Parent company Facebook dropped 36 places in the ranking of the best places to work for the year – LLODO

Meta just dropped 36 places, from 11th to 47th in Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work for the Year. Evaluation criteria are based on several factors, such as autonomy, benefits, work opportunities, and co-workers.

Having been on Glassdoor’s list since 2010, this is the first time that Meta has dropped the most in the rankings. This “fall” took place in the context of the world’s largest social network continuously facing scandals surrounding making profits despite the risk of user data leakage.

Parent company Facebook dropped 36 places in the ranking of the best places to work for the year - Photo 1.

In November 2021, Meta received much criticism from the public and lawmakers after thousands of pages of internal information were leaked, greatly affecting user privacy. The entire document was later shared with several news outlets, including The Wall Street Journal. This caused the public’s trust in Meta to drop from 11% to just 6.2% confidence score, as reported by The Harris Poll.

However, the scandal that caused the highest wave of outrage was the allegations surrounding Meta and Instagram that seriously affected the mental health of young people. The social networking site then spoke out against all allegations, and announced it would introduce new features to protect teenagers from harmful content as a way to appease public opinion.

Zoom, the online meeting application, also shared the same fate with Meta, even falling to 78 places, from 22nd to 100th in the rankings. Part of the reason comes from scandals related to user privacy when security holes in software can allow hackers to eavesdrop on meetings, even access files. In addition, Zoom employees also said they noticed a negative change in the company’s culture after Zoom recorded “hot” growth.

Meanwhile, chip maker Nvidia was voted the best place to work in 2022. It was followed by software developer HubSpot and US consulting firm Bain & Co.

Source: CNBC


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