10 SQL statements everyone needs to know – LLODO

Structured Query Language or SQL is a language based on simple queries that are easy to read and write. It is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world.

10 SQL Queries You Should Memorize

In today’s world, we all know how important data is. In this article, we will learn the most common SQL queries through examples.

The purpose of this article is to let you know the basic and advanced queries used in data science.

Note: All queries are written in PostgreSQL.

10 SQL statements you need to memorize

1. Select all columns

If you want to select all available fields in the table, use the following syntax: * helps us to select all the columns in the table.

SELECT * FROM employees

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 46

2. Where

We can use WHERE clause, which filters the data based on the given statement.

Example: Write a query to print all the variables for Sports.

SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE department="Sports"

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 47

3. Group by and Having . clause

The Group By clause groups rows with the same value.

Example: What is the total salary for each department?

SELECT SUM(salary) as total_salary,department 
FROM employees
GROUP BY department

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In SQL, aggregate functions such as SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, and COUNT cannot be used in the WHERE clause. If we want to filter our table using an aggregate function, we need to use the HAVING clause.

For example: Which departments have more than 50 employees?

SELECT count(*) as total_employee,department 
FROM employees
GROUP BY department

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 49

4. Order By and Limit

Example: Find the total salary by department and sort in descending order by the total salary column.

SELECT SUM(salary) as total_salary,department FROM employees
GROUP BY department
ORDER BY total_salary desc

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 50

The Limit command is used to specify the number of records to return.

Example: Write a query that finds the first 5 employees with their first_name, department and salary and sorted by first_name.

Note: The default Order By clause sorts the results in ASCENDING order.

SELECT first_name,department,salary from employees
ORDER BY first_name

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 51

5. Date . function

In PostgreSQL, you can easily extract values ​​from date columns. You will see the most used date functions below.

date_part('year',hire_date) as year,
date_part('month',hire_date) as month,
date_part('day',hire_date) as day,
date_part('dow',hire_date) as dayofweek,
to_char(hire_date, 'Dy') as day_name,
to_char(hire_date,'Month') as month_name,
FROM employees

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6. Combine Inner, Left or Right

Clause Inner Join Create a new table by combining rows with matching values ​​in two or more tables.

Example: Query all employee information and their departments.

Note: The blue panel is our first and the green panel is our second.

SELECT * FROM employees e
INNER JOIN departments d
ON e.department = d.department

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Left Join returns all rows from the left table and matching rows from the right table. If no matching rows are found in the right table, then NULL is used. (opposite for Right Join)

Example: Write a query that prints all departments from employees and matches departments from the departments table.

SELECT e.department,d.department FROM employees e
LEFT JOIN departments  d
ON e.department = d.department

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 54

7. Subqueries

A subquery is an SQL query nested inside a larger query.

A subquery can occur in:

  • a SELECT . clause
  • a FROM . clause
  • a WHERE . clause

Example: Query first_name, department and salary of each employee and also the maximum salary given.

SELECT first_name,department,salary,(SELECT max(salary) FROM employees)
FROM employees

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8. Related Subqueries

A related subquery is a way to read every row in a table and compare the values ​​in each row with the related data. It is used whenever a subquery must return a different result or set of results for each candidate row considered by the main query.

Example: Write a query to find the name, salary, department and average salary by department.

SELECT first_name,salary,department,round((SELECT AVG(salary) 
    FROM employees e2
    WHERE e1.department = e2.department
    GROUP BY department )) as avg_salary_by_department
FROM employees e1 
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) 
    FROM employees e2
    WHERE e1.department = e2.department
    GROUP BY department )
ORDER BY salary

10 SQL statements everyone needs to know 56

9. Case . clause

CASE statement is used to implement logic where you want to set the value of one column depending on the value in other columns.

It is similar to the IF-ELSE statement in Excel.

Example: Write a query to print out the name, salary, and average salary, as well as a new column indicating whether the employee’s salary is above average.

SELECT first_name,salary,(SELECT ROUND(AVG(salary)) FROM employees) as average_salary,
(CASE WHEN salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees) THEN 'higher_than_average'
ELSE 'lower_than_average' END) as Salary_Case
FROM employees

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10. Windows function

Windows functions apply aggregate and rank functions over a specific window (set of rows). The OVER clause is used with Windows functions to identify that Windows. The OVER clause does two things:

  • Partition the rows to form a set of rows (using PARTITION BY).
  • Sort the rows in those partitions into a specific order (using the ORDER BY clause).

Various aggregate functions like SUM(), COUNT(), AVERAGE(), MAX() and MIN() applied on a particular window (set of rows) are called aggregate window functions .

10.1. Examples of Aggregation

The following query will give you the average salary for each department.

SELECT first_name,salary,department,
ROUND(AVG(salary) OVER(PARTITION BY department)) as avg_sales_by_dept
FROM employees

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10.2. Rating of values

The Rank() function is a window function that assigns a rank to each row in a partition of a result set.

The following example sorts the table by salary (descending). The value 1 is the highest salary value.

SELECT first_name,salary,RANK() OVER(ORDER BY salary DESC)
FROM employees

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