Standard of lights for new car buyers – LLODO

With the economic boom in the past 10 years, customers choose cars to replace motorbikes and serve the increasing demand for safer transportation. With the increasing number of garages appearing, the need to customize or upgrade cars is also chosen by many customers right when buying a new car or upgrading when choosing used cars.

In which, the franchise system with more than 64 branches nationwide is considered as a leading car tuning unit in Vietnam up to now in terms of equipment as well as the number of dealers who are also reputable units. chosen by many customers to upgrade their car as soon as the need arises. This is also the main technical support unit for the light array for the entire 365 Group product range.

According to Mr. Bui Hung Viet – CEO of Auto365 system chain: “Lighting has long been no longer a hobby for long-time drivers, it has become the top 1 trend of car upgrade because most cars The default halogen lights provided by the vehicle are not bright enough when traveling on provincial roads, passes or highways.”

Therefore, most of the time when buying a car, choosing the right insulation film product, but car protection and lighting services are always the top 1 priority chosen by customers and searched on the internet.

What will it be like when we can completely simplify the selection of the right lamp model by just looking at the product’s score? This is completely possible if you know the X-Treme Vision standard of 365 Group.

What is the X-Treme Vision luminaire standard?

The X-Treme Vision standard is the STAR score used to classify and evaluate the lighting ability of car and motorcycle lighting products announced by 365 Group.

The X-Treme Vision standard is rated up to 6 stars based on 3 factors:

– Cos light up close (Low Beam criterion)

– High beam beam light (High Beam criterion)

– Ability to illuminate in rainy and foggy weather conditions (Rain and Dew criteria)

Products that are assessed to meet standards and give a reference star score will all undergo rigorous tests performed at Lab 365 Group, so you can rest assured that “just looking at the stamp” is the choice. satisfied product.

X-Treme Vision: lighting standards for new car buyers - Photo 1.

The LOW BEAM parameter helps to evaluate the COS in the X-Treme Vision set of standards

Some lines with a strong Cos – Low Beam mode announced by 365 Group have met the standards for launch by the end of 2021 such as X-Light V20-2022 from the X-Light brand, GTR Premium 2.0 from the GTR, Bi lamp brand. Laser Titan Platinum Plus comes from the Titan lamp brand (under preparation), … you can refer to the distribution channels or genuine dealers of 365 Group for reference nationwide.

X-Treme Vision: standard for lighting for new car buyers - Photo 2.

GTR Premium 2.0 product – one of the pioneering X-Treme Vision products in the market

Mr. Tran Song Nguyen Chung – Marketing representative of 365 Group system shared, “The X-Treme Vision standard was conceived by 365 Group in the context that there are too many lighting product lines on the market but there is no way for people to With the standard X-Treme Vision, users just need to look at the product box online, choose the right product for their needs and find the nearest dealer to install it. That is what 365 Group wants. in trying to standardize this standard and put it into production”

X-Treme Vision: standard for lighting for new car buyers - Photo 3.

Color temperature – one of the measures included in the X-Treme Vision series of standards

What is the X-Treme Vision standard for?

The X-Treme Vision standard represents the technical characteristics of products based on the STAR number, helping consumers easily classify and evaluate products objectively. Also from there, they will be easier to choose the light-up product that suits their needs and preferences.

Customers will not need to learn detailed information/parameters for a variety of light bulbs on the market, but just need to look at the number of stars to simplify the selection. That is also the top high goal that 365 Group is aiming for and trying to come up with this set of criteria.

You can see more details about the criteria at the company’s website at the link:

About 365 Groups

365 Group is proud to be one of the pioneer corporations in Vietnam with a seniority in the distribution of car lights and toys in Vietnam for the past 7 years. This is a corporation specializing in distributing genuine lamp brands such as GTR, X-Light, Tirtim, Titan, Helvvei, RedLighting, MatrixLight… in Vietnam market.

After the process of experience and research, the X-Treme Vision standard is prioritized for products distributed by the 365 Group system to support customers and dealers with more reference when choosing products. lights increase brightness, meet safety standards, suitable for your own needs in the future.


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