Can a baby cry while still in the womb? – LLODO

Starting in the second trimester of pregnancy, expectant parents may feel their unborn baby kick, roll over, and even hiccup. But can an unborn baby start crying before birth? Research now shows that babies cry from the time they are in the womb. Although the parents did not perceive this subtle behavior, the moment the […]

Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, Samsung still maintains its No. 1 position in Vietnam and APAC – LLODO

2021 is a difficult year for many domestic and foreign businesses. Facing the Covid-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on businesses. The strong outbreak of the disease along with the application of social distancing measures have stalled the circulation of goods, resulting in disruptions to supply chains and impacts on production and business activities. […]

AirB’s “rope” hinge is used millions of times without damage, there is no such thing as a monolithic and minimalist charging case. – LLODO

Before the opening of AirB, in recent times, BKAV CEO Nguyen Tu Quang has continuously posted about this true wireless headset on social networks. One of the most controversial details of the AirB is the “wire” hinge design of the charging case. Specifically, instead of using plastic or metal joints like on other product lines, […]

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