In a move that doesn’t surprise anyone, Kojima Productions officially entered the music and film industry – LLODO

Kojima Productions, the game production studio founded by genius Hideo Kojima right after leaving Konami, has just opened a new headquarters in Los Angeles, California. Through this branch, Kojima Productions will officially enter the production of music, dramas and movies. If you’ve ever played Kojima’s games, you’ll immediately understand the dynamics of the gaming icon: […]

Read reviews of anti-snoring products online and see that everything is useless, only a few types of temporary effectiveness, but not everyone can use it. – LLODO

If you suffer from severe snoring, you must have heard of the following anti-snoring tools and devices. Which is the nose clip, nose mask or even nasal spray, throat spray … The prices of these dishes are high and low, from cheap just a few thousand to a few hundred thousand expensive. Any type is […]

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