5 reasons why Genz will be more successful than the old 8x and 9x generations of the past! – LLODO

1. GenZ supports new, more progressive trends. For example, they support the LGBT community, racism, they fight for social progress, justice for all. They love animals passionately about a society that does not distinguish between humans and animals. They boldly criticized the dictatorial trend, imposing the views of the old class.

2. GenZ is a class of civilized young people who have more advanced ideological contact than their predecessors. They know, understand the current trends. For example, GenZ has good access to new social networks, they easily edit and edit videos and photos. While the old 8x and 9x generations are plagued with outdated and slow tools, they have the right to refuse what they think is inappropriate, such as military service – a job that can be costly. lose the future of GenZ refuse to pay taxes if the tax currency is not transparent.

3. GenZ has a personal lifestyle, upholding individual libertarianism. GenZ actively criticizes the old, outdated ways, the way of life for the community to abandon young people. GenZ lives for more freedom, for them, salary is a necessity, not a sufficient condition. They scare business owners. Since they are more talented, they confidently shine anywhere. Gone are the days of working as a savior, suffering humiliation at the office.

4. GenZ boldly argued and raised their voices against injustices. They speak up before the old trends, imposed. They can freely choose their gender, freely choose their thoughts, they are free to dress and spend on their own. It is not appropriate for parents to impose old ideas on GenZ anymore.

5. GenZ dares to tell his story. You want to admire because you like a character in the game who has a tattoo, you are a woman but want to have your hair undercut – be bold, you are a man but want to show your femininity – be bold. GenZ is unlimited, GenZ is not giving up

Source: Genz’s story

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