The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 – LLODO

The Witcher season 2 has ended with many surprises that even fans who have read the author Andrzej Sapkowski’s original work could not have foreseen. If the true identity of the emperor Nilfgaard Emhyr is revealed only in the final stories, the identity of the evil Voleth Meir – one of the members of Wild Hunt, is completely Netflix’s own creation for for his series.

It is the major changes compared to the original that make The Witcher more unpredictable than ever. And here are the questions that the audience is extremely eager to answer in the upcoming season.

Dijkstra and “Witch Owl” are planning what?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 1.

Dijkstra is the head of the Redania Intelligence Service, one of the largest states in the North. Despite having a short broadcast time, Dijkstra has partly shown his spying ability when he is always quick to grasp all information inside and outside the political field on the Continent. It was he who sent Dara to Cintra to spy on the movements of the elves as well as Fringilla and Cahir.

Accompanying Dijkstra is a strange owl that it was not until the last minutes of season 2 that the audience knew it was actually a female magician named Philippa. For fans of the novel series The Witcher and CD Projekt RED’s game series of the same name, Philippa Eilhart is a name that is not too strange, and can be considered a “political master” with many cunning schemes.

Philippa and Dijkstra will have an extremely important role in the coup in Thanedd, one of the most important events of the original and will likely be the center of the upcoming season.

Who hired Rience to hunt down Ciri?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 2.

Closing season 2, many forces are targeting Ciri because of her hidden power. This includes an unseen mysterious figure who rescues Rience from a dungeon and asks him to hunt down Ciri.

Of course, fans who have read through the original know who this character is and how important it is to the main plot. However, since season 2 has changed quite a lot from the original novel series, it is not excluded that Netflix will continue to apply the same strategy for the upcoming season. Anyway, the person who hired Rience is a very powerful person in both strategy and combat ability, but we will not “spoil” anything more in this article.

What will the elves do next?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 3.

The elves went through a journey full of emotions in the second season, with a not-so-good ending. After the death of her newborn baby, the sorceress Francesca lost her mind and decided to kill all newborn babies in the northern countries. Now, she and the elves were caught in the middle of a war between the two regions and couldn’t really take sides.

However, the ending of season 2 opened up a new ray of hope for them, when Istredd provided information that Ciri was the one with Ancient blood, the elf savior in the prophecy. by Ithlinne. Compared to the original, Francesca and the elves are taking a very different path, and they will most likely emerge as a major force in the hunt for Ciri in the upcoming season.

Will Vesemir create the next generation of witchers?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 4.

Vesemir appeared in the Netflix TV version of the witcher genocide. After the war with Voleth Meir in the final episode, the already small number of witchers became increasingly scarce, further cutting the pain of this character.

However, unlike the original novels, Vesemir discovered that Ciri’s bloodline could help him restore the mutation needed to create a witcher. Although he realized his mistake when he almost experimented on Ciri, there was no guarantee Vesemir had given up on his intention to strengthen his team of monster hunters. And with a series that is always ready to depart from the original at any time, it is difficult to say in advance what Netflix is ​​up to with this old witcher, especially when his role in the story is inherently underexploited. .

Will Jaskier betray Geralt?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 5.

The ending of the second season revealed that Jaskier was indebted to Dijkstra, and now the spy wants the poet to repay him. And what he wanted, nothing more, was information regarding Ciri and Geralt.

In the original, Jaskier is also very talkative, but always knows how to keep his mouth shut when it comes to his close witcher friend. He still maintained a peaceful attitude with Dijkstra, but did not reveal too much information to him. The question now is whether the TV version of Jaskier is built like the Jaskier in the pages of the book?

Fate of Cahir and Fringilla

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 6.

Though both Cahir and Fringilla show their allegiance to Emhyr and Nilfgaard throughout the season, both Cahir and Fringilla have repeatedly shown their allegiance to Emhyr and Nilfgaard, but they end up becoming untrustworthy champions in the eyes of the White Flames and are sent into prison. dungeon.

This inevitably makes fans wonder what the fate of both will be, because Cahir is a relatively important character in the original, and Fringilla, although appearing quite late, is also an impossible piece of the puzzle. forgotten in Geralt’s life. Of course, with Netflix’s changes, it’s hard to say whether Cahir and Fringilla’s story will stick to the novel version.

How did Duny/Emhyr survive and become emperor of Nilfgaard?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 7.

Netflix decided to reveal Emhyr’s identity right in the last season, relatively early compared to the original. Now the questions are how did he survive the shipwreck that took Pavetta’s life? And over the years, what did Emhyr do, and with whom did he become the ruler of an empire as powerful as Nilfgaard?

Most importantly: What does Emhyr want from Ciri? Why, after all these years of separation, did he choose the present time to take advantage of the war with the North to bring his daughter back to him?

Will Wild Hunt appear in season 3 to continue chasing Ciri?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 8.

Wild Hunt is also a change for Netflix when it appeared relatively early and in a very special way: First in Ciri’s subconscious, and then in another world. In the original, this army appeared only briefly in Time of Contempt and was only explored more deeply in later volumes.

Besides the northern nations, Emhyr, the elves, the Brotherhood and Rience, the Wild Hunt also joined the hunt for Ciri for the sake of Ancient blood. However, it is unclear whether Netflix will continue to exploit this army in the upcoming season, or if they will save season 4 and season 5 at the pace of the original. In the immediate future, we only know for sure that the story of Wild Hunt will be revealed more clearly in The Witcher: Blood of Origin series, a project that follows the main series and will be released this year.

What is Istredd’s plan?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 9.

Istredd is definitely a huge surprise for even fans who have read the novel version, because this character does not have a very important role in the original. So what Netflix is ​​planning for Istredd really raises many big questions.

In addition to many of the major powers on the Continent, Istredd was also someone who understood the bloodline, even the origin and genealogy of Ciri. The end of season 2 shows that the male magician is temporarily joining the elves, but that could completely change in the upcoming season.

Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer are finally reunited, but where will this “fate family” drift when unable to stay in Kaer Morhen?

The big questions that make fans scratch their heads left by The Witcher season 2 - Photo 10.

In the final episode of season 2, Geralt told Vesemir that he and Ciri couldn’t stay at Kaer Morhen for fear the Wild Hunt would come. Although this is the home of the White Wolf, most of the year he will often wander around hunting monsters and making a living. So, most likely in the upcoming season, Geralt’s journey will have 2 more companions, Yennefer and Ciri.

However, this “fated family” rarely enjoys peaceful moments for too long. It wouldn’t be surprising if they were soon separated in the first episodes of season 3, before having the opportunity to meet in Thanedd, and then have to be separated again.

According to ScreenRant/TheGamer


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