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" type="Photo" style=""> <div><img decoding="async" id="img_385620588972322816" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squat="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620588972322816" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" width="" height="" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-16372031116661275466819.jpg"/><noscript><img decoding="async" id="img_385620588972322816" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squat="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620588972322816" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-16372031116661275466819.jpg" width="" height=""/></noscript></div> </div> <p>A few days ago, I was scrolling through Facebook and found a post. The owner of the post confided that he had been at home without work for the past 3 years, his lover was… the bed, even going out the door did not go farther than 500m, only visited the restaurant and convenience store on the right floor. below to supplement food.</p> <p>During these 3 years, he did not have a stable job, did not socialize, rented a room of only 10m2, ate mountains of fast food and instant noodles, drank 3-4 tons of soft drinks. His only companion is his cell phone and he has watched over 100 TV series.</p> <p>The things that support his “squatting” life are: savings, consumer overdraft loans, online loans, using credit cards of various banks…</p> <p>Beneath the post of the post owner, strangely, there are many other young people in sympathy. Eg:</p> <p><i>– “Because I stayed at home for 2 years and only ate 1 meal a day, I lost from 140kg to 90kg, but I also seem to have lost all desires in the world, and can no longer feel the emotions of sadness and happiness. angry”.</i></p> <p><i>– </i><i>“I’m a little better, even though I’m only at home, but every day I still earn 600k, deduct 200k to pay for the room, 200k for food and drink, 200k for alcohol, recharge games, go online …”.</i></p> <p>And there are also people who, after staying at home for a while and carrying a lot of debt, have started planning to find a job…</p> <p>This “squat” race fully proves the saying: <i>“Trying is not necessarily successful, but not trying will certainly be very comfortable.”</i></p> <p>The “squat generation” is a product of this era, but the fact that members of the “squat generation” don’t want to go to work doesn’t mean they don’t want to work. Because “going to work” and “working” are two completely different concepts, when most people say they “don’t want to work”, they haven’t found a job yet.</p> <div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" type="Photo" style=""> <div><img decoding="async" id="img_385620435041361920" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squat="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620435041361920" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" width="" height="" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-16372030749721464505446.jpg"/><noscript><img decoding="async" id="img_385620435041361920" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squat="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620435041361920" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-16372030749721464505446.jpg" width="" height=""/></noscript></div> </div> <p>“Coming to work” is a type of “commercial transaction” between an individual and a company. If the company pays to buy your work time, you must follow the company rules, go to a specified place to do the specified work for the specified time period.</p> <p>Meanwhile, “work” or “work” is simply one of the means by which a person settles down in life or realizes self-worth.</p> <p>In short: to go to work is to work for others, and to work is to work for yourself.</p> <p>Indeed, most people are not born to hate going to work. In contrast, today’s young people are considered as the “squat generation”, but in reality, they always want to find a job and affirm their self-worth as soon as they graduate, leave school, step foot. into society. Because at that time, they felt that everything in society was too new and wanted to try. But that mindset is there before they form the concept and have their own real work experience.</p> <p>In other words, they confuse the two concepts of “going to work” and “working” into one, and they want to have fun before they go to work. However, the longer they work, the more they will find that the essence of going to work is to make a living. This is in contrast to the beautiful illusions they have in their heads.</p> <p>Once disillusioned into obsession, they no longer have the motivation to go to work. That’s why some people complain that “going to work is a waste of youth”.</p> <p><b>03</b></p> <p>Live life to the fullest for the things you love</p> <p>A long time ago, I watched a movie called Adam. The main character Adam is an autistic boy with Asperger’s syndrome – also known as genius syndrome. He lives alone in a small apartment.</p> <p>He brings a feeling that people want to protect, always innocent, sincere, talented, knowledgeable like an encyclopedia but has difficulty communicating, can’t distinguish knives. emotional impact from changes in the other person’s facial expressions.</p> <p>He often goes to see raccoons in Central Park. They don’t belong here, he said, but they’re still here, just like him.</p> <p>It can be said that Adam is the extreme projection of a few individuals in the real world. He is quiet, quiet, uses silence to create a cover and withdraw into it. But then the appearance of the girl next door Beth was like sunlight dispelling the night. Beth warms the little raccoon, while also bringing love and courage to Adam.</p> <p>The end of the film sends everyone a warm message: The sunshine brought by others is only temporary, the little raccoon should come out of the den by himself to feel the rays spread evenly on his fur. .</p> <p>Sometimes you will feel confused and troubled because you cannot find your purpose in life, but this is only temporary. Your confusion stems from your lack of timing.</p> <div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" type="Photo" style=""> <div><img decoding="async" id="img_385620460396503040" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squatting="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620460396503040" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" width="" height="" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-1637203080603787642991.jpg"/><noscript><img decoding="async" id="img_385620460396503040" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squatting="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620460396503040" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-1-1637203080603787642991.jpg" width="" height=""/></noscript></div> </div> <p>But in life, there are things you have to face. Because we all live in a materialistic society, people have to sacrifice something in exchange for money if they want to survive. And sacrificing time – which we all own with equal capital will be the lowest cost transaction.</p> <p>So, going to work to earn money has become a convention in this society. The meaning behind it is: if you want to survive, you have to work.</p> <p>As for why the phenomenon of “squatting” occurs, it is because many people do not believe in the so-called “stable”, do not believe that only through long-term diligent effort can achieve success and progress. level leap. In essence, it’s not that jobs are harder to find now, but that more and more people think they can find a good job. This also leads to an increasingly crowded “squat generation”.</p> <p>What I want to tell you here is that maybe you are still “squatting” at home, maybe you still haven’t found the job you like but as long as you are willing to change it will all be a matter of time. time.</p> <p>In addition, one thing we must understand is: To go to work is to do for others, and to work is to do for yourself. You may not need to sell your network, but you do have to live for the things you love. Because being able to do what I love is the greatest happiness and satisfaction in this world.</p> <div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" type="Photo" style=""> <div><img decoding="async" id="img_385620456587501568" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squatting="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620456587501568" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" width="" height="" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-2-1637203080137463076998.jpg"/><noscript><img decoding="async" id="img_385620456587501568" w="620" h="591" alt=" There is a " squatting="" generation="" at="" home="" and="" doesn="" like="" going="" to="" work:="" without="" desire="" or="" passion="" they="" lock="" themselves="" in="" their="" rooms="" soft="" drinks="" load="" up="" on="" tons="" of="" fast="" food="" and...="" shelves="" photo="" title=" There is a " rel="lightbox" photoid="385620456587501568" type="photo" style="max-width:100%;" src="https://genk.mediacdn.vn/139269124445442048/2021/11/18/photo-2-1637203080137463076998.jpg" width="" height=""/></noscript></div> </div> </div> <p> .</p> <p><br /> <br /><a href="https://llodo.com/tehnology-news/without-desire-or-passion-they-lock-themselves-in-their-rooms-drink-soft-drinks-load-up-on-tons-of-fast-food-and-shelves.html">Link Hoc va de thi 2021 </a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .entry-content-wrapper --> <footer class="entry-footer"> <div class="entry-taxonomies"> <span class="category-links term-links"> Posted in <a href="https://hoctap.nl/category/uncategorized" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a> </span> <span class="tag-links term-links"> Tagged <a href="https://hoctap.nl/tag/hoc-toan" rel="tag">hoc toan</a>, <a href="https://hoctap.nl/tag/hoc-trac-nghiem" rel="tag">Hoc trac nghiem</a> </span> </div><!-- .entry-taxonomies --> <div class="entry-actions"> </div><!-- .entry-actions --> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> </article><!-- #post-5077 --> <nav class="navigation post-navigation" aria-label="Bài viết"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Điều hướng bài viết</h2> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a href="https://hoctap.nl/uncategorized/why-not-the-chinese-market-but-the-us-market-why-this-moment-llodo_5075" rel="prev"><div class="post-navigation-sub"><span>Previous:</span></div>Why not the Chinese market but the US market? 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