Do not miss any customer data, the key to a breakthrough for businesses in the period of “lack of numbers” – LLODO

Ready to “burn money” to buy new data

Do not miss any customer data, the key to a breakthrough for businesses in the period of

But indifferent to the existing “property”

Burning money for new customer data is like that, but many businesses are quite indifferent to the old data source. The reason is because most sales do not have much time for long-term consultation and care for each specific customer if they are not really potential. This situation leads to the consequence that there are businesses that own thousands or even tens of thousands of “dead” data. Businesses accept to spend more money on advertising, buying new data in the hope of quickly finding hot customers, saving time and effort in taking care of a huge group of customers with unknown needs, not classified. , the filter is in the old data file, while just optimizing 1% of the old data, you can have 1% more new customers….According to Investpcro experts, if you don’t approach If you re-group customers in the old data file, business owners can miss out on a significant amount of orders and find it difficult to build a real loyal customer file for their business. Gartner Group – a leading research and consulting company for businesses in the US also said that up to 30% of the revenue of businesses today comes from their old customers. Meanwhile, a business that wants to attract a new customer will have to pay 5 times more expensive than keeping an old customer.

It’s time for businesses to seriously think about optimizing revenue and costs in exploiting customer data. Is it worth burning money for the battle to find new customers while being indifferent to the gold mine called old data?

Taking care of data, processing and classifying it scientifically, turning it into your customers continuously by month, quarter and year is the best way to help you optimize your data. So how to manage data effectively, without missing any data? In order to support businesses to strategize to make full use of customer data with optimal cost – minimalist process – maximum efficiency, Bizfly Martech & Salestech operated by VCCorp organizes a Bizfly Expert Talk 28 webinar with the topic “Smart customer data mining in the digital age” with practical perspectives of experts with many years of experience. Quickly register for free HERE

Do not miss any customer data, the key to a breakthrough for businesses in the period of

This event is especially suitable for:

+ Head of department, director of MKT wants to optimize the conversion rate of all data from channels and advertising sources

+ Business owners, sales managers, MKT, customer care customers who want to increase conversion rates, sales, and effectiveness of campaigns so that they can make timely and appropriate adjustments.

Bizfly Expert Talk #28 gives participants and businesses practical knowledge and experience:

+ How to analyze the business model of the business to have appropriate customer data management strategies

+ Process of exploiting and managing potential customer data sources

+ Make an implementation plan and evaluate the effectiveness brought from the optimization of data management

The event had the presence of speaker Nguyen Thi Nga, Marketing Director – Bizfly, VCCorp.

With more than ten years of experience in the profession, Ms. Nga has experience in strategic consulting and marketing system implementation in both B2B and B2C leading enterprises in Vietnam in many different fields such as Nextech, VNPTEPAY, VCCorp,. .. With the experience of successfully implementing digital transformation solutions combined with the ability to optimize the operation system in both start-ups as well as large corporations, Ms. Nga will definitely bring At the same time, she is also known as the speaker of many digital transformation training sessions for hundreds of partners as well as internal employees of the business. Karma.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions as well as any concerns, questions to be consulted and answered directly by experts. Certainly, the real stories brought in the seminar will help businesses gain a more specific view as well as experience to build an optimal process to convert customer data synchronously and effectively. revenue growth with the support of online sales and marketing tools. Register now: Here

Sign up instantly to boost sales and revenue conversions instantly:

Event name: Bizfly Expert Talk #28 Exploiting customer data intelligently in a time of digital shortage

Registration link: Here

Time: 20:00 on January 17, 2022

How to join: Online – free

Platform: Livestream on Zoom and Facebook

Speaker: Ms. Nguyen Thi Nga, Marketing Manager, Bizfly, VCCorp 20220117182802576.chn


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